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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for the Week of April 5, 2004


. Holden releases the remainder of education funds he'd withheld. (04/09/04)

JEFFERSON CITY - At a hastely scheduled news conference, Gov. Bob Holden announced release of the remaining $127 million he had been withholding from education.

For months, Holden had charged that the budget passed by the Republican-controlled budget was out of balance and that without tax increases, forced him to make the funding cuts to education.

On the other side, Republicans argued the rebound in the state's economy did not justify the education funding cuts. State tax collections have been running far higher than had been projected -- and far higher than necessary to fund the budget the legislature had passed last spring.

. McCaskill's audit shows statistics on child abuse that she calls alarming (04/08/04)

JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri State Auditor released an audit on children's safety.

One statistic said that nearly half of the cases reviewed were handled improperly by caseworkers, according to state policy.

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    . House passes $18.6 billion budget (04/07/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The House passed an $18.6 billion budget Wednesday that provides a bigger increase for education than the governor reccomended -- without tax increases.

    The budget was passed on the same day that the Revenue Department released numbers showing that state revenue collections are up significantly.

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  • Get the House roll call.
    . Dozens of school districts pass levies, possibly affecting funding equity (04/07/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - State education officials said Wednesday that increased local support through property taxes, as a result of Tuesday's statewide voting, could increase funding inequities. The problem lies in the formula itself, which rewards local funding effort with more state aid.

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    . State revenue up 7.5 percent through March (04/07/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Numbers released by the Revenue Department Wednesday show general revenue for the year is up 7.5 percent through March. When one-time federal money is excluded, general revenue is up 5.2 percent for the year.

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    . House does not pass amendment to further ethanol program (04/06/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The House rejected an amendment taking money away from bond repayment and applying it to an Ethanol incentive program.

    Supporters of the amendment say the 2 million supporters say it talkes only $10 million per year to repay the bonds sold for the Edward Jones Dome, but opponents say it would have been an irresponsible move.

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    . Budget plan under debate in House (04/06/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - April 15 will be an especially key date for a House budget plan currently under construction. Earlier in the year, the House, Senate, and Gov. Holden agreed the state should expect about $6.4 billion in revenue, but the new House plan utilizes about $7 billion.

    The difference between the two won't be known until the mid-April deadline, said State Budget Director Linda Luebbering. She did not rule out the Republican figures outright, saying there was not enough information at this point.

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    . House Republican floor leader blames UM system for its own tuition hikes (04/06/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Jason Crowell spoke in favor of a bill for a higher education budget. He says not only did the UM sytem's budget rise since 2000, but they made their students pay for a larger chunk of that budget.

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    . Owl sounds and a bronx cheer marked the opening debate of the House's budget (04/06/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Republicans and Democrats engaged in raucous debate over the 2005 budget. The debate centered around appropriations for education.

    . Missouri Senate passes a bill that allows police to pull drivers over for seatbelt violations (04/06/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - An act modifying safety standards for child car seats and bicycles makes seatbelt violations a primary offence. You could be pulled over simply for not wearing a seat belt, as long as the officer sees you.

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  • Get the Senate roll call.
    . Record number of schools to seek increased taxes (04/05/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - With over one hundred school districts asking their residents to approve increased taxation Tuesday, the public school funding debate could be significantly altered. In Tuesday's vote various tax increases are being subjected to widespread public approval -- or disapproval.

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    . Republicans react to Holden's amendment proposal concerning children's insurance (4/5/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Bob Holden proposed a constitutional amendment today for what he says will protect health insurance for thousands of Missouri children.

    But some Republican lawmakers say the governor's move ignores bigger budget issues and may be a way to bolster support for his campaign.

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    . House Budget Committee passes almost $18.5 million budget (04/05/04)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The House Budget Committee passed a budget Monday totaling almost $18.5 million. The budget contains few substantial funding changes for state departments.

    The full House is expected to take up the budget on Tuesday or Wednesday.

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