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2013 Revenue Stories
12/ 6/2013:
Newspaper Story - Legislature passes Boeing incentives.
12/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - Mo. House passes Boeing bill despite clerical errors stalling the process
12/ 4/2013:
Radio Story - Lawmaker looks to crack down on drug dealers
12/ 4/2013:
Radio Story - Lawmakers push for felon food stamp eligibility
12/ 4/2013:
Radio Story - Boeing's tax break proposal passes Senate, awaits House
Radio Story - President Obama met with state officials on canceled health insurance plans, Missouri not included.
Radio Story - African-American Missouri Clergy met with Gov. Nixon Monday
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon issues executive order for same-sex couples to file joint state tax returns
Radio Story - Mo @GovJayNixon issues executive order recognizing same sex marriage for tax purposes
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee rejects Gov. Nixon's call to expand Medicaid to the working poor
Radio Story - Democrats walk out of a Senate committee on Medicaid.
11/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - The state will spend one million dollars to reopen the Missouri State Penitentiary for tourism next Spring
11/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - State Representative Steve Webb charged with misusing campaign finances and will resign
Radio Story - The Missouri National Guard joins World Series security team at Busch Stadium
Radio Story - Lawmaker says Mo. Department of Corrections is part of larger problem
Newspaper Story - Potential ballot measure would increase taxes to fund roadway improvements
Radio Story - A proposed ballot measure will increase taxes if it passed. A similar bill failed in the General Assembly in May.
Radio Story - Lawmaker scolded Gov. Jay Nixon and the Missouri Department of Corrections for halting an upcoming execution
Newspaper Story - @repckelly is getting out of the General Assembly because nothing gets done
Radio Story - Some localities won't receive federal funds until November or December due to government shutdown
Radio Story - Missouri Department of Education breathes a sign of relief
Newspaper Story - Multi-state lawsuit settlement could help Missourians recover lost funds
10/ 7/2013:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmaker asks governor to address lethal injection concerns
10/ 7/2013:
Newspaper Story - State lawmaker asks governor to carry out upcoming executions
10/ 3/2013:
Radio Story - Missouri will see an extra 900k this year and will save $4.8 million over the next 15 years from refinancing bonds
10/ 3/2013:
Newspaper Story - @GovJayNixon announced state will save $900,000 this year from bond refinancing, $4.8 million over 15 yrs
10/ 2/2013:
Radio Story - Missouri Senate Medicaid committee still indecisive about expanding Medicaid
10/ 1/2013:
Radio Story - Missouri Supreme Court rejects the state auditor's lawsuit against the governor's budget withholding powers.
Radio Story - Mo. Budget Director preps for federal government shut down
Newspaper Story - Lake of the Ozarks dam project brings new technology to North America
Radio Story - GOP members to meet in Ozark Friday to discuss path forward on tax cut bill
Radio Story - Missouri dropped 20 spots in health ranking in the past two decades
Radio Story - MoDOT backs new ballot initiative to increase sales tax for road improvements
Newspaper Story - Some GOP members are not afraid of potential consequences after voting no on tax cut override
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon still considers today a success even though he may have most overridden bills in history.
Radio Story - Missouri House fails to override Gov. Nixon's veto of controversial tax bill
Radio Story - Only one vote separated lawmakers from overriding a nationally publicized veto
9/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - State Auditor releases audit report, finds DOR policy in violation of state law
9/ 5/2013:
Newspaper Story - The sponsor of a bill that raises fees at Missouri licenses offices says a veto override is unlikely
9/ 4/2013:
Newspaper Story - Missourians will have to pay more at the licensing offices if lawmakers override the governor's veto next week.
Radio Story - Push for a veto override of a tax cut bill continues after Mo. Attorney General's letter of veto support
Radio Story - Same day Texas Gov. Rick Perry visits Missouri, Missouri's AG sends letter echoing Nixon's concerns on tax cut bill
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Chris Koster warns the legislature's tax cut bill could lead to tax refunds for past years.
Newspaper Story - New Missouri laws went into effect today. Find out what changes to expect across the state.
