Veterans Committee heard testimony for a bill that would allow Missourians to donate casino winnings.
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Veterans Committee heard testimony for a bill that would allow Missourians to donate casino winnings.

Date: February 7, 2012
By: Ashley Hartman
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 1303

Missouri Veterans Committee heard testimonies regarding a bill asking gamblers to donate money.
RunTime:  0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: In an effort to increase funding for Missouri's Veterans homes, Democratic Representative Chris Kelly proposed a bill allowing Missourians at the casino to donate a portion or all of their winnings. 

Kelly says the bill would not require the casinos to pay for anything. 

Actuality:  KELLYC2.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "All they have to do is pass along money that people at the boats have decided to contribute."

Missouri Gaming Association Executive Director Mike Winter refuted this comment and said they need to take a broader approach and not just focus on the gaming industry. 

The Veterans Committee Chair David Day expects to have a funding bill for Veterans within the next two weeks.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Ashley Hartman.

House Committee heard testimony regarding a complaint that the gaming industry is the only operation being targeted to raise funds for Veterans.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The Missouri House Veterans Committee heard testimonies on Tuesday regarding the plan.

Gaming Association Executive Director Mike Winter opposes a bill that would call upon casinos to ask winners to donate to the Missouri Veterans' fund. 

Actuality:  WINTER.WAV
Run Time:  00:04
Description: "We're being singled out as the gaming industry to do this and no one else is."

Weeks before, Casinos fought against Governor Jay Nixon's proposal that would increase casino entrance fees by one dollar per patron to earn money for Veterans. 

Winter says in order to solve the funding problem, the state needs to include other retail operations to do the same when customers checkout. 

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Ashley Hartman.