State lawmakers debate moving welfare recipients to federal disability payments
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State lawmakers debate moving welfare recipients to federal disability payments

Date: April 22, 2013
By: Michael Doudna
State Capitol Bureau

State lawmakers are reviewing a contract that uses taxpayer dollars to move disabled Missourians on a federal program some are calling financially unstable.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The House Governmental Oversight Committee questioned a contract that would pay the Boston-based Public Consulting Group for moving some residents from state welfare programs to federal disability payments.

House Republicans are concerned disability rolls lack the incentives to get people back to work.

Republican Representative Todd Richardson says the plan is an irresponsible use of state funds.

Actuality:  RICHARDS.WAV
Run Time:  00:07
Description: "At the end of the day, when you take the spin off it, the state is spending money to put people on to a broke federal program."

Public Consulting Group manager Pat Coakly claims the federal program is not broke yet and the contract would save Missouri 28 million dollars. 

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Michael Doudna