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2011 Politics & elections Stories
Newspaper Story - After a few tries, Missouri finally has new legislative districts.
Radio Story - A state's House member proposed capping political contributions and creating new restrictions for lobbyists.
Radio Story - Oversight Division is concerning DED tax credits program.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate bill would add cellphones to the no-call list and ban certain automated calls.
Radio Story - Many questions remain over the legality of a health insurance exchange.
Radio Story - A House bill would require gas stations to post price changes a full day in advance.
12/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Representative Scott Largent announces his bid to run for a seat in the Senate
Radio Story - Former Governor of Missouri, Bob Holden, says he is not responsible for Mamtek factory failure in Moberly.
Radio Story - Missouri state legislative redistricting judicial panel meets in secret to draw maps.
Radio Story - Missouri has the same child abuse laws as Pennsylvania, and there's been no talk of changing them.
Newspaper Story - Like Pennsylvania, Missouri doesn't require witnesses to directly report child abuse to authorities.
Radio Story - St. Louis businessman Dave Spence announced that he will run for Governor in 2012
Radio Story - Most of Missouri's municipal bonds were paid back in the last 7 years.
Radio Story - Missouri organization programs are ready for 30 Missouri National Guard troops to be home for Christmas.
Radio Story - Citing family reasons, the speaker of Missouri's House drops out of the race for Lieutenant Governor.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Legislators disagree on whether I-70 should become a toll road.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers react to MODOT's proposal to put toll roads on Interstate 70.
11/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri House members discussed requiring a 911 service fee for calls placed from cellular phones.
11/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri Division of Workforce Development won't comment on plans to help veteran employment in the state.
11/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon refuses to answer questions about penalty fees for Mizzou leaving the Big 12.
11/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - A multi-million dollar cost for MU to leave the Big 12 isn't raising concerns among top budget officials.
11/ 3/2011:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House Speaker Pro Tem Shane Schoeller proposed
11/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Rep. Shane Schoeller introduced a package to make changes in overriding ballot initiatives and ballot language
11/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's ranking on energy efficiency raises disagreement.
11/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - A newly formed group looks to stop one Missouri billionaire from eliminating the state's income tax
11/ 1/2011:
Newspaper Story - A Missouri group was created to combat a petition eliminating the state's income tax.
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon's office refuses to comment on Mamtek investigation
Newspaper Story - Here's what the special session did and didn't accomplish.
Radio Story - A House committee will conduct another independent investigation into the Mamtek situation.
Radio Story - The Missouri Guard aids troops with reintegration upon release of active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Radio Story - Missouri Health Department officials refuse to talk about the E. coli outbreak facing St. Louis.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate quits on the special session and refuses a conference with House leadership.
Radio Story - The Missouri Health Insurance Pool Continues Work to Implement Obamacare in Missouri.
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate calls for end of the special session as they adjourned on Tuesday with a sine die.
Radio Story - Speaker of the House says special session is over.
Radio Story - It took only two Senators to steak the heart of China hub legislation, bring special session to end.
Newspaper Story - Deal intends to raise Missouri agricultural exports to $4.4 billion without China hub legislation.
Radio Story - Missouri governor signs $4.4 billion trade agreement with Chinese officials to increase the state's exports.
Radio Story - The House suggests taking the China-hub bill to conference as the Senate lets the economic development die.
Radio Story - Rep. Kander joins the Governor's trip to China to promote Missouri export.
Radio Story - With just 15 calendar days left in the special session, the House and Senate are still far from any agreement
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon plans to travel to China despite China-hub legislation failure in the special session
Newspaper Story - Although The House passed the tax credit review amendment, the Senate has no intention to vote on it.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon is refusing to answer questions regarding Kinder's criticisms about SynCare.
Radio Story - Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich will file legislation expanding his office's authority.
Radio Story - Missouri Senate President Pro-Tem Rob Mayer refused to rule out a the future passage of tax credit reform.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Lieutenant Governor addresses need to change health care assessments.
Radio Story - After Wi-Fi Sensors defaulted on a loan payment in 2010, officials remain optimistic the company will succeed.
Radio Story - Figures released show Nixon's campaign has raised triple the amount raised by Kinder.
Newspaper Story - The state's presidential primary will stay in February, despite division among Republicans.
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate pushes aside changing or repealing Missouri's presidental primary.
Newspaper Story - After the authorization of a bill to drug test Missourians on welfare, no evidence of progress has been found.
