Senator slams Nixon as 'do nothing Governor'
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Senator slams Nixon as 'do nothing Governor'

Date: January 14, 2013
By: Elizabeth Hagedorn
State Capitol Bureau

Governor Jay Nixon's relatively short and nonspecific second inaugural address left one Republican senator blasting the governor's rhetoric.
RunTime:  0:45
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Even before Nixon had finished speaking, St. Louis County Republican Senator John Lamping tweeted: "Say nothing speech from a do nothing Governor; business as usual in Jefferson City."

Actuality:  LAMPING3.WAV
Run Time:  00:05
Description: "I think my tweet says it all. There's wasn't much to that speech. Not surprised."
But not all Republicans found Nixon's speech to be short on substance. Republican Senate President Pro Tem Tom Dempsey said,
Actuality:  DEMPSEY2.WAV
Run Time:  00:14
Description: "I think we'll see the more issue-focused speech at the State of the State. I think it was putting his best foot forward, reaching his hand out and recognizing that there's a Republican majority and we need to work together."

Nixon's will present his State of the State address on January 28th.

From the state Capitol, I'm Elizabeth Hagedorn, Newsradio 1120 KMOX.

A perceived lack of substance in Governor Jay Nixon's second inaugural address had one Republican senator blasting the Democrat via Twitter before the speech was even over.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC
Wrap:  Even before the speech was over, St. Louis County Republican Senator John Lamping tweeted, "Say nothing speech from a do nothing Governor; business as usual in Jefferson City."
Lamping says he didn't find Nixon's speech surprising.
Actuality:  LAMPING2.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "The Senate is ready to go. So we're looking to step forward and move quickly, and decisively. And that wasn't exactly a rousing sendoff in that direction."

But of Nixon's call for bipartisanship in speech, St. Louis City Democratic Senator Jamillah Nasheed said:

Actuality:  NASHEED2.WAV
Run Time:  00:01
Description: "It fit the times."

This session, Republicans hold a veto proof supermajority in the House and Senate.

From the state Capitol, I'm Elizabeth Hagedorn, Newsradio 1120 KMOX.