Expansion of Missouri No Call List Approved in House Committee.
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Expansion of Missouri No Call List Approved in House Committee.

Date: May 1, 2012
By: Mary McGuire
State Capitol Bureau
Links: SB 484; HB 1549

A Senate approved bill that would add automated phone calls to Missouri's No Call List was approved by the House Utilities Committee Tuesday.
RunTime:  0:46
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The bill extends to cell phones and land lines.

Automated phone calls from school districts, Amber Alerts, and work-related calls would be exempt from the No Call List.

Republican Representative Chuck Gosen said the bill will also bar companies from using fake aliases on caller Ids.  

Actuality:  GOSEN1.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "When somebody calls you with an automated call, sometimes it comes up as Saint John's Hospital or something like that, this would have to be truth in advertising, that you couldn't change that or you could hide that. We want to have transparency in the issue."

Violators would be subject to a criminal penalty up to 5 thousand dollars.

Groups making political phone calls would also have to register with the Missouri Ethics Commission and state who the advertisement was "paid for by".

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Mary McGuire.

The Senate Commerce Committee heard testimony regarding legislation that would add cell phones to Missouri's no call list Tuesday.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The bill would also bar solicitors from sending text messages.

Legislative Director for the Attorney General Joan Gummels testified in favor of the legislation.

Actuality:  GUMMEL1.WAV
Run Time:  00:17
Description: "I've asked our no call unit to keep track of calls concerning telemarketing and cell phone numbers, every week it averages almost 190 people since the beginning of session, its been 2,795 people have complained."

The House bill was sponsored by Republican Representative Todd Richardson of Butler.

The Committee will vote on the legislation in the coming weeks.

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Mary McGuire.