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1999 Health Stories
Newspaper Story - The state's appointed attorney in the recent suit banning Planned Parenthood from recieving family planning money, said the Health Department Director is holding women hostage.
Radio Story - A new federal report recommends that each state provide public records of medical errors that lead to patient deaths.
Newspaper Story - An advisory committee for the federal Centers for Disease Control recommends Missouri consider requiring hepatitis A vaccinations for school children.
Radio Story - A St. Louis County Health Department Spokeswoman says the county is educating the public right now--primarily people who work in restaurants. The Centers for Disease Control says the most effective prevention should begin with children.
Radio Story - Judge Byron Kinder of Cole County has ruled that Planned Parenthood is in violation of state law that orders them to be seperate from its affiliated abortion providers.
Newspaper Story - Judge Byron Kinder ruled that Planned Parenthood can no longer recievce state family planning money and that it must give back over $100,00 to the state that it improperly recieved. Planned Parenthood is still continuing all services and is asking citzens for finacial support. Planned Parenthood will appeal the decision.
Radio Story - The attorney for Missouri hospitals warned legislators that an agreement as to who gets the tabacco money has to be reached by Dec. 2001.
11/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Two legislative leaders in HMO regulation say they are gald UnitedHealth Group announced it will allow doctors to choose which treatments the company will cover.
Newspaper Story - The state-appointed attorney is asking for a judgement bans Planned Parenthood for reciveing family planning money.
Radio Story - Missouri will adopt several new resturant health codes at midnight on Saturday, October 30th. The state has not updated its codes since 1976. The codes will focus on safety in food preparation. The estimated costs for resturants to implement the new codes is 1/3 of a cent per meal.
Radio Story - Judge Thomas Brown of Cole County has been advised to reject the proposed settlement that would create a multimillion dollar foundation for those in need of health care.
Radio Story - Associated Industries of Missouri says the federal lawsuit against the tobacco industry is an abuse of political power. The group expresses concern about the precedent the case may set.
Radio Story - Some Missourians are coming down with the flu after cruises to Alaska. This so-called "Alaskan cruise" does not alarm the Missouri Health Department. The department urges everyone to get a flu shot.
10/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - A sister of deceased inmate Stephanie Summers testified before a panel of lawmakers of pain and death in dealing with the Corrections Department.
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder is appealing a decision that allowed Attorney General Jay Nixon to use undependent attorneys in Missouri's tobacco settlement. Kinder says the attorneys will cost up to 400-million dollars, and says Nixon may be expecting campaign money in return.
Newspaper Story - Now that HB427 is law, it's up to the courts to decide whose interpretation of the bill is the correct one.
Newspaper Story - After courts knocked out partial-birth abortion laws in other states, Missouri's own ban faces a long struggle.
Newspaper Story - The system's efforts to net $1 billion from the $6.7 billion from the national tobacco settlement may be in vain.
Newspaper Story - Abortion is viewed differently in different cultures, religions and parts of the world.
Newspaper Story - It mainly boils down to one word - separation. Months of disagreement would be solved if definition of separation would be agreed upon.
Newspaper Story - A federal lawsuit filed by the US Dept. of Justice on Wednesday against big tobacco won't affect Missouri's state settlement
Radio Story - Last year's settlement with the tobacco companies promised Missouri nearly seven billion dollars. The federal government is suing them again. Members of the Missouri House Tobacco Settlement Committee say they don't know how the suit will effect the state's money. One legislator expresses concerns.
Newspaper Story - A federal judge blocks the new abortion restriction law for at least six months.
Radio Story - A federal judge blocks implementation of Missouri's anti-abortion law until early next year, at the earliest.
Radio Story - The Missouri Right to Life, an anti-abortion group, supports candidates based on voting records. In the past, abortion-rights advocates have been subject to negative campaigning.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers overturn the governor's veto.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate voted to override Gov. Carnahan's veto on a partial birth abortion ban Thursday, and abortion-rights advocates vow they will fight the new law in court.
Radio Story - Opponents, led by Ken Jacob of Columbia, squared off with supporters, led by Ted House of St. Charles, over a possible override of the governor's veto of the partial-birth abortion bill.
Radio Story - Columbia lawmakers say Wednesday's House vote to ban partial birth abortion sets the city apart from others. Governor Carnahan says some representatives were hesitant to vote to sustain his veto of the partial-birth abortion bill for fear of political suicide. But Columbia lawmakers seems immune to that pressure.
Newspaper Story - Thousands gathered to support legislators in their bid to override Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto on partial-birth abortion.
Radio Story - Representative Bill Luetkenhaus says that he will bring a motion to end debate and vote on whether or not to overturn Carnahan's veto of the partial-birth abortion bill.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House voted 127-34 to override Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto and ban partial birth abortion.
