Mid-Missouri's Catholics portray the new Pope
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Mid-Missouri's Catholics portray the new Pope

Date: March 5, 2013
By: Eric Okpeitcha
State Capitol Bureau

A few days before the start of the Conclave, central Missouri's Catholics have thought about what the next Pope should be. 
RunTime:  1:08
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Some Catholics like Mrs Brien, 67 years old, from Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church of Columbia want the next Pope to be younger, capable of defending catholic values.


Actuality:  BRIEN.WAV
Run Time:  00:20
Description: "I think that the next Pope should be sixty in age or be younger and good contact with people, grounded well in Vatican's Law and theology but will stand up for what is right and not be afraid to guide the church faithful, but strong defender of christian values"

Younger Catholics like university of Missouri Staff member Tonya Veltrop, and student Sonia Snyder say the next Pope should be capable of communicating with the World and especially with young people.

In Rome, the Conclave will begin today. Many thousands people are now waiting for the white smoke to announce the election  of the new Pope. 

Reporting from Jefferson City, I'm Eric OKPEITCHA.

Editor's note: Eric Okpeitcha is an Catholic priest who is currently pursuing a PhD at Pontifical University of Holy Cross in Rome. He is reporting for The Missouri Digital News while taking classes at the University of Missouri for the Spring 2013 semester.