Newspaper Story - Senate leader says he wants to wrap up the session next week, with or without the tax credit bill
Newspaper Story - Senate committee delves into the state's OK on tax-exempt bonds that funded the Mamtek project
Radio Story - Senate Leader says China Hub without sunsets will move to a conference committee.
Radio Story - Officials from all electric providers discuss EPA standards.
Radio Story - Senate Pro-Tem says special session to end next week whether a jobs package is passed or not.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senator wants answers from the DED
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Senators React to the House debate of China Hub.
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - After amending the bill nine times, the Missouri House overwhelmingly sends the China hub bill to the Senate.
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri Senate committee launches investigation on economic development project Wi-Fi Sensors in Kirksville.
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Only one type of MoDOT employee remains safe amidst cuts
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri Republican party is accusing Governor Jay Nixon of protecting a felon
10/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Representative Nasheed refuses to work further on China hub bill.
10/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Senate committee looks into what Mamtek failure means for future Missouri investments.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri Export Act, once called the China hub bill, remains unlikely to pass during special session.
10/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Lawmakers work towards legislation to improve corrections
10/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - State Treasurer Clint Zweifel is auctioning off items found in unclaimed safe deposit boxes.
Radio Story - Representative Redmon considers Mamtek as an individual business case
Radio Story - Fireworks traded over the governor's federal health care plan implementation.
Radio Story - Missouri health organizations discuss number of Medicaid recipients affected by cost cuts.
Radio Story - Missouri Senate Majority Leader says he's skeptical a bill moving the presidential primay needs to be passed.
Radio Story - With much uncertainty of how the special session will end, leaders look for a last minute solution.
Radio Story - U.S. immigration policy helps Mamtek collect money.
Radio Story - The end of the special session will more than likely be Friday, if an agreement is reached or not.
Newspaper Story - The special session will most likely end on Friday, even if House and Senate leaders remain at odds.
Radio Story - A state audit faults Lt. Gov. Kinder for a possible conflict of interest.
Radio Story - Senate considers decision to end the special session.
Radio Story - Missouri representatives are saying no one can see the new China hub bill.
Radio Story - The Highway and Water Patrol merger supposed to save money for Missouri is really generating huge costs.
Newspaper Story - Legislative leaders make Friday the deadline for the special session.
Radio Story - A group of activists at the Capitol urge lawmakers to consider China's human Rights policies in legislation
Radio Story - Five days after requesting information we still have nothing.
Radio Story - Missouri Senator still worries over troop morale, but accepts the repeal of controversial legislation
Radio Story - Facebook bill heads to Missouri House for a final vote after getting the education committee's approval.
Radio Story - Senators flocked to stop a vote that would give 21 million dollars to MHIP for
Newspaper Story - A Missouri senator says the ‘Constitution is out the window’ Thursday.
Radio Story - Missouri Senate Interim Committee debated a possible health care insurance plan.
Radio Story - Senators block action to start Obamacare.
Radio Story - Senate passes modified version of bill regarding China trading hub.
Radio Story - A longtime adversary of the local control bill may offer support as it moves to the senate.
Newspaper Story - Missouri House of Representatives interim committee discussed various ways to improve the state's 911 system.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate leader attemped to take 300 million dollars away from tax credits for China-hub proposal.
Radio Story - Missouri's Interim Committee gathered Tuesday morning to work on a plan to improve 911 emergency calls.
Radio Story - Republicans reveal closed door caucus decision to drop warehouse tax credits from China-hub proposal.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate perfected the facebook fix law for teachers and students.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon calls for postponement on China hub proposition until Monday afternoon
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - With the support of the STL Police Association, the Local Control Bill passes through the House committee.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Bi-Partisan Committee blocks Nixon's efforts to leave disaster relief funding out of special session.
9/ 8/2011:
Newspaper Story - A House Committee passes the bill allowing local control of the St. Louis Police Department.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The committee believes the money from appropriation is the better approach for natural disaster recovery.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee held a public hearing discussing and voting on the natural disaster funding bill.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri passed bill to move back the presidential primaries today in House Elections Committee Meeting
9/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Tea Party members voice their opposition to funding a trading hub with China.
9/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Senate and education organizations agree on compromise language in the controversial
9/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - MU-based tax policy expert says the poor and disabled would be hurt by cut to property tax break
9/ 6/2011:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House of Representatives met to file and read five bills Tuesday
9/ 6/2011:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Jason Crowell was not shy voicing his displeasures with the governor during special session on Tuesday.
