The Missouri House moves closer to allowing guns on college campuses
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The Missouri House moves closer to allowing guns on college campuses

Date: April 8, 2009
By: Lauren Stenzel
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HCS HB 668

Intro: The Missouri House moves one step closer to allowing guns on college campuses.

Lauren Stenzel has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC
The Missouri House adopted an amendment Wednesday that would allow people to conceal and carry guns on college campuses. The amendment's sponsor,Republican Representative Brian Munzlinger, said he believes this measure would make campuses safer. Republican Representative Timothy Jones responded to Munzlinger in agreement, saying that he believes tragedies of the past would have been different if students had guns.

Actuality:  JONES1.WAV
Run Time: 00:22

Description: "Gun free zones is where they target."

"These were gun free zones, posted, proclaimed, can't carry a gun."

"That's right."

"And gentleman, I'm sure, I'm sure, I would've heard about this, I'm sure the media would've reported this if any of those assailants had been legal carriers of a gun with a concealed carry privilege."  

Opponents to the amendment voiced concerns about the safety of students. Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Lauren Stenzel.

Intro: One representative mocks the idea of guns on college campuses.

Lauren Stenzel has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

Republican Representative Brian Munzlinger sponsored an amendment that would allow people to carry and conceal guns on college campuses around the state.

This measure alarmed many in the Missouri House, but caused one to entertain everyone with his thoughts.

Democratic Representative Chris Kelly explained his stance on guns being brought to fraternities, and dormitories around the state.

Actuality:  KELLY1.WAV
Run Time: 00:21
Description: "College boys who round up 25 possums half drunk can do amazingly interesting things with fireworks, bottles of gasoline, with all kinds of interesting devices. Fraternity boys are a very inventive lot, let's make sure we give 'em guns to play with too."

Kelly said that he believes that guns will be misused on college campuses, while Munzlinger said he believes that it will make campuses safer.

The Missouri House adopted this amendment on Wednesday, which was added onto a bill expanding the right to use deadly force against intruders.

From the State Capitol, I'm Lauren Stenzel.