House Committee Hears Bill to Bring Nuclear Power Plant to Missouri
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House Committee Hears Bill to Bring Nuclear Power Plant to Missouri

Date: February 15, 2011

By: Elizabeth Hagedorn
State Capitol Bureau

The Missouri House Utilities Committee heard a bill Tuesday to give the state's power companies the ability to bill customers for the some of the costs of building a second nuclear power plant.
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Under the bill, Ameren UE and its partners could charge customers for the costs of the permit they will seek from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Missouri companies, including Ford Motor Company and Monsanto, testified that they do not agree with the bill's funding.

Anheuser Busch representative Steve Spinner argued for proper oversight to keeps costs low.  

Actuality:  SPINNER1.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "The legislation should contain a hard cap on rate increases to keep the costs of the early site permit from spiraling out of control. Each step of the process needs to be monitored and controlled to make sure the consumers' money is spent well."

Ameren Missouri President and CEO Warner Baxter says the permit will cost residential consumers less than two dollars a year.

From Jefferson City, I'm Elizabeth Hagedorn.

A Missouri House committee heard a bill Tuesday that would help the state's power companies build the a second nuclear power plant.
RunTime:  0:42
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: While seeking a building permit from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Ameren UE and its partners could charge its electric customers to cover the permit costs under the bill.

Ameren President and CEO Warren Baxter says building the plant would keep energy rates low.

Actuality:  BAXTER1.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "Most importantly, House bill 124 will preserve an important future generation option for the state, and that's nuclear power, which may well emerge as Missouri's best strategy to maintain the already low rates in the state."

Missouri companies including Monsanto, Ford Motor Company, and Anheuser Busch voiced concerns with the funding.

The House committee is scheduled to vote on the bill next week.

From Jefferson City, I'm Elizabeth Hagedorn.

A Missouri House committee heard testimony over a bill that would aid Ameren UE and it's partners in building the state's second nuclear power plant.
RunTime:  0:46
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: While seeking a building permit from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Ameren UE and it's partners could charge its electric customers to cover the permit costs under the bill.

The bill's sponsor, Callaway County Representative Jeanie Riddle, says that rather than look to other states for energy, Missouri can produce it for itself.

Actuality:  RIDDLE1.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: Our electric providers in this state have come together with one voice. They need additional energy for the future and they need nuclear as part of their varied portfolio.
Riddle also says that going forward with the permit will save Missouri consumers eighty-million dollars in interest rates.
The House committee is scheduled to vote on the bill next week.
From Jefferson City, I'm Elizabeth Hagedorn.