9/ 6/2011:
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Tom Schweich reacts to harsh St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial
9/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Jason Crowell commanded control of the Senate floor during a four-hour special session debate today.
9/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - One in five Missouri representatives convened to begin the state's special session.
9/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Rep. Ryan Silvey filed legislation to prevent the governor from spending without approval.
9/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Senator filibusters the start of Missouri's special session with criticism toward governor.
9/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - After many complaints from Missourians, the state has decided to terminate it's contract with Syncare,
Radio Story - Peter Kinder addresses letter to Republicans and says whether he runs is up to them.
Newspaper Story - Legislators call on Missouri's main welfare agency to terminate an unfulfilled private contract.
Radio Story - The legislature's senior Democrat says Gov. Nixon has had too much flexibility in spending.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's auditor attacks a newspaper editorial over his lawsuit against the governor.
Radio Story - Business and labor organization leaders held conference discussing the Made in Missouri Jobs Package
Radio Story - The state auditor attacks St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial accusations.
Radio Story - FEMA tells disaster areas like Joplin seeking relief to wait for funding
Radio Story - Two major Missouri police associations say an East Coast lineup ruling won't change things here in Missouri.
Radio Story - St. Louis Democratic House Representative says Kinder strip club scandal is not important.
Radio Story - A St. Louis Rep. supports Rob Mayer's decision to deal with tax credits before local control.
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Committee chair blisters the state's budget director.
Radio Story - Police Association says they have no reason to believe local control won't be part of special session.
Radio Story - The Missouri Legislature will take on St. Louis local control during the special session.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon puts a jobs package and tax credit reform on the legislature's special session schedule.
Newspaper Story - Business got only part of what they wanted from the 2011 Missouri legislative session.
Newspaper Story - Religious institutions voice their positions and influence lawmaking process in the Missouri's Capitol.
Radio Story - Missouri's legislature passed two separate late-term abortion ban bills Thursday, with passionate debate in the House and no discussion in the Senate.
Newspaper Story - Welfare drug testing heads to the Governor's desk after the Missouri House gave final approval.
Radio Story - The Governor now will decide on a bill passed by the House and Senate that would take funds away from welfare recipients who fail drug tests
Radio Story - Missouri's House is sending a bill banning fake cocaine and fake pot onto Gov. Jay Nixon.
5/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri legislators send a $23 billion budget to the governor.
5/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate majority leader says giving St. Louis control of its police isn't dead, and that it requires a Senate confirmation and the police union's OK.
5/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - A House committee bill substitute places funding cap on low-income housing tax credits
5/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - Auditor subpoenas Division of Finance for records it withheld during a previous audit.
5/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - Noodlers join forces with legislators to put hand-fishing legislation on the map.
5/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - The House and Senate can't reach a deal for the state's operating budget.
5/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - House amends and sends back the bill requiring state-issued photo ID to vote.
5/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri legislators override Gov. Jay Nixon's veto to implement new congressional districts.
5/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted to override Governor Nixon's veto of the redistricting map Wednesday morning.
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's Auditor releases a partial audit of the Division of Finance and requests bank examination documents.
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's State Auditor is investigating allegations of inflated attendance records for a St. Louis school.
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Senate committee hears testimony on House-passed youth head injury bills
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Four Republican senators hold up vote on federal stimulus bill.
5/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri legislators speak about the death of Osama bin Laden and the future of the war on terror.
5/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's House approves a constitutional amendment to require a photo ID to vote.
Radio Story - House passed bill that would prevent the government from limiting a citizen's right to purchase and possess gun ammunition
Radio Story - Auditor Tom Schweich's office, a major recipient of Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder's campaign donations a year ago, plans to audit Kinder's travel reimbursements.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon signs off on the repeal of Proposition B restrictions, going against voters' decision last November.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon signs his dog-breeding bill in a late press conference Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - The governor enacts a law that repeals Proposition B dog-breeding requirements.
Radio Story - A new congressional map goes to the governor's desk for approval after it was passed in the House and Senate Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Congressional redistricting map is passed by both branches of Missouri's legislature ending stalemate.
Newspaper Story - Two men made off with the Lieutenant Governor's car and burned it to the ground after he left his keys in the car.
Radio Story - Proposed amendment requiring lawmakers to get drug tested shot down in Senate
Radio Story - Lt. Gov. Kinder's car was stolen, rammed into a building and burned to the ground.