Radio Story - The House overwhelmingly voted to override the governor's veto on the partial-birth abortion bill.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Bill Luetkenhaus, D-Josephville, accused Gov. Carnahan and his allies of promoting a fear of violence about the partial-birth abortion bill.
Radio Story - Governor Carnahan met with top lawmakers to discuss a possible delay of the abortion bill veto session. This delay would give the bill's opponents time to campaign. Proponents say a delay is unconstitutional.
Radio Story - Governor Carnahan met with top lawmakers to discuss options he can take for the veto session. One option would delay floor discussions. The bill's supporters say a delay is undemocratic.
Radio Story - With a crowd of close to 5000 expected at the capital, security forces have been increased in case of possible violence.
Newspaper Story - The governor and legislative leaders are discussing a possible special session on a partial-birth abortion ban.
9/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Supreme Court hears arguments by Blue Cross as to why it should be allowed to become profit-making.
9/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Senate sponsor of the partial-birth abortion bill Ted House and Catholic lobbyist Lou DeFeo say the governor is wrong in saying the bill can be used as a legal defense for violence against an abortion doctor.
9/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Attourney General Jay Nixon announced that Missouri will be getting an estimated $6.7 billion in the tobacco settlement, but Missouri has yet to receive one cent of the money due to appeals.
9/ 8/1999:
Radio Story - Governor Mel Carnahan faces off against the Missouri Catholic Conference on his veto against a partial-birth abortion bill. Anti-abortion lobbyist Lou DeFeo represented the MO Catholic Conference.
9/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - The governor debates the Catholic Conference lobbyist over vetoed abortion legislation.
9/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - Some pharmacists say the Procare website doesn't properly warn customers about the dangers of mixing drugs. Attorney General Jay Nixon put a temporary restraining order on the website.
9/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - The format for the Carnahan/Abortion-Rights opponents discussion has been altered. Instead of a one-on-one discussion between Carnahan and the head of the Missouri Catholic Conference, Lou DeFeo, the talk will now include experts from both sides of the partial-birth abortion issue.
9/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon filed a temporary restrainng order against two online pharmacies. His spokesman says the sales are dangerous and illegal for Missouri residents. He says the sites have weak background checks. Currently Missouri law prohibits dispensing prescription drugs without a proper license.
9/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's governor and the executive director of Missouri's Catholic Conference hold their historic debate over abortion in Jefferson City.
9/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri inmates claim care at correctional facilities are insuffcient and call for independent investigation
9/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - In an unprecedented move, Governor Mel Carnahan has agreed to discuss his Partial Birth Abortion Veto with officials form the Missouri Catholic Conference.
9/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - The governor's proposed debate on his veto of the abortion-restriction bill is generating its own debate from GOP lawmakers.
Newspaper Story - A group of physicans has called on the legislature to override the governor's veto of the partial-birth abortion ban.
Radio Story - State Department of Health has begun a new study aimed to look at a problem affecting one in three -- obesity.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent bills to the Governor to raise retirement benefits, ban some types of abortions, and delay tax relief
5/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - The recent filibuster brought back memories of a Capitol legend - Bill Blackwell
5/ 6/1999:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent a bill to the governor that makes it harder for Planned Parenthood to receive state family planning funds.
5/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - A wrap-up of Wednesday's legislative action.
5/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - The legislature approved the appropriations bill that effectively cuts off funding for family planning services.
5/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - A legislative committee chairman's unfriendly reception of his health-care bil all but destroyed any chance o its getting onto the Senate floor for debate. But Harlan responded late Tuesday by adding his bill as an amendment onto a realted mental-health bill.
5/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - The partial-birth-abortion filibuster in the State Senate passed the 30 hour mark amid historical rarity and bizarre events.
5/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers agreed on language intended to deprive Planned Parenthood state money
5/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - While the Senate is debating partial birth abortion, House bills are being put on hold.
5/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - Senator Ken Jacob's amendment for the exemption of the mother's health was defeated with a vote of 23-11.
5/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - As the Senate debate on partial-birth abortion has continued, the chamber's five women have been largely on the outside looking in.
5/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan's demand for a health exemption in the proposed ban on partial birth abortions was rejected by Missouri's Senate Monday.
Newspaper Story - Senators quarreled into the night as abortion-rights supporters tried to stop a bill that backers say will stop partial birth abortion.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Ken Jacob kept the floor for two and a half hours debating Sen Ted House's bill.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tim Harlan's small business health insurance bill is languishing in the Senate
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tim Harlan's nursing home bill given initial approval
Radio Story - The Senate has voted to ban all funding to abortion clinics.
