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February 2011 Stories
News summary for the week of February 21, 2010
Radio Story - House gives first round approval to the elimination of the corporate franchise tax
Newspaper Story - House gives first-round approval to eliminate corporate franchise tax
Radio Story - Proposition B tension is high as dog breeders argue to repeal restrictions
Newspaper Story - A House committee heard testimony about charter school expansion
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House votes to require the governor to disclose details of his future travel.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's state auditor revealed legislation Wednesday that allows him to audit state departments to standardize operating procedures
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers considered a bill that would prevent students from leaving St. Louis City schools
Newspaper Story - The House Judiciary Committee might abolish the Sentencing Advisory Commission
Newspaper Story - A wave of 'right-to-work' protests across the Midwest could make for a different labor landscape in Missouri.
Radio Story - The House Judiciary Committee hears people speak out in favor of and against abolishing the Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commission.
Radio Story - Opinions about school choice fueled talks during a Senate Education Committee meeting.
Radio Story - A bill to prohibit Missouri minimum wage from exceeding the federal limit took place in a Senate Committee Tuesday.
Radio Story - Senate begins process of creating a task force to make sure Missouri's teachers are earning their money.
Newspaper Story - Senate Committee hears bill that ties state minimum wage to federal standard
Radio Story - The Missouri House Education Appropriation Committee votes to change funding for Advanced Placement, Bright Flight, and Early Literacy Program.
Radio Story - The House Utilities Committee passed a bill that allows power companies to charge consumers for an early site permit.
Radio Story - The Missouri state auditor has proposed a plan that he estimates will save the state millions of dollars.
Radio Story - The Senate Jobs Committee heard a bill that would ban red light cameras.
Radio Story - Correctional facilities look to make jails a smoke-free zone.
Radio Story - The House Committee for education appropiations approved a budget for next year.
Newspaper Story - A House committee chair expects to endorse a 7 percent cut in the higher education budget
Newspaper Story - Senate and House committee chairs give update on redistricting progress.
Newspaper Story - The House Rules Committee has passed a bill requiring driver's tests be taken in English.
Newspaper Story - A bill heard in the House will begin the phasing out of Missouri's habilitation centers for people with disabilities, in favor of community living situations.
Radio Story - A House committee met Monday to start deliberation on the fate of Missouri's six habilitation centers.
Radio Story - Residents in southern Missouri react to a bill that could overturn the releasing of elk into the state.
Radio Story - The Missouri public will be asked their opinion on redistricting at hearings throughout the state.
Radio Story - Documents obtained by KMOX indicate Gov. Jay Nixon has billed other state agencies almost $400,000 for his flights on taxpayer-funded airplanes.
Radio Story - Missouri's House votes to give St. Louis City control over its own police department.
Newspaper Story - House committee votes to stop administering driving tests in foreign languages.
Newspaper Story - Republican lawmakers push blocking some union service fees.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers target tax-free Internet sales to help Missouri's budget.
Newspaper Story - Presidents of Missouri's universities testified Wednesday on how they would cope with the proposed higher education budget reduction
Newspaper Story - House Health Care Committee passed a motion to increase restrictions on abortion laws
Radio Story - House Health Care Committee approves late term abortion bill
Newspaper Story - House Appropriations Committee approved a bill to cut budgets 5% for statewide elected officials.
Radio Story - The House Appropriations Committee moved a bill forward that would cut the budgets of state-wide elected officials.
Radio Story - State auditor Tom Schweich unveiled what he calls a more aggressive approach to auditing.
Radio Story - Twelve public Missouri universities present their school's case about the affects of education cuts around the state
Radio Story - A bill to require photo-id to vote gets first round approval in the Senate
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate committee passed 'right-to-work' legislation to prohibit workers from being forced to pay union service fees.
Radio Story - Missouri's General Laws committee passes a bill which proponents call "Right to Work."
Radio Story - House bill calls for Missourians to choose from neighboring states' insurance plans
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers could amend the U.S. Constitution with a resolution.
