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 Roster in  Prior Year $

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FullXGR provides you with an unprecidented access to the activites of your legislators -- going back further than any digital record (futher back than even the House and Senate themselves).

What's more, the descriptions of bills and rollcall votes have been written by a season journalist -- Phill Brooks, who has been covering Missouri's statehouse since 1970.

In our FullXGR page, you have several selection options that may not be entirely obvious:

At the top are to drop-down selection boxes. If you want to see the roster of different a different chamber, just change the selection on the left at the top. Use the selection box on the top right to choose another year.

The top row above the list of legislators are buttons you can click to change the order in which legislators are listed. Most of the categories are obvious. Those that are not are:

Legislator Links

For each legislator, up to five fields will have links, highligted in blue and underlined:

Footnotes and Limitations

MDN's legislative databases go back to 1995 -- well before the World Wide Web existed -- and when we had to store our data on the very-limited storage devices of "floppy disks" and "diskettes."

The limited storage required that our databases be less expansive than now.

For example, we did not begin recording when legislators were term limited until several years after voter adoption of the term-limit constitutional amendment.

And, for some years, we simply did not enter the district numbers into our databases.

Updating those old databases to include that missing information is one of mine (Phill Brooks) priorities.

But I'm including all this older, incomplete databases because the contain information available nowhere else -- unless you want to spend days, if not weeks, trolling through printed state archives of the printed copies of bills and journals!

Finally, if you're curious about the URL for this page (FullXGR), the term "XGR is a very old phrase going back decades that was used in wire service dispatches to designate something involving a "legislature."

XGR kind of fits for a shortened term for legislature. But it actually was used to designate anything coming out of the statehouse.

To this day, I (Phill) continue to use XGR as a designation of the huge variety of files I maintain involving state government stuff.