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2009 Liberties Stories
Radio Story - Missouri legislator moves to repeal law banning margarine.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers again try to make illegal margarine legal
12/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - One Missouri state representative wants to give voters the chance to block the national health care legislation.
12/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - Representative Cynthia Davis filled a resolution allowing Missourians to vote on the federal health care bill
12/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Chris Kelly will no longer be the ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee.
11/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - A Group of Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers have turned over nearly 500 illegal immigrants to the federal government since 2007.
Radio Story - President Obama is telling federal prosecutors not to press criminal charges against medical marijuana users in states that OK the practice.
Newspaper Story - This morning the first red light camera case was dismissed.
Radio Story - House members argue how best to govern MIAC five months after the agency had a report leaked on militias in the United States.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passes abortion legislation stripped of coercion language.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate held a late night debate on abortion and passed a bill that would place stricter limitations on abortions.
Radio Story - The House passed a bill which gives public defenders the right to turn down a trial.
Radio Story - House Majority Floor Leader asked Governor Nixon for a request today: to commute the death sentence of a convicted killer in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Concealed-carry bill stalls in Senate committee
Radio Story - With only four days left in legislative session, a Senate committee canceled a vote on a measure that would allow college students to carry loaded firearms.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri's first openly gay Senator had a historic day this past weekend in Iowa.
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's first openly gay senator wed this weekend
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - A proposal some Democrats criticize as being anti-unions passed the Missouri House.
Radio Story - Sometimes it's the Grinch that steals Christmas, but in Missouri on Tuesday, it was the politicians.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate laid aside a bill that one Senator says could allow public officials get away with murder.
Radio Story - A bill that one Representative says destroys marriages is on its way to being soon as the Governor signs.
Newspaper Story - A Missouri watchdog group accused the Missouri Supreme Court of violating the Sunshine Law this week by refusing to provide email correspondence of its employees.
Newspaper Story - A House bill - which would allow sexual relations between prison guards and former inmates on parole - passed the Senate without opposition.
Radio Story - A bill giving elderly supplemental food stamp assistance gets second round clearance in the House.
Newspaper Story - Feature on identity theft legislation.
Radio Story - Missouri's House approves a measure to expand DNA sampling of persons arrested.
Radio Story - On the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, the Missouri House passed a bill that would allow 21 year olds to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court upheld a law prohibiting convicted sex offenders from having custody or unsupervised visitation rights.
4/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - House adopts amendment that allows guns in college classrooms
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Welfare recipients would be up for future drug testing if a bill that passed through the House makes it through the Senate.
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Drug testing for welfare recipients who are suspected of doing illegal drugs was proposed by a bill that passed through the House to the Senate.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave overwhelming approval to a measure that would require drug tests for recipients of welfare.
4/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - The legality of a bill that requires drug tests of welfare recipients was questioned.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - In reports obtained from a Sunshine law request, MIAC cites a publicly edited online database as a source.
4/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Following a controversial report about the modern militia report the Missouri State Highway Patrol appointed a new director of the MIAC
4/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - If Missouri lawmakers get their way, might soon have to give up more than just a fingerprint.
4/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - Missourians may have the chance to vote on whether to expand the state sex offender registry now that a joint resolution has passed the state Senate.
4/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Joint Resolution to expand state sex offender registry passes Senate
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - Two Senate Appropriations committee members call for more oversight of the Missouri Information Analysis Center, MIAC, more than a week after it released a report on U.S. militias.
Newspaper Story - A proposed constitutional amendment would force thousands of more Mo. sex offenders register with the state
Radio Story - Missouri gun owners would be cleared to openly carry weapons nearly anywhere in the state under a proposed bill.
Radio Story - A Senate Joint Resolution would put nearly 5,000 Missouri sexual offenders back on the sex offender registry.
Radio Story - A bill giving teacher's the right to use force, including spanking has been introduced to Missouri's Senate. Alex Rozier has more from the State Capitol.
Newspaper Story - Bill passed Senate which would allow motorcyclists to run red lights under certain conditions
Radio Story - The House Privacy Committee heard a bill Tuesday that will make it illegal to force someone to have a personal identification chip put under their skin.
3/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - It's a strange word for a strange practice but members of Noodler's Anonymous say they want to see their sport legalized.
3/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Boating and beer bonging would not go hand-in-hand with future bill.
3/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - Seeking to avoid 'Octo-mom' in Mo., measure filed that would limit how many eggs a doctor could implant in a woman.
3/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - By more than a two-thirds majority, Missouri House perfected a bill making it a crime to coerce an abortion.
3/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The House passes a bill to require 24-hour waiting period for Missouri women seeking an abortion
3/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - The state's most powerful gun lobby urged legislators to allow individuals the right to kill if threatened anywhere on their privately owned property.
3/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - People have the right to pray in school says a Senator who proposed an amendment to Missouri's Constitution.
3/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - A new bill introduced would increase penalties for those caught on camera running a red light to the same as being caught by a police officer
Radio Story - Employers will no longer be able to discriminate based on someone's sexual orientation if one measure makes it's way to the Governor's desk.
Radio Story - Some Missouri senators are pushing legislation that would make abortions more transparent and influence those seeking to receive one.
Radio Story - Putting red light cameras to a stop had lawmakers' wheels turning Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Despite four recent cell-phone-related traffic fatalities in Missouri, several state representatives said a bill restricting handheld cell phone usage while driving will likely not be passed into law this session.
Radio Story - Missouri's Transportation Department Strongly Opposes A Potential Change In a Motorcycle Helmet Law. Alex Rozier has more from the Capitol.
Radio Story - With a shortage of more than one hundred and ninety lawyers, Missouri Public Defenders have been asking for assistance since 2000. One lawmaker is trying to lighten the load on public counsel by offering up private firms to help out.
Radio Story - Since she wasn't given a concrete reason why, a House Democrat comes up with her own, more controversial explanation as to why she wasn't reappointed to the children and families committee.
Radio Story - An Anti-Abortion Resolution sparks intense debate on the House floor.
Newspaper Story - Senate Committee hears testimony on dogfighting bills
2/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - A state Representative says a House bill that would protect homosexuals from discrimination is pointless because that protection is already promised by the state.
2/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate committee has moved a bill to the Senate floor that would regulate pre-need funeral contracts.
Radio Story - One Mo. Representative has introduced legislation so veterans wouldn't have to pay for metered parking
Radio Story - There are unclaimed veterans remains all over Missouri but one state representative wants to end that and give fallen Americans a proper burial.
Radio Story - Representatives from Missouri's funeral industry urged Senators to increase regulation in order to ensure legitimate pre-need contracts.
Radio Story - 12 circuits in the Children's Division of the Missouri Department of Social Services have yet to meet national accreditation standards.
Radio Story - A bill is proposed in the Missouri House which may put the magnifying glass on minorities more often when drafting legislation.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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