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2011 Health Stories
Radio Story - Missouri Medicaid patients are still without in-home health care services four months after the SynCare split.
Radio Story - Many questions remain over the legality of a health insurance exchange.
Newspaper Story - A prominent researcher says suicides are least likely to occur during the holiday season
Radio Story - Contrary to many media reports, suicides occur least frequently during the winter holiday season.
12/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - St. Louis Senator wants to change state's child abuse law in upcoming legislative session.
12/ 1/2011:
Newspaper Story - Front Row Produce is recalling grape tomatoes contaminated with Salmonella supplied by Rio Queen Citrus.
12/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - A St. Louis produce company is recalling grape tomatoes due to potential contamination.
12/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - On World Aids Day, one non-profit organization continues working with
Radio Story - Missouri Health Department is still not giving straight Syncare answers.
11/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - A Senate Committee will have a public testimony to collect voices for and against health insurance exchanges.
11/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - State Supreme Court debates whether a cap on medical malpractice damages is constitutional.
11/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - Attorneys argue whether the legislature can cap high-dollar damages for medical malpractice.
Radio Story - St. Louis grocery stores take precautions before E. coli breakout worsens
Radio Story - Missouri Health Department officials refuse to talk about the E. coli outbreak facing St. Louis.
Radio Story - The Missouri Health Department does not know the source of the potentially deadly E. coli outbreak.
Radio Story - The Missouri Health Insurance Pool Continues Work to Implement Obamacare in Missouri.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon is refusing to answer questions regarding Kinder's criticisms about SynCare.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Lieutenant Governor addresses need to change health care assessments.
Radio Story - Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder says MO Health Dept. is endangering the lives of Medicare recipients.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - Over two dozen Southwest Missouri local businesses didn't test drinking water systems for bacteria.
Radio Story - Fireworks traded over the governor's federal health care plan implementation.
Radio Story - Missouri health organizations discuss number of Medicaid recipients affected by cost cuts.
Radio Story - Letter surfaces of the governor's endorsement of a federal health care exchange.
Radio Story - Five days after requesting information we still have nothing.
Newspaper Story - A Missouri senator says the ‘Constitution is out the window’ Thursday.
Radio Story - Senators block action to start Obamacare.
Radio Story - A brain-eating amoeba in freshwater kills a Kansas resident less than 200 miles away from Missouri.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - An unknown number of Medicaid recipients await services after split with SynCare.
9/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - After many complaints from Missourians, the state has decided to terminate it's contract with Syncare,
9/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Cryptosporidium causes community pools to shut down before labor day.
9/ 1/2011:
Newspaper Story - A dozen of Kansas City pools have closed early due to parasite contamination.
Newspaper Story - Legislators call on Missouri's main welfare agency to terminate an unfulfilled private contract.
Radio Story - Budget Committee Members question the success of a new Health & Senior Services program.
Newspaper Story - Business got only part of what they wanted from the 2011 Missouri legislative session.
Radio Story - Missouri's legislature passed two separate late-term abortion ban bills Thursday, with passionate debate in the House and no discussion in the Senate.
Radio Story - Missouri's House is sending a bill banning fake cocaine and fake pot onto Gov. Jay Nixon.
Radio Story - Representatives are looking to make the sale of synthetic drugs, sold as bath salts, illegal.
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Senate committee hears testimony on House-passed youth head injury bills
5/ 3/2011:
Newspaper Story - Youth athletes suspected of having sustained concussion or brain injury must be removed from the competition and may not return until evaluated by a licensed health-care provider.
Radio Story - The Missouri legislature returned from Easter weekend with one natural disaster over and another one on its way.
Newspaper Story - After years of warnings, Missouri's Second Injury Fund is threatened by a financial crisis.
Newspaper Story - Umbilical cord blood donations wins a boost from a Senate committee.
Radio Story - After debate about procedures that most effectively protect children from lead poisoning, House members passed a bill giving federal government control over lead abatement
Radio Story - The public testified at a Senate Committee hearing on whether the House-passed welfare drug testing bill would help or harm children dependent on funds
Newspaper Story - Three hundred activists gather in Missouri State Capitol to participate in the Prolife Action Day.
Newspaper Story - Attorney general files brief against health insurance mandate, calling it unconstitutional.