Newspaper Story - An amendment to a House helath-care appropriations bill dangled for more than four hours in the Senate before passing Monday night as legislators debated the fine points of language that will narrow a woman's access to abortion services in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tim Harlan's bill for tax cuts, insurance controls passes House - without opposition
Newspaper Story - Appeals against the state's tobacco settlement have caused another snag in the state's efforts to get its $6.7 billion pay out from the tobacco industry.
Newspaper Story - Thirteen bills were combined into one including measures to exempt the mentally retarded from the death penalty and make identity theft a crime.
4/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Public Health Comittee reversed itself and sent to the full Senate a House-passed bill to ban partial-birth abortions.
4/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - The main issue in this debate is what to include in sex education programs.
4/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Some Missourians don't think dignity gowns are enough - and want universal coverage.
Radio Story - A petition is circulated among senators to revive debate on partial birth abortion ban.
Newspaper Story - A bill banning partial-birth abortion defeated by Public Health and Welfare Committee
Newspaper Story - About a bill that wants to revoke automatically a license of a phisician who has participated in an assisted suicide.
Newspaper Story - The statehouse cafeteria -known as the Hawthorn Room - has been closed because of health risks.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - Legislature moving toward repealing law that required Department of Health to notify landlords three days in advance of inspection.
3/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - A bill banning partial birth abortions was approved by the House.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - The House approves a ban on partial-birth abortions similar to what the governor vetoed two years earlier.
3/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Anti-abortions lawmakers express more confidence about their chances with the new approach of "infanticide" to the partial-birth abortion ban.
Newspaper Story - Extended debate blocked Senate approval of a bill to require abstinence be stressed in sex education.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tim Harlan, D-Columbia, has sponsored a bill lifting a ban on nursing home expansion in some areas
Radio Story - Rep. Sam Gaskill proposed a bill that would require hospitals to offer dignity gowns to patients.
Newspaper Story - Bill to prohibit employment and insurance discrimination on the basis of genetic information.
Newspaper Story - Small business health insurance, a major aspect of Rep. Tim Harlan's agenda, draws criticism from members
Newspaper Story - The House Criminal Law Cimmittee approved Thursday a ban on partial-birth abortion similar to what the governor vetoed two years ago.
Newspaper Story - Off-brand tobacco companies would haveto put up money to state government to sell cigarettes in Missouri under legislation approved Tuesday by the Senate General Laws Committee.
Newspaper Story - Anti-abortion legislators asked a state attorney to request the U.S. Court of Appeals to require Planned Parenthood to return family planning funds.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee has voted to force off-brand tobacco companies to pay into a special escrow account to sell their products in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - A bill sponsored by Vicky Riback-Wilson will bring anonymous testing to Mid-Missouri
Newspaper Story - A few Missouri lawmakers are rallying around a bill to require dignity gowns for hospital patients
Newspaper Story - There's a new name for this year's partial birth abortion bill
2/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - A Senate committee debated what to do with the windfall once it starts coming in next year.
2/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Senate Retirement committee pushes bill to the legislature that will establish a fund to hold the tobacco settlement money while it decides what to do with it.
2/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - A slew of health insurance mandates are coming through the legislature this year
2/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out Planned Parenthood's lawsuit to receive a portion of state family planning funds.
Radio Story - Se. Ted House presented a bill that says Missouri schools should stress abstinence in sex education.
Radio Story - St. Louis representative proposes bill to legalize public breast feeding.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers are urged to legalize breast feeding in public.
Newspaper Story - A proposal for "Respect Life" speciality license plates has drawn fire abortion rights supporters
Newspaper Story - A committee came forward today with a proposal to enhance mental health care coverage for those with severe mental illnesses
Newspaper Story - Missouri Right to Life offered a memorial for the unborns in the Capitol rotunda
Radio Story - Four bills banning partial birth abortions are awaiting committee assingment. The new make-up of the legislature appears to be favorable for abortion foes.
Newspaper Story - Two Republican senators proposed a new plan that would send the money gained from Missouri's settlement with tobacco companies into an escrow account to earn interest.
Radio Story - Republican Senator Betty Sims and Democratic Governor Mel Carnahan agree that tobacco settlement funds should not be refunded to taxpayers.
Newspaper Story - Both Rep. Tim Harlan and key Republicans agree that last year's comprehensive plans is dead
Newspaper Story - As a special committee issues it report today on small-business access to health care, both Republicans and Democrats were uncertain about the prospects for compromise.
1/ 6/1999:
Newspaper Story - Partisan bickering over tax cuts dominating the opening day of Missouri's 1999 legislative session.
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