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April 2004 Stories
News summary for the week of April 26, 2004
Radio Story - A new bill being pushed through the Senate would require water companies to give warning before turning off services for late sewer bills.
Radio Story - Missourians over 21 would no longer have to wear a motorcycle helmet under bill passed by the House.
Radio Story - The House voted to require only riders under the age of 21 to wear a helmet.
Radio Story - A bill being pushed through the Senate grants immunity to small towns of deaths or injuries from local fairs and festivals.
Radio Story - House passes bill that would make it more difficult for minors to get an abortion
Radio Story - By a voice vote, the Senate gave preliminary approval to legislation that would put the state in debt to pay for new buildings and reonvations on university and college campuses.
Newspaper Story - A multi-hundred million dollar bond, slated for higher education "life science" construction projects statewide, took a step forward Wednesday evening when the Senate gave the bill first-round approval. Although winning preliminary approval, several provisions were added on that could cause the bill to face strong opposition in the House.
Radio Story - The bill would make the state's standards the same as those on the Federal No Child Left Behind Act.
Radio Story - John Kerry accepts an invitation from Westminister College President Fletcher Lamkin to speak at the Fulton college. The speech comes four days after Vice-President Dick Cheney offered what some viewed as a politically motivated speech from the same podium on Monday.
Newspaper Story - The Appropriations Conference Committee approved increases for higher and lower education for the coming budget year.
Radio Story - The House voted to let parents sue anyone who helps their underage daughter get an abortion if the parents didn't give their consent.
Radio Story - Legislators from the House and Senate met in a conference committee to reconcile their different versions of the state budget. One major compromise involves giving more money to higher education.
Radio Story - The governor vetoed the bill, saying it favors companies, not individuals in liability lawsuits.
Radio Story - Workers say republicans don't support their need for workers compensation and unemployment benefits.
Radio Story - More than twenty-five hundred showed up outside the Capitol lawn including leading democrats who lashed out against Republicans
Radio Story - The House gave first round approval to a measure that would make liable anyone who helps a minor obtain an abortion without parental consent.
Radio Story - Under a bill passed in the Missouri House parent would be able to sue anyone helping an underage child to get an abortion in another state.
Radio Story - Under a bill passed in the Missouri House of Representatives parent would be able to sue anyone helping an underage child to get an abortion in another state.
Radio Story - Springfield Senator Norma Champion threated to filibuster legislation containing the proposed merger between Northwest State University and the University of Missouri system.
Radio Story - Senators gave first round approval to a measure that would make it illegal to videotape a movie being shown in a theatre.
News summary for the week of April 19, 2004
Newspaper Story - Supporters of the medical liability lawsuit awards bill say the legislation would prevent frivolous lawsuits against doctors and hospitals.
Newspaper Story - When Republicans attempted a motion to force a vote on liability lawsuits, Democratic Floor Leader Ken Jacob countered with a substitute motion.
Radio Story - House gives final approval to a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages
Radio Story - Despite attempts to delay the bill's passage, the Senate sent the governor a proposal that restricts liability lawsuits.
Newspaper Story - Democrats adjourned the Senate to prevent debate on lawsuit limits.
Radio Story - Those who injure dogs that help the disabled survive would be subject to a class A misdemeanor
Radio Story - A handful of senate democrats succeeded in moving for adjournment when they notced no one else was in the chamber, delaying a vote on Republican-backed legislation.
Radio Story - A few democratic senators engaged in extended debate on the bill that funds public schools.
Radio Story - Blunt wants to repeal Missouri franchise tax on businesses
Radio Story - The House passes a bill that would cap the money awarded by medical malpractice lawsuits, and restrict the suits to courtrooms in the counties they got injured.
Newspaper Story - Rod Paige addressed Monday an audience of between 200 and 300 people at Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, Mo. Paige, and a panel of five other education experts had a town hall meeting -- including two superintendents and a representative from Missouri State Teachers Association -- which focused on recent changes to No Child Left Behind education law
Radio Story - Army Major and State Senator Jon Dolan comments on a case before the U.S. Supreme Court involving the undetermined fate of suspected terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Radio Story - This Missouri State Senate worked to perfect a bill to better higher education in Missouri. The bill would authorize a $350 million bond for construction and renovation at Missouri higher education facilities. Senator Jim Mathewson proposed an amendment to the bill to add more than $22 million for community colleges, but felt unesay about the possible effects of the entire bill.
Radio Story - Senators debate the merits of a proposal that would put the state $350 million in debt to pay for building projects on university campuses.
Newspaper Story - Senators delayed a vote on the $350 million higher education bond bill with arguments over its scope and the use of limited state funds.
