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Missouri Digital News
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Missouri Digital News
Rep. Ben Harris
2012 Roll Call Votes
Y - CCS SB 749 (09/12/2012): Motion to override the governor's veto of a bill that would allow insurance companies and employers refuse to provide contraception. Requires 109 votes.
Y - SS SB 755 (05/18/2012): Final passage of a bill to make it a crime to disrupt a house of worship.
N - SCS HB 1789 (05/18/2012): Final passage of a bill to allow a student to attend another school if there is a transportation hardship.
Y - SS SB 464 (05/18/2012): Final passage of a bill to prohibit the administration from implementing without legislative approval a health insurance exchange as part of the federal health care law.
Y - CCS SB 749 (05/18/2012): Approval of the final conference version of a bill to prohibit any requirement that an employer cover abortion or a few other medical procedures if it violates religious beliefs.
Y - HCS SS SB 749 (05/16/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit requiring an employer from having to cover abortion or a few other medical procedures if it violates religious beliefs.
Y - SCS HCS HB 1042 (05/16/2012): Final passage to set up a program to require public universities accept transfer credit for 25 courses from other public universities.
Y - HB 1357 (05/15/2012): Prohibit any local ordinance that restricts an agency providing alternatives to abortion.
Y - SS HCS HB 1329 (05/16/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would re-impose local sales taxes on autos purchased out of state that had been struck down by the state Supreme Court.
N - HA 8 HCS SB 636 (05/14/2012): An amendment to restrict lawsuit awards to whistleblowers who suffer job retaliation for their activities.
Y - SS HCS HB 1731 (05/10/2012): Third reading of a bill to transfer $35 million of tobacco settlement money to veterans' programs and ban any government evaluation system of early childhood education services.
Y - HA 4 SS SB 699 (05/09/2012): An amendment to a parole bill that would establish a system for some elderly life-sentence inmates to be considered for parole.
N - HA 8 HCS SB 578 (05/09/2012): Amend a bill on state property that would sole control of the 3rd floor Capitol rotunda to the legislature, the location of the Hall of Famous Missourians where Rush Limbaugh's bust will be placed.
Y - HA 1 SCS SB 715 (05/08/2012): An amendment to a National Guard bill to transfer $35 million of tobacco settlement money to veterans' programs and ban any government evaluation system of early childhood education services.
N - HA 1 HA 7 HCS SB 455 (05/07/2012): An amendment to a higher education bill that would prohibit government operation of the Sue Shear Institute for Women or use of public funds for institute that engages in political activity.
N - HCS HB 1639 (05/03/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to reduce the corporate income tax and expand tax deductions for business income.
N - HCS HB 1546 (05/03/2012): 3rd reading of a teacher-tenure bill that would allow firing of a tenured public school teacher before a non-tenured teacher in some circumstances.
N - HCS SCS SB 569 (04/30/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would repeal the governor's power to fill a vacancy in a statewide-elected office, requiring a special to fill the office.
Y - HCS HB 1869 (04/26/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would impose restrictions and time limits on lawsuits challenging ballot descriptions of statewide ballot issues.
N - HB 2099 (04/26/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to impose limits on punitive damage suits against an employer by a whistle blower.
N - HB 2099 (04/25/2012): Perfection of a bill to impose limits on awards to whistle blowers for job discrimination actions.
Y - HCS HB 1476 (04/19/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to provide tax breaks to businesses to develop an international air cargo transport hub.
Y - HB 1274 (04/19/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to impose restrictions on the drugs that induce abortions.
Y - HB 1543 (04/19/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit implementation in Missouri of the new federal health care law insurance requirements.
Y - HCS HB 1274 (04/17/2012): Perfection of a bill to restrict the sale of any drug than induces an abortion.
Y - HB 1534 (04/16/2012): Declare the federal health care law "void" in Missouri.