Radio Story - House sends Second Injury Fund fix to Nixon
Radio Story - Groups line capitol steps with paper lanterns in Medicaid protest
Radio Story - Mo. Medicaid director replaced as session nears its end
Radio Story - The Missouri House has passed two Senate bills aimed at addressing the practices of the Nixon administration.
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has vetoed the repeal of a tax credit for low-income elderly and disabled renters.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers pass budget, trade barbs on who to blame for Revenue Department cuts
Radio Story - Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon has hinted that he will veto Republican lawmakers' plan to cut taxes.
5/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - Lawmakers trade barbs on who will be to blame for Revenue Department cuts
5/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - As session winds down, House backs $1.2B bond measure
5/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - Massive tax cut speeds to Governor on wave of GOP votes
5/ 8/2013:
Radio Story - Democratic Sen. Jolie Justus says Republicans used threat of voter ID to end a filibuster on an income tax cut
5/ 8/2013:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate ready to vote bill to cut corporate in individual income tax rates
5/ 8/2013:
Radio Story - Lawmakers provide $24 million worth of funding to state parks for repairs and maintnance
5/ 8/2013:
Radio Story - Mo. Commissioner of Administration says House is blocking his open records request
5/ 8/2013:
Newspaper Story - Office of Administration records request denied, but agency won't confirm if it will honor similar request by press
5/ 7/2013:
Radio Story - Lawmakers say DMV will receive only eight months of funding while scanning investigation continues
5/ 7/2013:
Newspaper Story - Joplin may receive additional state money to fund streets, roads, and bridges damaged by the 2011 tornado
5/ 6/2013:
Newspaper Story - Speaker of the House Tim Jones creates a committee to investigate the Department of Revenue scandal.
5/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - The Missouri House has created a new committee to address what the GOP calls an invasion of privacy.
5/ 2/2013:
Radio Story - A new measure would fund Capitol improvements and new MoDot offices
5/ 1/2013:
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers supported a measure that would expand the state's firearm manufacturing industry.
5/ 1/2013:
Newspaper Story - Social Security Administration Agents say they never started investigation on concealed carry permit holder list
Radio Story - House backs measure to allow school teachers to carry guns
Radio Story - Senators clash on tax credit reform
Newspaper Story - Casino advocates push to allow Missouri gamblers to use loans to gamble instead of cash or credit cards
Radio Story - Amidst the ongoing investigation of the DOR, the Boston bombings are now being thrown into the discussion
Radio Story - The Missouri House has voted to move some tax off of income and onto consumption.
Radio Story - House Budget Committee takes a second crack at building bond measure
Newspaper Story - State Rep. says "Don't Get Sick" bill would break poverty cycle
Newspaper Story - Nixon says he won't appear in Stoddard County on subpoena in gun trial
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House has passed a cut to the state's income tax rates and hike to sales tax rate.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate has defeated Medicaid expansion in what could be the final vote on the issue this year.
Radio Story - After outrage over the sharing of Missouri's conceal-carry list, county sheriffs may take over the whole process.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed its budget Monday and it attempts to send a message to state agencies.
Radio Story - Stoddard County lawyer subpoenas Nixon to testify in concealed carry drivers' license case
Radio Story - Tax overhaul measure sails easily through House Fiscal Review Committee
Radio Story - House bill allows certain gamblers to take out tokens, coins on credit.
Radio Story - A House committee questioned a contract that would move disabled Missourians to federal welfare program.
Radio Story - Departments involved in license scandal feel deep cuts from proposed budget
Newspaper Story - A House committee passed a proposal to ask voters to raise sales tax to fund transportation projects for 10 years.
Newspaper Story - Nearly two years after a tornado ripped through Joplin, Mo. lawmakers push for funding for a relief program
Radio Story - Mo. Senate's budget leader cuts department funding to get answers about licensing scandal
Radio Story - Mo. officials shared gun info with ATF in addition to Social Security
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon rallies with Missourians for Medicaid expansion
Radio Story - Governor says no more scanning gun owners' info for drivers licenses--Senators not fully satisfied
Radio Story - State lawmakers clash on the Senate floor over major current issues
Radio Story - A Missouri House committee has moved the tax policy debate to the floor after passing a Senate bill.
