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2004 Transportation Stories
12/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Republican leader tells the Missouri Transportation Committee he's not ruling anything out.
12/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - Joint Interim Committee on Multimodal Transportation is exploring new ways for Missouri to fund Amtrak
12/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - The federal legislation to be voted on in Congress would make uniform standards for all state driver's licenses. One of the provisions would restrict illegal immigrants from getting a license.
Radio Story - Senator Jon Dolan announced an unusual plan for passing a law to enforce the wearing of seat belts. Dolan plans on attaching the law to another law making the use of helmets on motorcyles voluntary.
Newspaper Story - Safety and smoothness rather than extended capacity for Missouri's roadways is how MoDot plans to spend its increased revenue from the passage of Amendment 3.
Radio Story - MoDOT director Pete Rahn said they will use Amendment 3 funds to improve road safety. The first major project will be a huge road smoothing project that will improve 2,200 miles of Missouri roads.
Newspaper Story - The late warm weather doesn't affect MODOT, crops, deer hunting
Radio Story - The Joint Committe on Hazardous Waste met today to discuss options for funding the program.
Radio Story - The chief spokesperson for the Missouri Department of Transportation said allowing large trucks to travel the same speed as passenger cars does not increase highway fatalities.
Newspaper Story - MoDot said it will use new revenue from Amendment 3 to improve 2,200 miles of highway.
Radio Story - Motor Carriers Association President George Burruss questions the value of toll booths given the side effects commuters would face.
Newspaper Story - Initial reactions to the new proposal that would charge commuters $20 for a round trip between Kansas City and St. Louis
Radio Story - The proposal would make a round trip from St. Louis to Kansas City $20.
Radio Story - Rising fuel costs have the Missouri Department of Transportation strapped for cash when it comes to maintaining roads.
Radio Story - If gas prices continue to rise, Missourians might see less patrolmen on the road.
Radio Story - School officals say gas price hikes make it hard to transport students cheaply. Current gas prices also hurt school bus companies like First Student.
Radio Story - The Missouri Energy Center has been busy helping people save money while the cost of gas remains high.
Newspaper Story - The push to pass a constitutional amendment that would route money raised by transporation related taxes to road construction has ben largely fueled and driven by construction interests.
Radio Story - Supporters say Amendment three will increase funding for Missouri Department of Transportation. Opponents say the initiative will make an already tight budget more strained.
Radio Story - Former NM DOT director to take over MoDOT
Newspaper Story - Missouri has a new Transportation Department director.
Radio Story - With growing popularity and fatalities at the Lake of the Ozarks, the Missouri Water Patrol is understaffed.
Radio Story - Residents of the Evergreen Condominiums asked the Missouri Water Patrol to have their cove be a no anchor area. The patrol denied the request saying the cove is too big to restrict. The owners are trying to move the boat party that's famous for its x-rated behavior.
Radio Story - The senate bill allowing officers to pull over a driver for not wearing a seat belt was sent back to committee.
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - House passes bill to ban sexually-explicit billboards from Missouri's highways
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - DNR spokespeople claim St. Louis federal highway funding could be in danger under House bill to remove emissions tests
Radio Story - For many, the hassle of getting a drivers' license ends after waiting in line at the DMC. However, for some, the issue could turn into a conflict between public safety and freedom of religion.
4/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - The bill passed in the senate allows police to pull drivers over for simply not wearing a seat belt. It also increases the fine from 10 dollars to 15 dollars.
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Committee directed highway funds from the state treasurer's office and the Natural Resources Department to MODOT.
Newspaper Story - Missouri voters shouldn't count on seeing toll roads on the ballot in November.
Radio Story - One of the most routine tasks of state transportation committees gained more attention today (Wednesday). Rachel Schaff reports on the rise and impact of politcal license plates in Missouri.
3/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Senator Dolan, transportation chair, heard business leaders concerns.
3/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - The group met to discuss the state's transportation problems and solutions.
3/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Leaders discussed their concern with senate leadership.
3/ 2/2004:
Radio Story - A senate committee took testimony on a measure that would give law enforcement the power to pull you over for not wearing a seat belt.
Radio Story - State legislators want to lower the default speed limits in certain rural counties of Missouri from 60 mph to 50 mph.
Radio Story - The senate granted preliminary approval to a bill that bans advertising for adult businesses within one mile of state highways.
Newspaper Story - State lawmakers are a step closer to taking sex off Missouri's roadsides. A Senate ban on adult billboards cleared for final passage Wednesday.
Radio Story - Though some state legislators are proposing legislation to authorize toll roads, Sen. Jon Dolan, among other lawmakers, sees no need for them.
Radio Story - Sen. Jon Dolan of St. Charles County wants to stop spending highway dollars on general state business. Dolan says the spending of highway dollars should be limited to highway expenses.
Radio Story - Lawmakers presented a bill that would eliminate sexual billboards from the highway.
Newspaper Story - A House bill would exempt vehicles made in Missouri from state sales tax. Individual cities could decide to exempt Missouri-made vehicles from local sales tax as well. The bill's supporters said this would likely increase sales of Missouri-made vehicles and encourage other manufacturers to open plants in the state.
Radio Story - Lawmakers are hearing a bill that will prohibit sexually oriented billboards from advertising on Missouri highways.
Newspaper Story - Women would be prohibited from wearing veils for Missouri driver's license photos under a measure approved by the state Senate Wednesday. The bill would require all Missouri driver's license applicants to have their photograph taken. Currently applicants may abstain for religious reasons.
Radio Story - Amtrak's request for almost $900,000 dies in a House Committee hearing. A spokesperson says the company's optimistic that an agreement will be reached. State Transportation officials say, however, that they may have to cut one of the two trains by the end of the month if they don't get the money.
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee rejects appropriating money to keep two Amtrak trains running through Missouri.
2/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - State rep. Larry Crawford, California, sponsors transportation bill to restrict veils on license photos.
Newspaper Story - More money topped the list of recommendations Missouri's Transportation Department director presented to a joint session of Missouri's legislature Wednesday.
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