House gives St. Louis control of its police force
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House gives St. Louis control of its police force

Date: February 17, 2011
By: Meghann Mollerus
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 71

Missouri's House voted to give St. Louis City control over it's police department, but not before an extensive debate about whether city cops could lobby legislators on gun rights.
RunTime:  0:40
OutCue:  SOC


Actuality:  ZIMMRIDD.WAV
Run Time:  00:12
Description: "Sir, I'm trying to protect freedoms in this state." "Lady, this is ironic. You're actually taking freedoms away. You want to tell people they can't come down here and lobby." "Oh no, sir, individuals have that right in the state."

That's St. Louis Democrat Mike Colona and Callaway County Republican Jeanie Riddle arguing over Riddle's amendment. 

It got tacked on to the local control bill, which the House passed with overwhelming numbers.

Riddle says her amendment would ban the city from forcing its officers to lobby on its pet issues.

Governor Jay Nixon has said he has serious concerns about the bill, but tbe Lieutenant Governor says it will be good for St. Louis.

From the State Capitol, I'm Meghann Mollerus.


Missouri's House voted Thursday to give St. Louis City control over its own police department -- a right the city lost during the Civil War.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A year after voting not to pass similar legislation, the House voted in overwhelming numbers to pass the bill.

St. Louis is one of only two cities in the state with state control over its police.

Missouri's Lieutenant Governer Peter Kinder attended the bill's discussion and vote.

Actuality:  KINDER5.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "I've been vitally interested in the local control issue as a supporter of repealing the Civil War era restriction on local control."

Kinder says it is time to remove a 150-year restriction on city control of the police force. 

St. Louis is one of two cities in the nation with state control over city police forces.

From the State Capitol, I'm Meghann Mollerus.