Nixon avoids
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Nixon avoids

Date: September 17, 2015
By: Shannon Shaver
State Capitol Bureau

Governor Nixon avoids talking about the high number of veto overrides during his time as governor.
RunTime:  0:32
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The 2015 veto session overrode 12 of Governor Jay Nixon's 18 vetos to be put into effect in January. Nixon avoiding saying what he will do when the bills become laws and whether he will implement them. Nixon says people should focus on bill substance rather than numbers.

Actuality:  NIXONE.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: That's why I think they want to talk about the numbers, uh and that's why I talked about the substance. But that time has come, they voted, it's over, they're now the law of the land, we move forward.

Nixon has yet to address the high number of veto overrides during his tenure as governor.

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Shannon Shaver. 

Governor Jay Nixon dodged questions regarding the high number of veto overrides during his tenure.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: 12 of the 18 bills Governor Jay Nixon vetoed were overridden during the 2015 veto seassion. These 12 bills will become law this January. Nixon has yet to addressed what he will do when these laws go into effect. He dodged reporter questions regarding the high number of veto overrides during his tenure, saying substance is more important than numbers. 

Actuality:  NIXONC.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: So you betcha they wanna talk about the numbers cause they don't want to talk about the substance. An on the substance, you know, I vetoed the bills for a reason, I take that extremely seriously I've asked everybody to read those veto messages.

Nixon has not said whether he will impliment the 12 overrides or not come January. 

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Shannon Shaver.  

Governor Jay Nixon avoids talking about the implimentation of legislature overrides.
RunTime:  0:30
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Governor Jay Nixon avoided addressing the high number of veto overrides during his time as governor. The legislature overrode 12 of his 18 vetos on Thursday. He has yet to say whether or not he will be implimenting legislative overrides. He says he will continue his work despite lack of support. 

Actuality:  NIXOND.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: I didn't come to this job undefeated and I won't leave it undefeated, but I can tell you the one area where everybody can guaruntee is I'm going to continue to get up real early and work late everynight doing important things.

The 12 bills overrideen by the legislature will go into effect this January.