Radio Story - Substitute to Prop. B says breeders can have more than 50 female dogs
Radio Story - The parents of disabled patients at Missouri's state-run habilitation centers spoke up against a plan to move patients out of institutions and into local communities by 2018.
Radio Story - Photo ID Bill passes through Missouri House Elections committee.
Radio Story - The question of whether a second nuclear power plant would be build in Missouri was debated in a house committee Tuesday.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers debate how to change the make-up of the Board of Curators as Missouri loses a congressional seat
Radio Story - House Committee has discussion on Union secret ballot votes.
News summary for the week of January 31, 2010
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon says he's opposed to eliminating the income tax and raising the sales tax, saying that would make Missouri uncompetitive.
Radio Story - House Appropriations Committee Chairman discusses similar sales tax bills
Radio Story - Bill calling for Silver Alert System to become a part of the Amber Alert System
Radio Story - Representative Chris Molendorp proposes bill for full prohibition of smoking and tobacco use in state prisons
Radio Story - Missouri's House vote to restrict workers' compensation lawsuits against business.
Radio Story - Missouri Governor Nixon discussed the fair tax proposal, workers compensation, and other issues Thursday at the Governor's Mansion.
2/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - Extreme winter weather forces Missouri schools to extend their calenders.
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - MU Faculty Council looks into plans to reschedule the classes missed during last weeks snow storm.
2/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - late term abortion ban
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Health Care Committee hears bill to add regulations to abortion laws
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Proposals to exand Workers' Compensation acutally protect business from lawsuits.
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - A former budget director warns repealing the state income tax would "bankrupt" Missouri.
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - House Judiciary Committee approves a bill to increase the amount renters pays on security deposits
2/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - House reviews new bill to strengthen law against human traffickers.
2/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's Chief Justice delivers annual speech to state legislators
2/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri schools would not lose funding if they do not make up the recent snow days under a bill that will soon be introduced.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Health Committee passed a substitute to bill for drug testing of welfare recipients
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - A proposed bill requires voters to have an approved form of identification at a polling place
2/ 8/2011:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers vote to restrict government's role over livestock..
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Bill designed to promote humane animal treatment without imposing 'state economic burden'
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives approves one amendment to workers compensation bill while another amendment fails to garner enough support.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Link denied clemency from Governor Nixon
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Attorney General Chris Koster proposes recommendations on domestic violence but has no recommendations for federal health care.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The Senate Commerce Committee heard a bill Tuesday to expand the date's No-Call List used by telemarketers.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri contractors and labor unions squared off Senate Committee hearing to decide whether employees will have the choice to pay union dues.
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Snow worked to protect Missouri's fields and ground-level crops from freezing temperatures
2/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - A display in the rotunda of the Capitol to stop funding for psychiatric health
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - The governor's travel costs come under legislative attack
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon has proposed an $8 million increase to the A+ Scholarship Program while calling for a $41 million decrease in overall scholarships
2/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Members and the former chairman of the House General Administration question Gov. Jay Nixon's travel expenses.
2/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - MoDOT still has plenty of salt.
2/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - The effects of snow on agriculture
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Senators debated two bills that would effectively end the corporate franchise tax in Missouri.
2/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Internet security has become an issue in the Missouri Legislature after 4 Facebook hackings have occurred within the past couple of weeks
2/ 6/2010:
News summary for the week of January 31, 2010
2/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - 600 National Guard soldiers are waiting to be deactivated from service after being called in by Gov. Nixon Monday.
2/ 3/2011:
Newspaper Story - Rossie Judd says she is being denied access to the Capitol because it is not 100% smoke free
2/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Three top Republicans send a letter to Missouri's Attorney General urging him to take a stance on the lawsuit against Federal Health care
2/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - MoDot Estimates Costs and Salt Supply Levels Following Historic Winter Storm
2/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri cattle producers scramble to tend to livestock in the aftermath of severe snow storm.
2/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers trapped in the Capitol by more than a foot of snow passed the time playing poker and sleeping with emergency relief blankets.
2/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri Highway Patrol leaders have pleaded with people to stay off the roads, but the state is giving little advice to its employees whether to come to work or stay home.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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