The Missouri House rejects a smoking ban for offices in the Capitol
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The Missouri House rejects a smoking ban for offices in the Capitol

Date: January 13, 2011
By: Jamal Andress
State Capitol Bureau

The Missouri House reached a compromise on smoking in the capital building. Jamal Andress has more from the state Capitol.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The House rejected a ban on smoking in legislatures offices but under a compromise the house voted to ban smoking in a private members only room behind the House Chamber. 

House Republican Leader Tim Jones says the compromise sets a new tone for the House.

Actuality:  JONES.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "I am not a smoker, I hate cigarette smoke. I choose to go to restaurants that do not have smoking, to me it's an issue of compromise. There's alot of tradition in this building and it's hard to sometimes overcome those traditions and move. So I would disagree with you. I would say a new tone has been set."

The new smoking policies only apply to the areas controlled by the House.

Areas of the Capitol building under the administration's control are smoke free except for the designated smoking area. 

From the state Capitol, I'm Jamal Andress.