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April 2009 Stories
Newspaper Story - A feature on adoption record laws in Missouri
Newspaper Story - House adds tax cut to mental retardation bill, chances not good in the Senate
Radio Story - A woman outside Kansas City awaits with the rest of Missouri to hear if she has swine flu while a second probable case appears.
Radio Story - The Missouri House rejected a proposal appropriating $336 million for capital improvements.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers not only passed a tax cut but voted to make them permanent.
Radio Story - There is no safe cigarette, but the Missouri Senate has adopted a bill could make cigarettes safer for those who smoke in bed.
Newspaper Story - Opponents of the $336 million stimulus bill said funds should be saved.
Newspaper Story - Senate committee approves college bonding bill, adds extra $100 million
Newspaper Story - Virginia Tech survivor joins anti-gun group at Capitol to stop conceal-and-carry campus legislation
Radio Story - A bill to protect motorcyclists from police harassment passed through the House and Senate unscathed...almost.
Newspaper Story - Without debate, Missouri's House restores $31 million for Columbia's Ellis Fischel Cancer Center
Newspaper Story - Nixon announces probable case of swine flu in Missouri
Newspaper Story - Columbia projects one step closer to millions in funding
Radio Story - One Senator led a day long debate that delayed voting on a proposed constitutional amendment.
Radio Story - A four bullet survivor of the Virginia Tech shooting spoke out against handguns on college campuses in the state Capitol Wednesday
Radio Story - The Missouri House perfected a bill that restores funding for Columbia's Ellis Fischel Cancer Center.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon announces Missouri's first possible swine flu case.
Radio Story - A senate committee room was filled today with those in support of a bill that would eliminate income taxes
Radio Story - A Missouri lawmaker urges replacing the state's income tax with a higher sales tax.
Newspaper Story - Proposed bill would cap minimum wage for tipped employees in the state
Newspaper Story - House passes measure to allow pharmacies to refuse to dispense Plan B
Newspaper Story - The conceal and carry provision that would allow guns on Missouri campuses is unlikely to get passed, some senators say.
Radio Story - Sometimes it's the Grinch that steals Christmas, but in Missouri on Tuesday, it was the politicians.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave final passage to a bill Tuesday that will help imprisoned parents pay child support.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate shot down a bill aimed to provide job security to volunteers in the Civil Air Patrol.
Radio Story - If signed by the governor, a bill giving protection to wrongfully accused fathers paying child support will become a reality.
Radio Story - One Missouri Senator says he doesn't think concealed guns will be allowed on college campuses.
Newspaper Story - Senate committee hears Rep. Chris Kelly's resolution, which would bring in money to fund higher education building projects
Newspaper Story - The House Tax Reform Committee passed $1 billion in tax cuts.
Newspaper Story - Federal funding for Ellis Fischel at stake after House dispute
Radio Story - Democrats on the House Rules Committee walked out of a vote to decide how to spend more than $1 billion in federal stimulus money.
Radio Story - Recent outbreak of the swine flu has the Department of Health and Senior Services implementing their plan to respond to pandemic flu.
Radio Story - Although no opposition testified against the bill, a few Senators voiced concern over a proposed constitutional amendment.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate laid aside a bill that one Senator says could allow public officials get away with murder.
Radio Story - House budget conflicts continue, but Governor Jay Nixon says he expects progress this week.
Radio Story - One Southwest Missouri Senator is already in the running to take Congressman Roy Blunt's seat, while a Joplin Senator said he is interestested, but has yet to officially announce his candidacy.
Radio Story - Missouri's dairy industry is asking the state to create a tax credit to help keep their farms from closing but the bill's sponsor says its not likely to pass.
Newspaper Story - AmerenUE urged legislators to withdraw legislation that would allow the company to raise rates in order to build nuclear power plant
Radio Story - Missouri House Republican leadership says they will now issue tax reductions to Missourians rather than handing out bailout money.
Radio Story - AmerenUE's announcement that it won't build a Callaway 2 nuclear power plant met with disappointment
Newspaper Story - Missouri Republicans are proposing a $1 billion tax rebate with stimulus dollars
Radio Story - The senior most member of the House of Representatives called Gov. Nixon's $100 million jobs training program a mystery.