Radio Story - Governor signs executive order that would help expedite tornado cleanup.
Radio Story - The Senate now sends to the House a bill that would reduce the number of state Representatives from 163 to 103 after the next census
Radio Story - One Missouri Senator takes time on the floor to prep a Cape Girardeau Senator for his upcoming marriage.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed the 2012 budget with additional money for higher education.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate passes the 2012 budget as some senators warn about a potential budget hole next year.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate passed the 2012 budget Wednesday, despite some senators questioning the state's fiscal future.
Radio Story - The Missouri house passed a bill that would tighten regulations on payday loans and increase loan awareness for consumers.
Radio Story - National Popular Vote Act doesn't get much attention in the Missouri legislature.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate Republican says a bill affecting future phone landline users in St. Louis and Jackson County has stalled because lobbyists didn't do their job.
Radio Story - Business political action committees would be able to accept from candidate committees
Newspaper Story - Republican U.S. representatives met behind doors with state senators Monday to discuss redistricting plans
Radio Story - U.S. Republican representatives met behind closed doors to discuss redistricting with state senators and representatives.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon proposes prop B compromise.
Newspaper Story - The Senate approves federal funding for local school districts, ending a standoff with the House.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon passed an extended benefits bill into law extending jobless aid for Missouri's unemployed.
Radio Story - After debate about procedures that most effectively protect children from lead poisoning, House members passed a bill giving federal government control over lead abatement
Radio Story - Missouri Senate Republicans have delayed a vote on congressional redistricting, frustrating Republican leaders in the House.
Radio Story - The Senate passes a bill to expand the diseases firefighters are presumed to have caught in the line of duty.
Radio Story - Missouri's House and Senate fail to reach an agreement on a congressional redistricting map.
Newspaper Story - With a partisan vote, the House gave first-round approval to limitations on the payday loan industry.
Radio Story - Religious activists share their thoughts about Missouri politics and equality
Radio Story - The Senate's newly approved congressional map will head to the House for approval.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed a redistricting proposal Wednesday after continued debate among Republicans.
Radio Story - The public testified at a Senate Committee hearing on whether the House-passed welfare drug testing bill would help or harm children dependent on funds
Radio Story - A Republican presidential contender spoke to a crowd of 200 at Missouri's Capitol.
Newspaper Story - Potential Presidential Candidate, Herman Cain speaks at the anti-tax rally on the lawn of Missouri's Capitol.
Radio Story - Republican Senators say they're opposed to a redistricting plan from the Republican House
Radio Story - Bill to ban bath salts still undergoing lengthy process
Radio Story - St. Charles County frustrated over lack of progress on bath salts in state Capitol
Radio Story - A measure to kick legislators out of office who leave the state to avoid a vote sees no debate.
Radio Story - The Senate Committee on redistricting narrowly passes House redistricting plan.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee approved a House redistricting map that removes a St. Louis congressional district
Radio Story - Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster files for a brief challenging the constitutionality of the federal health care mandate
4/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Some Missourians defend high-capacity ammunition clips after Arizona shootings.
4/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Weeks after a similar bill passed out of the Missouri House, the Senate passed a bill restricting late-term abortions and defining fetus viability
4/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Federal budget delays could cut off federal funds sent to state and local level
4/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - A Senate Republican filibusters another Republican bill allowing firefighters to participate in politics.
4/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - A St. Louis Democratic Senator follows up her comments calling Rex Sinquefield a plantation owner.
4/ 6/2011:
Newspaper Story - Senate Republicans say they will continue to filibuster if the governor does not negotiate unemployment compromises.
4/ 6/2011:
Newspaper Story - State representatives approved a plan Wednesday that would eliminate a St. Louis congressional district.
4/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Republicans ask the governor to compromise federal stimulus money in order to end the unemployment filibuster
4/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - A map passed in the House will cause St. Louis County to lose one of its three congressional seats.
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - In a Senate hearing, Missouri's Senate Committee deliberated bill to reduce bullying in state schools
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - A Republican sponsored plan to force Attorney General Chris Koster to sue the federal government for not enforcing immigration laws stalls in the Senate.
4/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Both the Missouri House and Senate redistricting committees have voted to eliminate a Democratic St. Louis city district.
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Jackson, Jefferson counties react differently to proposed map
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Democrats stall voting on a Republican sponsored bill to increase state sovereignty
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - The House Redistricting committee passed a similar map to the one the Senate passed yesterday.
