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December 2001 Stories
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden orders use of more tobacco funds and further budget cuts to balance the state's budget.
Radio Story - The Governor made cuts to the state budget, including cuts that stop funding to smoking prevention programs.
Newspaper Story - Calling smallpox "a major threat to our homeland security," Gov. Bob Holden has asked response teams in Missouri to respond to any smallpox outbreak.
Newspaper Story - Boone County will be shared by five House districts after the redistricting results were announced Thursday.
Radio Story - New districting lines are released for state legislators and there may be some big changes for St. Louis
Newspaper Story - The state budget is short $220 million, and if a bill passes through Congress, could force the state to lay off employees.
Radio Story - Governor Holden will announce what he plans to cut out of the budget to help with the state's economic problems
Newspaper Story - Are the areas of Columbia, Branso, Wentzville and Hermann ready for another name change to their telephone service provider? If an application is approved by the Missouri Public Service Commission, the short life of Verizon in the state of Missouri is due to expire.
Newspaper Story - the Dept. of transportation says it may not be able to cover a proposed $4.5 billion bond sale, so a tax increase may occur.
Radio Story - Economic conditions look glum for Missouri's future. Chair of appropriations, John Russell, says that he does not think a new stadium in St. Louis or Kansas City is important right now.
12/ 7/2001:
News summary for the week of December 3, 2001
12/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - The state government has warned Missouri public colleges and universities that they may the next victims of the state's budget withholdings.
12/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - Commissioner of Education, D. Kent King, encourages Missouri teachers to educate and teach students on the 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
12/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - A bill to legalize prevention of flag desecration could include assault
12/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - Many commercial insurance companies in the state are mailing out nonrenewal and cancellation notices on policies that cover terrorism effective January first according to Missouri's Department of Insurance.
12/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - MoSTA has asked lawmakers for a salary increase in order to retain experienced troopers
12/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - State budget withholdings could be higher than the $150-200 million previously estimated.
12/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - A group of members with the Women's Business Enterprise came to the Capitol Wednesday, to discuss their concerns with state officials.
12/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Missouri Senator Marvin Singleton says he wants to change the statute of limitations on Missouri rape law
12/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - The Senate's Insurance Committee chairman says shrinking competition of health insurance companies is contributing to rising health costs.
12/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Legislation is filed to let people beat up those who burn the flag.
12/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - According to an audit by the federal government Missouri is wrongly using federal money
12/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Senator Harry Wiggins, a democrat from Kansas City, is proposing an extra $14 million for Kansas City stadium renovations. Wiggins says Kansas City and St. Louis need to work together or neither city will benefit.
12/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Women lawmakers rally for another effort for legislative ratification of the federal Equal Rights Amendment
12/ 3/2001:
Radio Story - A group of representatives from the state legislature are filing an equal pay bill to help women in Missouri earn as much as their male counterparts.
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