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2012 Senate Roll Calls
CCS SB 749 (09/12/2012): Motion to override the governor's veto of a bill that would allow insurance companies and employers refuse to provide contraception. Requires 23 votes.
SCS HB 1789 (05/18/2012): Final passage of a bill to allow a student to attend another school if there is a transportation hardship.
CCS SB 749 (05/18/2012): Approval of the final conference version of a bill to prohibit any requirement that an employer cover abortion or a few other medical procedures if it violates religious beliefs.
SCS SB 566 (05/17/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to establish a statewide requirement for vaccination of cats and dogs for rabies.
SS HCS HB 1865 (05/16/2012): An omnibus business tax bill that includes cutting the cap on developer tax credits for historic preservation and creating a new tax credit for sports contest organizers.
SS HCS HB 1329 (05/16/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would re-impose local sales taxes on autos purchased out of state that had been struck down by the state Supreme Court.
HJR 51 (05/01/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to reduce the role of judges and lawyers in the commissions picking appeals court nominees.
SA 1 SS HCS HB 2002 (04/24/2012): An amendment to the education budget to delete a proposed pay increase for Education Department employees.
SA 2 SS HCS HB 2011 (04/24/2012): An amendment to the budget to restore $8.6 million to continue providing Medicaid health care coverage for blind persons with incomes too high to meet Medicaid eligibility.
SCS SB 566 (04/05/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to require dogs and cats be vaccinated for rabies.
SB 727 (04/05/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to expand state-funded child care services for children of lower income parents.
SA 4 SS SB 806 (04/03/2012): Remove absolishing tenure for teachers from a teacher bill and replace it with creation of a task force to study the issue. A vote for the amendment is a vote to retain teacher tenure.
SS SB 572 (03/29/2012): A motion to override the governor's veto of a measure that would restrict lawsuits against employers by workers with toxic diseases.
SS SB 749 (03/29/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to require an employer to provide health insurance that includes abortion, contraception or sterilization.
SB 760 (03/29/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to let the Conservation Commission impose a ten-year hunting license suspension for a fatal hunting accident.
SS SB 755 (03/22/2012): Make it a crime to disrupt a house of worship.
SCS SB 626 (03/22/2012): Impose restrictions on product liability lawsuits. Impose a time limit to file such a lawsuit.
HB 1219 (03/08/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to impose restrictions on employee discrimination lawsuits against employers.
SS SB 572 (02/16/2012): 3rd read of a measure that would restrict employee lawsuits against employers for diseases caused by occupational diseases.
SS SB 592 (02/08/2012): 3rd reading of a bill that would impose restrictions on discrimination lawsuits by employees against employers.
SS SB 464 (02/02/2012): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit the administration from implementing without legislative approval a health insurance exchange as part of the federal health care law.
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