Motorcyclists Soon May Not Need Helmets.
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Motorcyclists Soon May Not Need Helmets.

Date: February 17, 2009
By: Alex Rozier
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 165

Intro: Missouri's Transportation Department strongly opposes a potential change in a motorcycle helmet law. Alex Rozier has more from the Capitol. RunTime:0:49
OutCue: SOC

A MODOT Representative urged the House Transportation committee to oppose repealing the law requiring protective headgear while operating a motorcycle.

Supporters of the change say it should be the drivers' choice.

On the other side, opponents argued the use of helmets can save lives.

MODOT Highway Safety Division Director, Dr. Leanna DePue is against the bill.

Actuality:  DEPUE1.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description:  In 2008, we had the highest number of motorcycle fatalities on record, in spite of the fact that our overall highway fatalities have decreased, over the last three years, by about 25%.


If the change is made, the law will still require any passenger or operator 21 and under to wear headgear while on the motorcycle.

If the state were to repeal the law, Missouri would be the sixth state to do so.

From the capitol, I'm Alex Rozier.

Intro: A bunch of bikers were in Jefferson City yesterday urging a House Committee to repeal part of the state's helmet law. Alex Rozier has more from the Capitol.

OutCue: SOC

The bikers testified before the Missouri Transportation Committee on a bill that would repeal the requirement to wear protective headgear while operating a motorcycle.

Proponents of the bill stress it should be the individual's choice.

Freedom of Road Riders Legislative Coordinator Greg Mullanix supports the change.

Actuality:  MULL1.WAV
Run Time: 00:14
Description: They say that the helmet will protect us, the helmet will keep me from dying, the helmet will do this, the helmet will prevent the crash, the helmet will save the state of Missouri all this money.... my body against a 4000 pound car, it don't work.

Opponents argue that the use of helmets can only save lives.

If repealed, the law would still require any driver or passenger 21 and under to wear a helmet while on a motorcycle.

From the Capitol, I'm Alex Rozier.