Radio Story - Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster files for a brief challenging the constitutionality of the federal health care mandate
4/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Weeks after a similar bill passed out of the Missouri House, the Senate passed a bill restricting late-term abortions and defining fetus viability
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's House gave first-round approval to a bill that would place new restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs.
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Democrats stall voting on a Republican sponsored bill to increase state sovereignty
4/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - A resolution calling on the governor and attorney general to write a letter in protest of federal health care passed in House Rules.
4/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - A resolution urging President Obama on how to act about health care to be heard of House floor
4/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - Despite the nuclear meltdown in Japan, radiation is not a concern for Missouri and its residents.
Radio Story - School's and Camps are working to prevent childhood obesity.
Radio Story - Missouri's plans for the future of disabled care.
Radio Story - A federal judge ordered suspect in Arizona shootings to be transferred to Springfield prison facility for mental evaluation
Radio Story - A bill passed by the Missouri House would prevent women from getting abortions after 20 weeks of gestation unless have second doctor opinion
Radio Story - Missouri disability habilitation centers could close by 2018, according to bill heard in Senate Health Committee
Radio Story - Doctors who practice while intoxicated would face criminal charges under a newly proposed bill.
Newspaper Story - Doctors performing medical procedures while intoxicated would face criminal charges under a proposed bill.
Newspaper Story - A bill in the House would give the state legislature authority to regulate health care.
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted to impose restrictions on physicians performing abortions
Radio Story - The House Rules Committee voted Monday to pass the Health Care Compact bill to the House floor.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House passed a bill that would ban late-term abortions, except in medical emergencies.
Newspaper Story - Workers' compensation recipients could choose their own medical provider after on-the-job injuries.
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Bill heard by House committee will require hospitals to provide emergency contraception for sexual assault victims
3/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri House held discussion on a bill which would ban late term abortion except in medical emergency.
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - A crowd rallied at the Capitol in support of legislation to advance the rights of Missouri's developmentally disabled
3/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Patients with prescriptions may have more power when insurance companies try to switch prescription medications, according to a bill in Senate Health Committee
3/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's citizens with mental disabilities testify in support of a bill to grant them rights to service animals
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - A Missouri legislative committee is urged to force Planned Parenthood to disclose how it's using federal funds.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - House committee considers a bill which would eliminate having a disability as a reason to remove a child from a home
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - A head injury educational requirement for coaches is being considered by a House committee.
3/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - The House Health Care Policy committee heard three bills which aim to protect children after a concussion.
Radio Story - Correctional facilities look to make jails a smoke-free zone.
Newspaper Story - A bill heard in the House will begin the phasing out of Missouri's habilitation centers for people with disabilities, in favor of community living situations.
Radio Story - A House committee met Monday to start deliberation on the fate of Missouri's six habilitation centers.
Newspaper Story - House Health Care Committee passed a motion to increase restrictions on abortion laws
Radio Story - House Health Care Committee approves late term abortion bill
Radio Story - House bill calls for Missourians to choose from neighboring states' insurance plans
Radio Story - The parents of disabled patients at Missouri's state-run habilitation centers spoke up against a plan to move patients out of institutions and into local communities by 2018.
Radio Story - Representative Chris Molendorp proposes bill for full prohibition of smoking and tobacco use in state prisons
2/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - late term abortion ban
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Health Care Committee hears bill to add regulations to abortion laws
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Proposals to exand Workers' Compensation acutally protect business from lawsuits.
2/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Three top Republicans send a letter to Missouri's Attorney General urging him to take a stance on the lawsuit against Federal Health care
Radio Story - Cigarette tax faces opposition from House Republicans
Radio Story - Missouri's Attorney General released a report outlining twelve ways to clean up the Lake of the Ozarks
Radio Story - Republicans in Missouri's statehouse called on the state's attorney general to join the lawsuit against the federal health care law.
Newspaper Story - A 2010 court ruling over workers compensation could be reversed
Newspaper Story - Following House precedent, the Senate votes to join lawsuit against feds.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate passed a resolution pushing Democratic Attorney General Chris Koster to join the fight against the federal government's health care law.
Radio Story - The Missouri House will not allow smoking in a general gallery for House members but the House rejected an attempt to prohibit smoking in their own offices.
Newspaper Story - House passes resolution to sue government over health care reform.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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