Conservative Think-Tank Reports Higher Minimum Wage Would Cost 190,000 Missouri Jobs
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Conservative Think-Tank Reports Higher Minimum Wage Would Cost 190,000 Missouri Jobs

Date: September 1, 2016
By: Jack Morrisroe
State Capitol Bureau

A federal minimum wage hike would eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs in Missouri, a conservative policy foundation reports.
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OutCue: SOC

Wrap: A right-leaning think-tank reported that 190,000 Missouri jobs would be lost if a 15 dollar federal minimum wage passed by 2021.

The Heritage Foundation estimated that about 7 million jobs nationwide would be lost with a federal wage increase.

The report said that "Efforts to create jobs and reduce poverty should not center on forcing employers to pay higher starting wages."

While the effects a 15 dollar increase are not well-researched, a group of 600 economists wrote to Congress asking for a gradual increase to 10 dollars and 10 cents.

Reporting from Columbia, I'm Jack Morrisroe.