State Republicans take action against federal contraceptive mandate
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State Republicans take action against federal contraceptive mandate

Date: February 8, 2012
By: Sarah Duffey
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 1541

A Missouri House bill is timely with Obama's contraceptive mandate.
RunTime:  0:39
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: St. Louis Republican House Majority leader Tim Jones says his bill would allow health professionals to refuse services to patients because of personal beliefs.

Jones, a Catholic, says the bill has important timeliness with the federal contraception mandate.


Actuality:  TJONES1.WAV
Run Time:  00:14
Description: "The contraceptive requirement in the federal legislation that has so upset many members of the catholic faith`, and I coincidently happen to be one of those. I can tell you that was a subject of great concern this weekend after mass."



Both supporting and opposing testimony was heard at the healthcare policy meeting though no action has been taken on the bill.

Reporting from the capitol, I'm Sarah Duffey.

After Obama's contraceptive mandate Missouri lawmakers react with their own bill.
RunTime:  0:40
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A House bill brought before the healthcare policy committee would allow health professionals to refuse service to patients if it violates their conscience or religious beliefs.

Washington University's Dr. Ira Koder says healthcare professionals are meant to serve those in need and should accept the demands of the job.

Actuality:  IRA1.WAV
Run Time:  00:11
Description: "The definition of professional for a physician states that when confronted with a choice to care for a patient or to protect your own welfare we must sacrifice our own security for that of our patients."


Koder says if services are against personal ethics then health professionals should make other career choices.

No further action has been taken.

Reporting from the capitol, I'm Sarah Duffey.


A Missouri healthcare committee hears a bill to counteract Obama's contraceptive mandate.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Democratic Representative Sharron Pace from St. Louis opposed a bill that would allow healthcare professionals to refuse services because of their beliefs.

Pace says this bill opens up a can of worms where anybody can use the law to their advantage.

Actuality:  PACE.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "We're here to help these people and we should be able to offer those services and if we can't and we have a problem with doing what we need to do. Then we should be in another profession, we need to think about that. I can see where this opens up a whole bag of worms."
Healthcare organizations Campaign Life Missouri and Planned Parenthood spoke at the Health Care policy hearing.
No further action has been taken.

Reporting from the capitol, I'm Sarah Duffey.