One Missouri senator calls for the protection of companies like Uber as some Missouri cities are imposing new regulations
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One Missouri senator calls for the protection of companies like Uber as some Missouri cities are imposing new regulations

Date: February 19, 2015
By: Krista Gmelich
State Capitol Bureau

One Missouri senator sponsored a bill to create a statewide standard for ride sharing services like Uber.
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Wrap: Senator Kurt Schaefer says cities are creating local ordinances that destroy Uber's business model.

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Description: So what the bill would do is allow Uber to operate in Missouri despite the fact that you've got local governments that are trying to balkanize the regulation of it to essentially prevent Uber from operating in the state of Missouri.

The Columbia City Council recently voted to pass a new set of regulations on Uber and similiar ride sharing services.

Columbia Councilwoman Laura Nauser says she doesn't understand the problem with requiring Uber to meet the same requirements as taxi cab companies.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Krista Gmelich.

Companies like Uber would be protected from local regulations if a measure filed before the Senate passes.
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Wrap: Senator Kurt Schaefer says large ride sharing services need to be regulated at a state level.

Columbia Councilwoman Laura Nauser disagrees.

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Description: But I don't certainly want to center more overarching power within the state or the federal government. I mean these cars are driving on our streets. It's no different than any other business liscensing requirement we do with any other business in our community.

Schaefer says Uber is a technology company not a taxi cab company and Columbia's regulations interfere with the company's business model.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Krista Gmelich.