Mo. House passes Boeing incentive bill despite clerical errors stalling the process.
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Mo. House passes Boeing incentive bill despite clerical errors stalling the process.

Date: December 6, 2013
By: Jessica Mensch
State Capitol Bureau

While the Boeing incentive bill passed in the House Friday, there are still no gaurantees that Missouri will be chosen as the site to produce the new-age aircraft.
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The special session called this week to allow 1.7 billion dollars worth of tax incentives to be awarded to Boeing may have been successful in getting the bill passed, but Missouri is just one of several states vying for this same opportunity.

House Speaker Tim Jones says Boeing's decision could effect the 2014 agenda.

Actuality:  BOEH2.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "If it goes to another state or states, we are going to have to look at why. And as we draft our 2014 agenda, we're going to have to make our policies more similar to whatever state the project goes to."

Jones says some big policy changes may need to be made in favor of economic development, especially if Boeing doesn't choose Missouri as the site to build its aircraft.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jessica Mensch.

The competition over where Boeing will build its new-age aircraft is tough, but one Missouri lawmaker argues that no matter where the company chooses to build, Americans are still winners.
RunTime:  0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The special session called over the past week has come to an end with House approval of the bill allowing 1.7 billion dollars in tax incentives to lure Boeing to build in the show-me state.

One worry over the bill is that Boeing may still not pick Missouri.

Representative Doug Funderburk argued during the session that regardless of whether or not Missouri is picked, all Americans win.

Actuality:  FUNDY1.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "So if we're picking winners and losers here, the winner we're picking is America. Is American jobs, is an American product, versus European work, European jobs, and a European product."

Boeing gave Missouri until Tuesday, December 10th to make its proposal.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jessica Mensch.


The bill allowing 1.7 billion dollars worth of tax incentives to be proposed to Boeing as an incentive to build its aircraft in Missouri passed in the House despite clerical errors.
RunTime:  0:36
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: While the bill seemed to be largely supported, the session still took over 3 hours thanks to technical errors in the wording of the bill.

Representative John Diehl says this is a common occurence.

Actuality:  DIEHL1.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "This is something which happens all the time during regular session. It happens with perfected bills that we send over to the Senate, also."

The technical mistakes were revised and the bill passed.

Boeing gave Missouri until Tuesday, December 10th to make its proposal.

House Speaker Tim Jones says he expects Boeing to announce its decision in January 2014.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jessica Mensch.