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Commercial businesses won't be happy with what will come in the mail after the new year.

December 6, 2001
By: Chris DuPree
State Capital Bureau
This is Chris DuPree for Missouri Capital Caucus.

Some commercial businesses won't be happy with what will come in the mail after the new year.

Many commercial insurance companies in the state are mailing out nonrenewal and cancellation notices on policies that cover terrorism effective January first accordring to Missouri's Department of Insurance.

Even though terrorism is a key to the nonrenewal, the September 11th attacks, according to Deptartment of Insurance spokesman Randy Mcconnell, is not the concern. It is future concern that is the motivation.

Actuality:Randy McConnell
RunTime: 00:14
OutCue: "....something they are willing to accept."(Insure4.wav)

The risk of future terror attacks coupled with the lack of re-insurance backing prompted the policy cancellations.

And future insurance policies may not provide the same amount of coverage unless the government steps in and provide some help.

Actuality:Randy McConnell
RunTime: 00:23
OutCue: "....current level of coverage."(Insure5)

The news is good for individual policyholders, though.

Coverage will continue, but they can expect an increase in policy cost of about 6 percent over the next year.