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March 2001 Stories
News summary for the week of March 26, 2001
Radio Story - A decision by Governor Bob Holden on who will serve on redistricting commissions, caused tension in the House.
Radio Story - A Senate committee looks at ways to draw districts that will be fair to all Missourians.
Radio Story - 'Home rule' means the state no longer controls the city level of government in St. Louis City.
News summary for the week of March 19, 2001
Newspaper Story - National and state agriculture officials said there is little danger of the hoof-and-mouth epidemic reaching Missouri's beef producers.
Newspaper Story - Several lawmakers have unveiled transportation plans which they say would make the Missouri Department of Transportation more accountable to the governor, legislature and taxpayers.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Administration Committee voted Friday to eliminate six positions. Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder announced the names until Monday.
Radio Story - President Pro Tem Peter Kinder's office released the names of six staffers who are losing their jobs.
News summary for the week of March 12, 2001
Newspaper Story - An assistant to Sen. Harold Caskey, D-Butler, one of the nation's few blind state legislators, could be one of about a dozen people expected to be fired in the wake of Republican measures proposed by President Pro Tem Sen. Peter Kinder.
Radio Story - Democrats and Republicans clashed Thursday over proposed Senate restructuring.
Newspaper Story - An atheist in Christian County prompted a Columbia legislator to propose eliminating the "so help me God" clause from an oath taxpayers in poor counties must sign on their personal property tax forms.
Radio Story - Sen. Harold Caskey's assistant is one of a dozen Senate staffers likely to be fired under Senate budget cutbacks.
Radio Story - Sen. Anita Yeckel proposes a bill to stop methamphetamine production.
Radio Story - Under a proposed bill, Missouri schools would receive more money from the state in order to teach English to foreign students.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Anita Yeckel would limit sales of cold medicine to three packages per visit, as an attempt to prevent the production of methemphetimine.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate Committee looked at a concealed weapons law, that would require registration with the Missouri Highway Patrol.
Radio Story - A Senate bill proposes creating a regional board to govern all St. Louis-area airports, giving the region a voice in airport-related decisions.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Ken Jacob introduced legislation that would allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons, provided they adhere to strict regulations.
Radio Story - One state senator is pushing the idea of toll roads coming to St. Louis county.
Radio Story - A current bill in front of the Senate Transportation Committee would deny commercial businesses from taking control of truck stops.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden and state lawmakers are responding to urgent requests for funding from the department of transportation.
Newspaper Story - The House gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a $458.7 million appropriation in state higher education funds. The funds should help programs in the UM ststem.
Newspaper Story - A bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Foley, D-St. Louis County, would garner sales tax off stadium tickets to help pay for the Cardinals proposed stadium.
Radio Story - Under a senate proposal, part ticket sales tax funding would provide other economic development for St. Louis.
Radio Story - The Missouri of Department of transportation is not taking a position on Senate bill 565, regarding rest stop contracting, but is currently doing a study in regards to rest stops.
Radio Story - A proposed bill would increase the amount of scholarships offered to education students in St. Louis.
Radio Story - St. Louis Senator Wayne Goode has introduced a bill that would create a commission to oversee Capitol construction.
3/ 9/2001:
News summary for the week of March 5, 2001
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill said there has been mismanagement of federal funds within the Department of Social Services.
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - The beef industry is booming in Missouri as legislation whispers within the state capitol are realized throughout state industries.
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Supreme Court handed the state a major victory Thursday by ruling that the state did not have to refund $244 million to taxpayers.
3/ 8/2001:
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court rules the state doesn't owe an additional $244 million in Hancock tax refunds.
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - A House committee approved a proposal to require more time before evictions.
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - A proposal to remove state regulations that bar employees from drinking alcohol within their establishment.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - House Democrats begin quick action on the governor's package of tax hikes for transportation.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - A bill in the Missouri Senate would revise the Animal Care Facility Act, raising dog licensing fees and changing search procedures of dog breeding facilities.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - In the same week a Missouri man had his execution stayed by the Supreme Court over concerns of his mental capabilities the Missouri House passed a bill to ban those executions.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - Vicky Riback-Wilson is sponsoring one bill to abolish the death penalty in Missouri
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - One hundred people converged on the Capital Wednesday to lobby for animal rights and changes to legislation.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - The Senate gave initial approval Wednesday to a bill that would exclude mentally retarded people from the death penalty.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - A campaign to allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons found a surprise, but accidental supporter from one of the leading concealed weapons opponents.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - An anti-gun senator is sponsoring a bill that would bring the issue of carry concealed weapons back to Missouri voters.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - With international debate still raging, Missouri lawmakers don't have a clear plan to regulate Internet adoptions, even though the twins in question were born in St. Louis.
3/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - There was a rally in the Statehouse Tuesday, backed by the AFL-CIO, to support the House Equal Pay Bill.
3/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - Leading Republicans were not supportive of the tax increases in Gov. Bob Holden's $620 million transportation plan.
3/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers were set to consider legislation that would exempt the mentally retarded from the death penalty. Meanwhile, the governor was expected to decide whether to go ahead with the scheduled execution of a mentally retarded man currently on death row.
3/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - A month after he said he would take the lead in developing a transportation plan, Gov. Holden unveiled a tax plan to fund the state's transportation.
3/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - House Republicans and Democrats proposed to create a fund for the tobacco settlement money.
3/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - Larry Rice, former gubernatorial candidate, comes to the Capital to lobby for renewable resources. Rice wants the state to use alternative sources of energy in order to alleviate skyrocketing heating costs.
3/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - A bill proposed could give around $30 million to life science research.
3/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - House leaders Monday announced their plan for the Missouri share of the tobacco settlement. They want to send the issue to a vote of the people.
3/ 2/2001:
News summary for the week of February 23, 2001
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Missourians will have a chance to design the state's commemorative quarter as part of a contest announced Thursday by Lori Hauser Holden, wife of Gov. Bob Holden.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - A bill would limit the possibilities of encoded information on driver's licenses in the state of Missouri to protect personal privacy.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - After almost two months in office, Gov. Bob Holden still owes an estimated $320,000 for his January inauguration -- the most expensive in Missouri history.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Firearm legislation dominated the attention in the state Wednesday as the Senate debates shutting down the St. Louis lawsuit against the firmearms industry.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - The firing of a Senate doorman is the first casualty of the Republican-controlled Senate
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Mixing experience with outside leadership, Missouri Gov. Bob Holden nominated four cabinet members Thursday, bringing in two newcomers while keeping two officials from previous administrations.
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