Senate leader urges lawmakers to do their job
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Senate leader urges lawmakers to do their job

Date: September 9, 2013
By: Hanna Battah
State Capitol Bureau

A top Republican leader says he will support the governor's gun rights law veto.
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Wrap: Ron Richard voted for the bill that would challenge federal gun control laws in May.

Now, he raised questions about the bill and says any override proponents are violating their legislative role if they vote against him Wednesday.

“But the attorney general, prosecuting attorneys around the state…I mean they have some argument that’s valid.  You take an oath to hold up the constitution. Why would you want to hold up something that’s unconstitutional?" said Richard.

He says he suspects a vote will take place because of lobbyists, and continued bipartisan support from lawmakers that fear being labeled as unsupportive of gun rights.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Hanna Battah.

A gun rights measure that's attracted national attention and Missouri General Assembly support has a top Republican leader changing his mind.
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Ron Richard says fellow lawmakers who vote to override the governor's gun bill veto this Wednesday need to read the constitution.

The senator supported the measure in May that would make it illegal to enforce any federal gun control laws. Now, the Senator has raised questions about the bill. 

“Nullification is not ever held up so… it’s okay to make a statement, but if you’re going to put it into law it sends the signal that maybe you haven’t read the constitution, especially our amateur constitution scholars," said Richard. 

He says he thinks a vote to take place from the considerable amount of lobbying, and continued bipartisan support from lawmakers in fear of being labeled as unsupportive of gun rights.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Hanna Battah.