Newspaper Story - Director of Revenue resigns after discovery that his department released private information
Radio Story - Spokesperson for Gov. Nixon, Scott Holste, says the governor neither asked for nor encouraged Long's resignation.
Radio Story - Mo. Senator calls on Governor to answer pending questions on Revenue Department
Radio Story - Senators grill Public Safety, Highway Patrol officials on releases of gun owner info
Newspaper Story - Mo. House fires back in gun information controversy
Radio Story - Mo. lawmakers demand answers from Revenue Department on state database
4/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - Nixon presses Medicaid expansion with Senate GOP; Republicans say no deal
4/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - State Senator shows evidence of Department of Revenue disregarding state law on Senate Floor
4/ 8/2013:
Radio Story - State Senator says a criminal code that hasn't been revised since 1979 probably won't be changed this year either.
4/ 4/2013:
Radio Story - Democratic rep: sale of driver data a bigger problem than sharing with feds
4/ 4/2013:
Radio Story - House panel hashes out spending for bond measure
4/ 3/2013:
Newspaper Story - Debate in the Senate on a bill to extend the New Markets Tax Credit program shows difficulty of reform
4/ 2/2013:
Radio Story - Mo. Department of Revenue surrenders mountain of documents in response to senate subpoena
4/ 2/2013:
Radio Story - After passing the Senate floor in 5 hours, a tax overhaul bill meets debate in a House Committee
4/ 2/2013:
Newspaper Story - Mo. Department of Revenue offers 50 boxes of documents to Senate in response to rare subpoena
4/ 2/2013:
Radio Story - Senate votes to nix "circuit breaker" tax credit for low-income renters
4/ 2/2013:
Newspaper Story - After passing the Senate floor in 5 hours, a tax overhaul bill meets opposition from a Republican Rep. in the House
Newspaper Story - Medicaid debate fireworks begin as House passes 2014 budget
Radio Story - Senate Majority Leader threatens special session over controversy in Department of Revenue
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kurt Schaefer says the Department of Revenue has broken at least three state laws
Radio Story - $24.8B budget clears House without Medicaid expansion
Radio Story - House opens budget debate with Medicaid fireworks
Radio Story - A Republican Senator says many Missourians' identities could be endangered through new licensing process
Radio Story - No actual trade required as part of Nixon's $1.9 billion trade agreement with Taiwan and South Korea
Radio Story - Social Services Department won't talk about audit; 13 corrective action plans issued
Radio Story - An audit is raising concerns over how the state spent millions of dollars in federal funds.
Radio Story - Senators move one step close to giving big break to people who owe thousands in taxes
Radio Story - Republican says sales tax hike for transportation puts state on the
Radio Story - Leaders in Missouri's General Assembly express satisfaction with first half progress
Radio Story - Sen. Schaefer says he's heard many different stories from DOR on reason for grant from Dept. of Homeland Security
Radio Story - Once, twice, three times a liar- Senate's budget leader slams DOR's credibility
Newspaper Story - Though Medicaid expansion has been defeated in both chambers, Missouri Democrats say the issue is still alive
Newspaper Story - Bill to extend benevolent tax credits for six more years goes to governor's desk
Radio Story - Senate backs bill to increase sales tax to help highway infrastructure
Radio Story - The Mo. House Budget Committee has included increase funding for college-bound veterans in its final version.
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon said in press release that proposed tax reform hurts families, elderly and veterans the most
Radio Story - Senate Republicans push for more legislative control of transportation tax dollars
Radio Story - Missouri Senate sends tax overhaul plan that would cut income taxes and raise sales taxes to the House
Radio Story - Missouri Republicans support labor unions deducting from payroll to contribute to political campaigns
3/ 7/2013:
Radio Story - Missouri Senate votes to give home brewers a chance at festival spotlight.