Radio Story - Republican representatives caucused to discuss big budget issues but details remain slim about the specific issues.
Newspaper Story - Expansion for children's health care program rejected
Radio Story - A bill that one Representative says destroys marriages is on its way to being soon as the Governor signs.
Newspaper Story - A Missouri watchdog group accused the Missouri Supreme Court of violating the Sunshine Law this week by refusing to provide email correspondence of its employees.
Newspaper Story - A House bill - which would allow sexual relations between prison guards and former inmates on parole - passed the Senate without opposition.
Radio Story - The Supreme Court of Missouri has the power to decide law. But do Missourians have the right to read the Supreme Court's emails?
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate gives final approval on a new mandated registration program on lenders.
Radio Story - The senate ruled Tuesday that every nursing home in Missouri will be required to have state-approved sprinkler systems.
Radio Story - Persons who deal drugs in front of children would face mandatory prison time under a measure approved by Missouri's House Tuesday.
Radio Story - The Missouri House rejected a last-chance proposal by the governor to expand Missouri healthcare for low-income children.
Radio Story - A bill giving elderly supplemental food stamp assistance gets second round clearance in the House.
Newspaper Story - Feature on identity theft legislation.
Radio Story - The state's budget director told lawmakers that tax revenues may fall more than expected, but the state will pay back the money it borrowed from reserves by the deadline.
Newspaper Story - A House Committee made strides toward killing a job-creation plan sponsored by the governor
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee stripped $100 million from the job training pushed by the governor to fund projects that would benefit legislative home districts.
News summary for the week of April 13, 2009
Radio Story - Despite much opposition, a resolution abolishing the state income tax took one step closer to appearing on voters' ballots after it passed through the House to the Senate.
Newspaper Story - The House passed a bill today with an attached amendment allowing concealed carry of handguns on college campuses on the anniversary of the Va. Tech massacre
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate approved a measure that would give health coverage to 35,000 Missourians who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.
Radio Story - Missouri's House approves a measure to expand DNA sampling of persons arrested.
Newspaper Story - A resolution funding $700 in public university capital improvements won House approval Thursday
Radio Story - The vice president has a message for the show-me state: Show me renewable energies, and I'll show you the future.
Radio Story - On the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, the Missouri House passed a bill that would allow 21 year olds to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.
Newspaper Story - Supporters say Lost Creek Wind Farm would bring jobs, energy independence to Mo.
Newspaper Story - The Senate voted in approval of Show Me Health Coverage, a bill that would give health coverage to 35,000 uninsured parents.
Radio Story - St. Louisans will board less-crowded METRO buses if a $20 million funding plan in front of the House Budget Committee gains lawmakers' approval.
Newspaper Story - Lone Democrat at event booed off stage
Radio Story - Small business employees could see smaller pay checks because of a bill exempting some businesses from the minimum wage requirement
Radio Story - What would income tax day and a tea party have in common? The answer is angry Conservatives.
Newspaper Story - Nixon says state's incentive packages have been rejected because the Senate hasn't passed the jobs bill.
Radio Story - A slew of bills from Missouri's House and Senate are trying to protect one thing: your identity. A college student found out the hard way that the state has no law requiring businesses to tell you if hackers break into your account.
Newspaper Story - Bill moving through House which would change Mo. public defender system
Radio Story - Despite a disappointing loss, Missouri Senators welcomed Mizzou's basketball team onto the floor after a surprise visit.
Radio Story - The Governor is tired of waiting on a bill that could put hundreds of jobs in Missouri.
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court upheld a law prohibiting convicted sex offenders from having custody or unsupervised visitation rights.
Radio Story - The Missouri House votes to pass a $700 million bond amendment.
Radio Story - Despite a variety of bills and pleads from families, the Missouri legislature has blocked initiatives to cover autism treatments.
Newspaper Story - Resolution appropriating $700 million for higher education construction projects received no inquiry or opposition.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave first-round approval to a bill abolishing the state income tax.
Radio Story - The Mizzou basketball team made a surprising visit to Missouri's Senators in the chamber this week.
