Lobbyist Gift Limit Refined by the House
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Lobbyist Gift Limit Refined by the House

Date: January 12, 2017
By: Jack Morrisroe
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 60

The lobbyist gift limit continued to move at an unusually fast pace in the Missouri House.
RunTime: 0:27
OutCue: SOC

Wrap: Republican Representative Justin Alferman defended his bill as a ban, despite concerns over some exceptions. 

Actuality:  ALFERMA2.WAV
Run Time: 00:03
Description: This bill bans lobbyist gifts, pure and simple.

Democratic Representative Lauren Arthur said the measure does not go far enough to limit lobbyist expenditures by allowing meals to be bought for all elected officials.

The House continued to move quickly to give the Senate more time to deliberate.

Reporting from the state Captiol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.

Democrats said the Missouri gift limit would still allow lobbyists to influence elected officials.
RunTime: 0:37
OutCue: SOC

Wrap: Democratic Representative Jon Carpenter said lobbyist gifts shoould not be allowed, even if they are given equally to all elected officials.

Actuality:  CARPENTE.WAV
Run Time: 00:10
Description: I think folks back at home, if you told them that a quarter million dollars a year was spent to buy us meals by lobbyists they would say they think that's a bad thing and that we should stop doing that.

Republican Representative Jay Barnes said Carpenter was mischaracterizing the meals, which he said are informational and provided by well-intended groups.

The bill continues to move at an unusually rapid speed through the House to give the Senate more time to deliberate.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.