Radio Story - Senator John Loudon has proposed a bill that would allow parents to sue individuals who help their daighters get across state lines to receive an abortion without parental consent.
News summary for the week of April 12, 2004
Radio Story - Holden, King III, and a representative of Louis Farrakhan attend Betty L. Thompson Day at the state Capitol
Radio Story - A bill to double the length required before evicting mobile home owners comes after some of the bill sponsor's constituents faced a difficult eviction.
Newspaper Story - Missouri still lags behind other states in repairing its difficult budget situation, but all states are looking toward full recovery, even if it's a long time coming.
Radio Story - Lawmakers debate a proposal that would ask voters to repeal term limits.
Radio Story - The senate debates a bill that's designed to create new jobs by ending some tax credit programs and shifting the money to public construction projects.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee added $20 million to the higher education budget while cutting $13 million from general revenue for elementary and secondary education.
Radio Story - For many, the hassle of getting a drivers' license ends after waiting in line at the DMC. However, for some, the issue could turn into a conflict between public safety and freedom of religion.
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill criticized Governor Bob Holden for waiting too long to release money he'd withheld from public schools.
Radio Story - Warren County Rep. Mike Sutherland is sponsoring a bill to make large carnivore breeding illegal. Currently there are not laws regulating this.
Radio Story - Jacob sponsors resolution to repeal term limits
Radio Story - The plan would give tax credits to donors to a scholarship plan that lets poor kids attend private schools.
Radio Story - The House gave final approval to a bill that's designed to overhaul the state's child welfare system.
Radio Story - The House gave final approval to legislation designed to overhaul the state's child welfare system.
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden addresed a crowd of more than six hundred disabled Missourians fighting for more money and equal rights.
Radio Story - The bill, sponsored by Represenatative Larry Crawford would give counties the power to use fees for permits towards related expenses. It comes as the Missouri Supreme Court rules the current law's funding violates the Hancock Amendment in the state Constitution.
Radio Story - The bill would ban human cloning research.
4/ 9/2004:
News summary for the week of April 5, 2004
4/ 8/2004:
Radio Story - McCaskill's audit on child abuse contains statistics she calls alarming
4/ 7/2004:
Newspaper Story - The House passed an $18.6 billion budget Wednesday that provides a bigger increase for educatin than the governor reccomended -- without tax increases. The budget was passed on the same day that the Revenue Department released numbers showing that state revenue collections are up significantly.
4/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - The issue of restricting the definition of marriage to a man and a woman is one of the most hotly debated issues in the Missouri lesgislature this session.
4/ 7/2004:
Newspaper Story - Revenue collections through March exceeded expectations of the House Budget Committee chairman.
4/ 7/2004:
Newspaper Story - State education officials said Wednesday that increased local support through property taxes, as a result of Tuesday's statewide voting, could increase funding inequities. The problem lies in the formula itself, which rewards local funding effort with more state aid.
4/ 6/2004:
Newspaper Story - April 15 will be an especially key date for a House budget plan currently under consideration. Earlier in the year, the House, Senate, and Gov. Bob Holden agreed the state should expect about $6.4 billion in revenue, but the new House budget plan utilizes about $7 billion in revenue. But that difference won't be known until the mid-April deadline, said State Budget Director Linda Luebbering. She did not rule out the Republican figures outright, saying there was not enough information at this
4/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - The bill passed in the senate allows police to pull drivers over for simply not wearing a seat belt. It also increases the fine from 10 dollars to 15 dollars.
4/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - The House voted down an amendment subtracting $2 million from funds set side to repay bind money at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis.
4/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - Crowell says UM's higher budget and increased reliance on tuition and fees made student tuitions rise.
4/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - With over one hundred school districts asking their residents to approve increased taxation Tuesday, the public school funding debate could be significantly altered.
4/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - Republican lawmakers dismissed Gov. Bob Holden's call for a constitutional amendment Monday to make it more difficult for the legislature to cut state funding for health coverage for welfare recipients.
4/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden proposed a constitutional amendment today for what he says will protect health insurance for thousands of Missouri children, but some Republicans feels the move may simply be a way to bolster support for his campaign.
4/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Committee passed a budget Monday of almost $18.5 million. The budget rejects the governor's proposals and contains few substantial changes from the fiscal year 2004 budget.
4/ 2/2004:
News summary for the week of March 29, 2004
4/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - Veteran Herman Smith recalls what life was like on a World War II submarine.
4/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - Under the bill, unspecified medicaid programs, which currently expand to fund all who are eligible, would have set budgets. Advocates say the change is needed to keep medicaid going.
4/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - Bikers and other protesters of child abuse gathered on the lawn of the State Capitol to mark the beginning of Child Abuse Prevention month.
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