4/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - The Senate Redistricting Committee unanimously passed new congressional districts.
4/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - St. Louis loses one of its congressional districts under a plan adopted by a state Senate committee Monday.
4/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - The debate over localized control of the St. Louis Police Department continues in a Senate hearing.
4/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate will try again to pass the expired unemployment benefits by the end of the week.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House strips Gov. Nixon of additional travel funds as they passed the 2012 budget.
Radio Story - The Missouri House strips Gov. Nixon of additional travel funds.
Radio Story - A former Missouri teacher, turned politician is arguing for his former colleagues to lose their tenure
Radio Story - Missouri's House and Senate looks at two bills to expand the texting while driving ban to all drivers regardless of their age.
Radio Story - Opponents of giving control of St. Louis Police back to the city have filed suit, saying the ballot language and costs will mislead voters.
Radio Story - Missouri still hasn't gotten word from the White house on snowstorm relief dollars
Radio Story - A bill passed by the Missouri House would prevent women from getting abortions after 20 weeks of gestation unless have second doctor opinion
Radio Story - Missouri Senators adjourn for spring break leaving 23,000 Missourians unsure about their unemployment compensation extensions.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House forces Highway Patrol to check citizenship status of sexual offenders.
Radio Story - Citizens protest the possible repeal of the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act
Radio Story - Missouri disability habilitation centers could close by 2018, according to bill heard in Senate Health Committee
Newspaper Story - House Budget Committee finalizes 2012 budget after brief mark-up session
Radio Story - Missouri Senators worked for over four hours Tuesday to finish work on an amendment to the workers' compensation plan
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted to impose restrictions on physicians performing abortions
Radio Story - The House Rules Committee voted Monday to pass the Health Care Compact bill to the House floor.
Radio Story - Just four months after Missourians voted to protect dogs, Missouri Senate passed a bill easing Proposition B restrictions
Radio Story - Missouri Senate votes to limit discrimination protection for government employees while one Republican Senator breaks ranks to oppose the plan
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers gave first-round approval to English-only driving tests in Missouri
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Bill heard by House committee will require hospitals to provide emergency contraception for sexual assault victims
3/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - Lawmakers gave first-round approval to English-only driving tests in Missouri
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - A crowd rallied at the Capitol in support of legislation to advance the rights of Missouri's developmentally disabled
3/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Patients with prescriptions may have more power when insurance companies try to switch prescription medications, according to a bill in Senate Health Committee
3/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's citizens with mental disabilities testify in support of a bill to grant them rights to service animals
3/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - The governor would no longer be able to charge his travel expenses to other state agencies under new bill language introduced by the House Budget Committee Monday.
3/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee reviews a plan to stop the governor from shifting his travel expenses to other agencies.
3/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri Democrats say the political uprising in Wisconsin would never happen here.
3/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Republican leaders avoid a vote on unemployment benefits after their own caucus splits over the issue
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - House committee considers a bill which would eliminate having a disability as a reason to remove a child from a home
3/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - Despite a fillibuster and debate on the Senate floor, the Senate gives a pro-business bill first round approval.
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - A House Elections Bill could make Missouri the first state to knock President Obama from the ballot if he cannot prove his citizenship
3/ 1/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House approved a bill that prohibits the state minimum wage from exceeding the federal minimum wage.
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Republican leaders delay a vote on extending unemployment benefits after some in their own ranks filibuster over the plan
Radio Story - House gives first round approval to the elimination of the corporate franchise tax
Radio Story - Proposition B tension is high as dog breeders argue to repeal restrictions
Newspaper Story - A House committee heard testimony about charter school expansion
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House votes to require the governor to disclose details of his future travel.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's state auditor revealed legislation Wednesday that allows him to audit state departments to standardize operating procedures
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers considered a bill that would prevent students from leaving St. Louis City schools
Radio Story - Senate begins process of creating a task force to make sure Missouri's teachers are earning their money.
Newspaper Story - A House committee chair expects to endorse a 7 percent cut in the higher education budget
Newspaper Story - Senate and House committee chairs give update on redistricting progress.
Radio Story - The Missouri public will be asked their opinion on redistricting at hearings throughout the state.
Radio Story - Documents obtained by KMOX indicate Gov. Jay Nixon has billed other state agencies almost $400,000 for his flights on taxpayer-funded airplanes.
Radio Story - Missouri's House votes to give St. Louis City control over its own police department.
