Economy and jobs top priority for new legislature
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Economy and jobs top priority for new legislature

Date: January 4, 2011
By: Audrey Moon
State Capitol Bureau

JEFFERSON CITY - With the Missouri General Assembly's largest Republican majority ready to kick off the legislative session, legislative leaders cited economic development and business growth as their top priorities. On the eve of the legislative session, a coalition of state business leaders presented six proposals for legislators to consider.

Missouri's House of Representatives and Senate begins their 2011 legislative session Wednesday at noon. The first order of business will be to swear in the newly elected members. Nearly half of the members in the House will be starting their first terms. The two chambers will then elect their leaders — the speaker and speaker pro tem in the House and the president pro tem in the Senate. After the formalities, lawmakers can begin to focus on their top priorities for the session.

"Our primary focus legislativily is putting people back to work," said anticipated House Speaker, Steve Tilley, R-Perryville.

The Senate's incoming president pro tem, Rob Mayer, R-Dexter, agreed. 

"I think we heard very loudly and clearly from the voters on Nov. 2 that, listen, we want our legislators to create an agenda that will create more jobs and job opportunities," said Mayer.

The sentiment is shared by leaders from across the aisle. House Minority Leader Mike Talboy, D-Jackson County, said priorities are the same for both parities; expanding and creating jobs for established Missourians will be addressed this legislative session.

"I think we need to make sure we concentrate on jobs, not only creating new jobs but keeping the ones we have," Talboy said.

Mayer said legislators will need to look at a jobs creation initiative in the upcoming session.

"How we pass laws and policy — that makes Missouri a state where employers want to do business and the ones that we do have stay in the state of Missouri," said Mayer.

On Tuesday, a coalition of the state's top business organizations unveiled their proposals for the legislature. Rather than tax breaks, the six proposals focused on issues the coalition said would not cost the state money. 

The group recommended restricting both liability lawsuit awards against businesses and increases in the minimum wage rate. The one tax-related issue would phase out the corporate franchise tax, which the group said is too similar to the income tax and therefore a form of double taxation.

The pro-business agenda got a mixed reaction from the legislature's top Democrats.

Senate Democratic leader Victor Callahan, D-Jackson County, criticized the business coalition for not proposing reductions in tax credits, as recommended by a special commission apppointed by the governor last year.

"What I think we should be talking about, in addition to this, is what are we going to do about the $650 million of Missouri tax payer money that goes in the form of tax credits," Callahan said. 

Tax credits are available for activities such as adoptions and preservation of historic buildings.

Republican leaders in the House, however, have argued that significant cuts in tax credits could undermine the state's economic development.

After the GOP swept a supermajority on election night and Republicans picked their new leaders, a hard-line conservative takeover was possible. Instead, members from both parties expect a cordial and cooperative legislative session.

"The voters want a government that lives within its means, is accountable, that encourages economic growth and development," said Tilley. "But they also want a government that is respectful, and is respectful to both parties."

Talboy said he was also optimistic about a bipartisan effort.

"I think we have a good working relationship thus far, and I think there is definitely a different tone coming out of the speaker's office than the prior two years, and I'm optimistic about that," Talboy said.

 "Fix the Six" business coalition proposals:

  1. Employment law reform

  2. Workers compensation reform 

  3. Freeze corporate franchise taxes

  4. Remove minimum wage escalator

  5. Tort reform

  6. Unemployment insurance reform