3/ 7/2013:
Newspaper Story - Revenue department under fire from GOP for disclosing gun owner information
3/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - House committee re-working bill that would raise utility prices
3/ 6/2013:
Newspaper Story - The inclusion of a new fund for toxic exposure diseases creates opposition to proposed Second Injury Fund fix.
3/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - A new bill has been filed on Missourians privacy in response to a Stoddard county lawsuit
3/ 6/2013:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's governor and the state auditor take their legal battle to the Supreme Court.
3/ 5/2013:
Radio Story - Some Republican House Members say a new bond proposal may fare better with legislature than voters
3/ 5/2013:
Radio Story - Senate moves to block big-ticket buys like the governor's plane in the future
Radio Story - House panel signals its position in fight over tax credits
Radio Story - China hub debate heads to the Missouri House...again.
Radio Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved Kurt Schaefer's nearly $1 billion bonding bill.
Newspaper Story - Fulton State Hospital will get much needed renovations if the House Speaker's bond proposal goes through
Radio Story - A Senate committee has proposed tax cuts to keep up with the GOP-controlled Sunflower State.
Radio Story - Mo. lawmakers target sales tax to fund road repairs
Radio Story - House committee considers flat rate tax proposal
Newspaper Story - Missouri Democrats introduced legislation that would expand Medicaid in the state.
Radio Story - Senate Appropriations Continues to Grill Highway Patrol
Radio Story - A bill that would subject any car bought out of state to the Missouri sales tax passed the Senate Monday.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers want voters to tell them where state spending should stop
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers want to cap state spending with constitutional amendment
Newspaper Story - Joplin may receive state revenue to offset 2011 tornado effects
Radio Story - Americans for Prosperity tallied the number of tax increases and bond issues on the April ballot.
Radio Story - Lawmakers question Missouri officials about the necessity of the recent plane purchase.
Radio Story - Amendment to give St. Louis County an exemption from new tax
Radio Story - Mo. Republicans push records laws to get info on Nixon's plane
Radio Story - St. Louis Developer Paul McKee tells a House committe he needs more time to collect on $95 million in tax credits
2/ 6/2013:
Newspaper Story - Senate committee will vote on ability to collect taxes on cars bought outside state
2/ 6/2013:
Radio Story - Sen. Schaefer purposes increase to gifted funding.
2/ 6/2013:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate took no action on a Second Injury Fund bill but negotiations continue behind the scenes
2/ 5/2013:
Radio Story - Mo. senators push one-cent sales tax to fund road improvements
2/ 5/2013:
Newspaper Story - Higher education officials voice support for $950 million bond proposal
2/ 5/2013:
Newspaper Story - UM extensions may soon come together to tax counties for additional programs
Radio Story - AP reports Gov. Nixon received large campaign donations while calling for campaign spending limits.
Radio Story - Sales tax increase possible if business taxes get slashed
Radio Story - Mo. Lawmakers Grill Highway Patrol on New Airplane Purchase
Newspaper Story - University of Missouri seeks creation of districts that allow for taxes to fund extension program.
Newspaper Story - A look into how the Second Injury Fund became an unfunded liability of about $28 million to Missouri.
Radio Story - Nixon touts increased education funding, Medicaid expansion, and campaign contribution limits in State of State
Newspaper Story - Missouri's governor makes education, mental health and Medicaid top budget priorities.
Radio Story - The senate has endorsed legislation that lawmakers could attract more NCAA tournaments to the state
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon outlined his plan for his second term during the State of the State Address
Radio Story - Senators look to slash business taxes to match other states
Newspaper Story - MoDOT push for sales tax increase to rebuild highways
Newspaper Story - Columbia Democrat to chair special House committee on $950 million bond issue.
Radio Story - Missouri Senator said tax credits for sporting events could bring events like Final Fours back to Missouri
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon says Missouri should expand Medicaid so Missourians get their federal tax dollars back
1/ 9/2013:
Radio Story - Missouri House and Senate announce what issues the Republican veto-proof majority will act on.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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