The Abortion-Inducing Drug Safety Act discouraged by Planned Parenthood
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The Abortion-Inducing Drug Safety Act discouraged by Planned Parenthood

Date: February 1, 2012
By: Sarah Duffey
State Capitol Bureau

It was a political boxing match between Planned Parenthood and Campaign Life Missouri at the Capitol Wednesday.
RunTime:  0:27
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A bill restricting the sale of the abortion pill heard much opposition at the House Public Health Committee.

Planned Parenthood spokeswomen Michelle Trupiano, says the supporters of this bill are not concerned with the safety of women.

Actuality:  TRUP1.WAV
Run Time:  00:07
Description: "I think that they have no desire in protecting women's health that their goal is to eliminate abortion and if that harms women in any way they really don't care"

The committee did not pass a similar bill last year.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Sarah Duffey.


The day after the Susan G. Komen foundation cut funding to Planned Parenthood, abortion services resumed in Columbia.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Planned Parenthood in Columbia, now offers abortion services after a four month hiatus.

The women's health clinic stopped offering abortions after their main physician was called to active military duty.

The Susan G. Komen foundation is cutting funds to the organization, but spokeswoman Michelle Trupiano says that won't change their goal.

Actuality:  TRUPB.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: "Our commitment is going to remain strong to making sure that women have free breast exams, so we are going to stay strong and committed to making sure that women have access to all the health care needs."

Trupiano says that ties to the Komen foundation were cut because of pressures from anti-abortion groups.

Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Sarah Duffey. 

A family physician says that the abortion pill is safer than pregnancy and anti-abortionist are misdirected.
RunTime:  0:33
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A bill that would restrict the sale of the abortion pill, met strong opposition in the House Public Health Committee.

Dr. Ed Weisbart is a retired family physician from St. Louis county, he says that the abortion drug is safer than pregnancy.

Actuality:  WISEBAR1.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: "This is one of the safest procedures to ever be approved, it's actually safer than going through a pregnancy, and so to protect women's health is really intentionally misdirected in this conversation."

A Planned Parenthood spokesperson says the complication rate for the abortion pill is less than one percent in Missouri.

Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Sarah Duffey.