Y - HJR 49 (04/12/2012): 3rd reading of a constitutional amendment to establish a right to load weapons and manufactor the parts of firearms.
N - HB 1403 (04/11/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict payments in the Second Injury Fund and other steps to address financial shortfalls in the program that provides health care coverage for previously injured workers.
N - HB 1273 (04/05/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to allow advertising on and inside public school buses.
Y - HCS HB 1515 (04/05/2012): 3rd reading of a bill expanding the elder abuse crime that includes repeal of a provision letting some government employees report child abuse to their supervisors rather than the state.
N - HCS HB 1789 (04/05/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to allow a student to attend another public school if there is a transportation hardship.
N - HCS HB 1789 (04/04/2012): Perfection of a bill to allow a student to attend another school if there is a transportation hardship.
N - HCS HB 1272 (04/04/2012): Perfection of a bill to limit damage lawsuits for suicides in a prison or jail facility.
Y - HCS HB 1258 (03/08/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would restrict a father's right to object to an adoption of his parent, absent demonstration of the father's efforts to develop a relationship with the child.
Y - HJR 52 (03/29/2012): 3rd reading of a proposed constitutional amendment to require a 2/3rds vote of Missourians to pass an initiative dealing with various hunting issues.
N - HB 1046 (03/29/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to require a candidate for U.S. president provide proof of being born in the U.S. in order to be on the Missouri ballot for president.
Y - HCS HB 1541 (03/29/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that gives a health care provider a right to refuse to provide a medical service that violates the provider's conscience.
Y - HB 1512 (03/29/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit a Missouri court from basing a law on a federal law or code.
Y - HCS HB 1324 (03/22/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to establish a legal right to raise livestock.
Y - HB 1326 (03/22/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit a business from banning firearms in motor vehicles on the business's property.
Y - HA 2 HCS HB 2011 (03/21/2012): An amendment to the Social Services Department to appropriate $50 million of federal funds to develop a new computer system for Medicaid enrollment.
Y - HB 1513 (03/08/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit a law from giving a right to an animal not provided to a human being.
Y - HCS HB 1220 (03/08/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to create a pilot program to facilitate contacts between mothers in prison and their children.
Y - HCS HB 1193 (03/08/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to establish a statewide system for tracking and monitoring drug prescriptions.
N - SS SB 572 (03/07/2012): 3rd reading and final passage to a measure that would restrict lawsuits against employers for occupational diseases by their workers.
Y - HJR 45 (03/01/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to create a separate state lottery to provide proceeds to a fund for veterans' homes.
N - HCS HB 1442 (02/23/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to require a special election of a vacant statewide office or U.S. Senate, rather than appointment by the governor.
Y - HCR 41 (02/22/2012): Adoption of a House concurrent resolution declaring the legislature's opposition to the federal health care law, Obamacare, charging the mandates are unconstitutional.
N - HCS HB 1186 (02/20/2012): Perfection of a bill to restricting driving license tests to English only.
N - HB 1104 (02/09/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to require a government-issued photo ID to vote.
N - HB 1219 (02/09/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would impose restrictions on discrimination lawsuits by employees against employers.
Y - HCS HB 1311 (02/09/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to provide various tax breaks to businesses for expansion and new jobs.
N - HB 1219 (02/07/2012): Perfection of a bill to impose restrictions on discrimination lawsuits against employers.
N - HCS HB 1277 (02/07/2012): Rejection of a substitute to remove a ban on toll roads. House defeat of the HCS keeps the toll road ban in the bill.
N - HB 1104 (02/07/2012): Perfection of a bill to require a government-issued photo ID to vote.
N - HB 1135 (01/25/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to require termination dates to administrative rules.
N - HCS HJR 43 (01/19/2012): 3rd reading of a constitutional amendment to impose a limit on the growth of state government spending.
N - HCS HJR 43 (01/18/2012): Perfection of a constitutional amendment that would impose a limit on the growth of state government spending.