Senate proposes shifting gun processing to sheriffs
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Senate proposes shifting gun processing to sheriffs

Date: April 23, 2013
By: Nick Thompson
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 4

A Missouri Republican Senator wants to shift a responsibility to the local level after controversy surrounded state agencies' handling of personal information.
RunTime:  0:47
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Senate Appropriations Chairman Kurt Schaefer wants to let county sheriffs take over the entire process of obtaining a conceal-carry permit.

Currently, sheriffs process the applications and permit-holders then receive a Photo ID from the Department of Revenue.

But Schaefer says un-elected bureaucrats in state agencies shattered the public's trust by sharing this information with federal agencies.

Actuality:  SCHSHER2.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "I think a lot of what we are now having to do as elected representatives and senators is go back and patch that up and rebuild that integrity that never should have jeopardized in the first place."

Governor Jay Nixon said the Department of Revenue will no longer scan or keep documents needed to obtain a conceal-carry, but Schaefer says directly-elected sheriffs can do a better job with the process.

Reporting from the state capitol, I'm Nick Thompson.

A Missouri Republican Senator wants to take away a responsibility from the Department of Revenue after it shared a list of conceal-carry permit holders with the federal government.
RunTime:  0:47
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Senate Appropriations Chairman Kurt Schaefer added more funding in the Senate version of bext year's budget to allow county sheriffs to assume all of the duties in issuing a conceal-carry permit.

Governor Jay Nixon said the Department of Revenue will no longer scan or keep documents needed to obtain the permits and DOR director Brian Long resigned.

But Franklin County Republican Brian Nieves says the administration has not done enough to alleviate gun owners concerns.  

Actuality:  NIEVGUN.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: "There's 163,000 Missourians that probably also don't feel like that satisfies what was perpetrated against the people of Missouri."

Currently, sherriffs process the applications and permit-holders obtain a Photo ID from the Department of Revenue.

Reporting from the state capitol, I'm Nick Thompson.