Newspaper Story - Presidents of Missouri's universities testified Wednesday on how they would cope with the proposed higher education budget reduction
Newspaper Story - House Appropriations Committee approved a bill to cut budgets 5% for statewide elected officials.
Radio Story - State auditor Tom Schweich unveiled what he calls a more aggressive approach to auditing.
Radio Story - A bill to require photo-id to vote gets first round approval in the Senate
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate committee passed 'right-to-work' legislation to prohibit workers from being forced to pay union service fees.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers could amend the U.S. Constitution with a resolution.
Radio Story - Substitute to Prop. B says breeders can have more than 50 female dogs
Radio Story - The parents of disabled patients at Missouri's state-run habilitation centers spoke up against a plan to move patients out of institutions and into local communities by 2018.
Radio Story - Photo ID Bill passes through Missouri House Elections committee.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers debate how to change the make-up of the Board of Curators as Missouri loses a congressional seat
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon says he's opposed to eliminating the income tax and raising the sales tax, saying that would make Missouri uncompetitive.
Radio Story - Missouri Governor Nixon discussed the fair tax proposal, workers compensation, and other issues Thursday at the Governor's Mansion.
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - MU Faculty Council looks into plans to reschedule the classes missed during last weeks snow storm.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Health Committee passed a substitute to bill for drug testing of welfare recipients
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Attorney General Chris Koster proposes recommendations on domestic violence but has no recommendations for federal health care.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The Senate Commerce Committee heard a bill Tuesday to expand the date's No-Call List used by telemarketers.
2/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri contractors and labor unions squared off Senate Committee hearing to decide whether employees will have the choice to pay union dues.
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - The governor's travel costs come under legislative attack
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon has proposed an $8 million increase to the A+ Scholarship Program while calling for a $41 million decrease in overall scholarships
2/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Members and the former chairman of the House General Administration question Gov. Jay Nixon's travel expenses.
2/ 3/2011:
Newspaper Story - Rossie Judd says she is being denied access to the Capitol because it is not 100% smoke free
2/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Three top Republicans send a letter to Missouri's Attorney General urging him to take a stance on the lawsuit against Federal Health care
2/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers trapped in the Capitol by more than a foot of snow passed the time playing poker and sleeping with emergency relief blankets.
Radio Story - A Missourian files a complaint to the ADA about smoking in the House of Representatives
Radio Story - Cigarette tax faces opposition from House Republicans
Radio Story - Congressman Russ Carnahan may lose his house seat due to redistricting.
Radio Story - Missouri Senate one step closer to passing bill giving subpoena power to Senate's leader
Radio Story - The Senate Progress and Development Committee heard testimonies of proponents and opponents of the St. Louis Police Control Bill.
Newspaper Story - St. Louis Police Department issue of local control fires up residents, police officers
Radio Story - Proponents and Opponents of Proposition B overflowed the House Hearing Room Tuesday afternoon.
Radio Story - Republicans in Missouri's statehouse called on the state's attorney general to join the lawsuit against the federal health care law.
Radio Story - National School Choice week prompts announcement of education bills by House Republicans and Democrats.
Newspaper Story - Senate Finance Committee discusses proposal for photo ID requirement for voters
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers propose changes to education system including new tenure guidelines
Newspaper Story - Following House precedent, the Senate votes to join lawsuit against feds.
Radio Story - The House Urban Issues Committee passed HB 71 to give St. Louis local control of police department.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate passed a resolution pushing Democratic Attorney General Chris Koster to join the fight against the federal government's health care law.
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has proposed a 7 percent cut in higher education funding and eliminating hundreds of state positions.
Radio Story - House Speaker and Minority Leader restrict the Governor from charging travel on state's tab.
Radio Story - Democrats are joining Republicans in criticizing Gov. Jay Nixon for passing travel expenses off on state agencies.
Radio Story - Ford says it's bringing a new vehicle to its plant near Kansas City, after state lawmakers worked overtime last year to give the company tax breaks.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kurt Schaeffer, R-Columbia, named chairman of Appropriations Committee.
Newspaper Story - House passes resolution to sue government over health care reform.
Newspaper Story - Inciting rhetoric and security issues make conversation in Missouri statehouse after Saturday's shooting in Arizona.
1/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Steve Tilley was inaugurated as the speaker of the house and has sworn to make changes.
1/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Job creation and bipartisan goals marked the opening session of Missouri's 96th General Assembly.
1/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - Business and GOP leaders address ideas to improve Missouri's economic situation.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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