News summary for the week of April 6, 2009
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - A GOP filibuster that ran into the early morning hours Thursday blocked the governor's plan for tax cuts to business for economic development.
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri House votes to put a cap on salaries with tips
4/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - Legislation would deny some welfare benefits to those who fail a drug test
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Just hours after an all-night filibuster turned despicably ugly, two Missouri senators continued to slam each other as soon as the next day's session began.
4/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - House adopts amendment that allows guns in college classrooms
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Milk producers in Missouri would get tax credits in times of volatile milk pricing with a bill that passed from the House to the Senate.
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Welfare recipients would be up for future drug testing if a bill that passed through the House makes it through the Senate.
4/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - After a night spent debating an economic development bill, Missouri Senate erupted in a personal argument between two Senators
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Drug testing for welfare recipients who are suspected of doing illegal drugs was proposed by a bill that passed through the House to the Senate.
4/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - On the same day the U.S. Attorney General warned of mortgage fraud, a Missouri legislative committee heard a proposal to toughen regulation of mortgage brokers.
4/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee approved nearly $100 million in federal stimulus money for state agencies to use in the next three months.
4/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - Two Democratic Representatives are trying to do something that hasn't happened in more than 60 years through a state constitutional amendment.
4/ 8/2009:
Newspaper Story - House committee passes bill to use federal stimulus money for fiscal year 2009
4/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House adopts an amendment to allow guns on campuses
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri funds college for combat veterans, but here's the catch -- you have to be a Missouri resident prior to enlisting.
4/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - Constitutional amendment that would change the way state selects Supreme Court and Appeals judges gained initial support in the Missouri House
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave overwhelming approval to a measure that would require drug tests for recipients of welfare.
4/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - The legality of a bill that requires drug tests of welfare recipients was questioned.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - In reports obtained from a Sunshine law request, MIAC cites a publicly edited online database as a source.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri Speaker of the House admits to blocking bill requiring insurance companies to cover autism.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Housing Sexual Offenders is pricey in Missouri. The House Corrections Committee heard a bill Tuesday that could save taxpayers over 60 thousand dollars year.
4/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - The first day of full Senate debate on an AmerenUE-backed bill
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Charges of outside financial interests were raised in the Missouri Senate over the AmerenUE plan for a new nuclear plant.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Identity theft is on the rise, and some are attributing this statistic to Missouri's lax identity theft laws.
4/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Following a controversial report about the modern militia report the Missouri State Highway Patrol appointed a new director of the MIAC
4/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - The Department of Revenue says tax payers will likely see a delay in their refunds this year, maybe as long as two months after filing deadline.
4/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - State revenue shortfall will delay tax refund payments
4/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Officials say the state's unemployment insurance fund will be $1 billion short in the coming years, and the House Workforce Committee passed a bill that would lift the borrowing limit.
4/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - In response to a federal bill, a measure passed a House committee that forces workers to use secret ballots to form unions.
4/ 5/2009:
News summary for the week of March 30, 2009
4/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - For a second year in a row, a Senate plan to expand health care coverage is dividing GOP legislators.
4/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - If Missouri lawmakers get their way, might soon have to give up more than just a fingerprint.
4/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Bill passed the house which would require special elections to fill statewide office vacancies
4/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - Missourians may have the chance to vote on whether to expand the state sex offender registry now that a joint resolution has passed the state Senate.
4/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Joint Resolution to expand state sex offender registry passes Senate
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - The House rejected an amendment that would increase the age of college students whose parents are eligible for child support from 21 to age 22.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - While Missourians are asking for more jobs, Senate dispute could kill a bill aimed at job creation.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - A senate bill moving through committee would give more financial aid to students attending public universities, but at the expense to those attending private universities.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - Two Senate Appropriations committee members call for more oversight of the Missouri Information Analysis Center, MIAC, more than a week after it released a report on U.S. militias.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - A quarter of a million Missourians are unemployed, but some aren't giving up hope.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - It was Republican against Republican on the Senate floor Wednesday, before perfecting a bill regarding health care.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - An amendment proposing child support age changes got rejected in the House.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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