Missouri Public Defender Director Pleads for Funding Constitutional Right
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Missouri Public Defender Director Pleads for Funding Constitutional Right

Date: September 13, 2016
By: Jack Morrisroe
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 2012

Missouri's public defender director cited a Constitutional right to an attorney while calling for increased funding.
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Wrap: Director Michael Barrett said the inadequate hours a public attorney spends on each case forces innocent people into jail, costing taxpayers more than a well-funded public defender system would.

The director of the Missouri State Public Defender system said he needs three-hundred thirty-two more attorneys to adequately serve the state's poor defendants.

Barrett said the state has made it impossible for him to do his job.

Governor Jay Nixon withheld almost three million dollars from the public defender system, according to the department's annual report. The governor noted that funding was still increased even with the money diverted.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.

The underfunded Missouri public defender system may lead to violence and disrespect of the government, says former Public Defender Commission Chair.
RunTime: 0:40
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Wrap: The Missouri Public Defender system is losing about twenty percent of its employees each year, citing low pay and an inability to do their jobs.

Trial attorneys in the public defender system took on about two-hundred and seventeen cases each in twenty-twelve. There were only two-hundred and fifty-one weekdays that year, including holidays.

The former commission chair, Douglas Copeland, described the department as a 'system in crisis.'

The department reported that Governor Jay Nixon withheld almost three million dollars from the public defender system last year. Nixon said funding was still increased after the money was diverted.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.