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March 2011 Stories
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House strips Gov. Nixon of additional travel funds as they passed the 2012 budget.
Radio Story - The Missouri House strips Gov. Nixon of additional travel funds.
Radio Story - A Missouri House committee approves state tax credits for a Chinese cargo venture,
NewsBook - News summary for the week of March 28, 2010
Radio Story - A former Missouri teacher, turned politician is arguing for his former colleagues to lose their tenure
Radio Story - Missouri Considers Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
Radio Story - Missouri's House and Senate looks at two bills to expand the texting while driving ban to all drivers regardless of their age.
Radio Story - Lawmakers push the bill that limits funeral protesting
Radio Story - Opponents of giving control of St. Louis Police back to the city have filed suit, saying the ballot language and costs will mislead voters.
Radio Story - The jobs of Missouri's teachers would no longer be secured by tenure under a new bill.
Radio Story - Obama declared Missouri's February snowstorm a major disaster.
Radio Story - School's and Camps are working to prevent childhood obesity.
Radio Story - Missouri's plans for the future of disabled care.
Radio Story - In order to improve the education system in Missouri, supporters think opening more charter schools throughout the state will help
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Transportation faces a dilemma as federal funding has run out for highways.
Radio Story - A federal judge ordered suspect in Arizona shootings to be transferred to Springfield prison facility for mental evaluation
Radio Story - Missouri's State Small Business Credit Initiative application approved.
Radio Story - Missouri still hasn't gotten word from the White house on snowstorm relief dollars
Radio Story - Fake drugs with real consequences continue to vex legislators
Radio Story - The record high costs of farmland is keeping Missouri farmers from buying land.
Radio Story - New Judge picked to preside over case against Missouri prosecutor
Radio Story - A bill requiring Missouri law enforcement agents to perform citizenship checks on sexual offenders passed first-round approval in the House.
NewsBook - News summary for the week of March 14, 2010
Radio Story - A bill passed by the Missouri House would prevent women from getting abortions after 20 weeks of gestation unless have second doctor opinion
Radio Story - St. Louis police officers would have to pay more to retirement plans with Missouri House bill.
Radio Story - Missouri's House passes legislation that expands the rights of gun owners.
Radio Story - Missouri Senators adjourn for spring break leaving 23,000 Missourians unsure about their unemployment compensation extensions.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House forces Highway Patrol to check citizenship status of sexual offenders.
Newspaper Story - Public voices support for expanding charter schools geographically and academically in Missouri.
Radio Story - Citizens protest the possible repeal of the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act
Radio Story - People in support of expanding charter schools testified at a Senate Education Committee with no opposition
Newspaper Story - Concerned constituents came to the Capitol to protest bills that will modify the restrictions placed on dog breeders
Newspaper Story - Payday loan regulations that would restrict loan offices' high rates passed in a House committee.
Radio Story - The House Financial Institutions Committee reviewed two bills that would change payday loan laws.
Radio Story - Missouri disability habilitation centers could close by 2018, according to bill heard in Senate Health Committee
Newspaper Story - House Budget Committee finalizes 2012 budget after brief mark-up session
Radio Story - Nuclear crisis in Japan will not affect plans for a new nuclear plant in Missouri.
Radio Story - The Missouri House Budget Committee concluded within one hour, the shortest it has ever been.
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers hold steady on plans to pursue a second nuclear power plant, despite three explosions at a Japanese nuclear plant
Radio Story - Missouri Senators worked for over four hours Tuesday to finish work on an amendment to the workers' compensation plan
Radio Story - Republican House leaders decide not to vote on legislation that would repeal Prop B.
Radio Story - Doctors who practice while intoxicated would face criminal charges under a newly proposed bill.
Newspaper Story - Doctors performing medical procedures while intoxicated would face criminal charges under a proposed bill.
Newspaper Story - A bill in the House would give the state legislature authority to regulate health care.
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted to impose restrictions on physicians performing abortions
Radio Story - The House Rules Committee voted Monday to pass the Health Care Compact bill to the House floor.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House passed a bill that would ban late-term abortions, except in medical emergencies.
Radio Story - Senators debated a measure that would change the collective bargaining rights of Missouri workers.
Radio Story - Business interest witnesses spoke out against bill that would let employees choose a doctor under workers' comp.
Newspaper Story - A bill to end unions' collective bargaining and begin 'right to work' has made it to the Senate floor.
Newspaper Story - Workers' compensation recipients could choose their own medical provider after on-the-job injuries.
NewsBook - News summary for the week of March 7, 2010
Radio Story - Just four months after Missourians voted to protect dogs, Missouri Senate passed a bill easing Proposition B restrictions
Radio Story - Missouri drivers no longer have the option to take a non-English driver's test.
Radio Story - Missouri Senate votes to limit discrimination protection for government employees while one Republican Senator breaks ranks to oppose the plan
Radio Story - Missouri Senators Will Begin Debate on a Union Issue Proponents are calling Right to Work
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Primate owners urge lawmakers to allow them to keep their monkeys.
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers gave first-round approval to English-only driving tests in Missouri
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Bill heard by House committee will require hospitals to provide emergency contraception for sexual assault victims
3/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - Lawmakers gave first-round approval to English-only driving tests in Missouri
3/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri House held discussion on a bill which would ban late term abortion except in medical emergency.
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - A crowd rallied at the Capitol in support of legislation to advance the rights of Missouri's developmentally disabled
3/ 9/2011:
Radio Story - A new nuclear power plant proposal in Missouri caused debate among Missourians.
3/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - Supporters and dissenters of plans for a Callaway nuclear plant gathered an hour before the doors even opened to get a seat
3/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Patients with prescriptions may have more power when insurance companies try to switch prescription medications, according to a bill in Senate Health Committee
3/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - R. Representative Scott Dieckhaus strikes down hearing for exemption of snow days for public schools in Missouri.
3/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Senate give first round approval to bill that repeals parts of Prop B
3/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate Committee took no action on a bill to let more St. Louis children attend accredited schools
3/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's citizens with mental disabilities testify in support of a bill to grant them rights to service animals
3/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - The amendment to allow a student to be a voting member on the board was deafeated in the House 99-53.
3/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - The governor would no longer be able to charge his travel expenses to other state agencies under new bill language introduced by the House Budget Committee Monday.
3/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee reviews a plan to stop the governor from shifting his travel expenses to other agencies.
3/ 6/2010:
NewsBook - News summary for the week of February 28, 2010
3/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri middle schoolers converge in Capitol rotunda to showcase robots and biomedical research of the future
3/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri Democrats say the political uprising in Wisconsin would never happen here.
3/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Republican leaders avoid a vote on unemployment benefits after their own caucus splits over the issue
3/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Funeral Protesting Bill third read and passed in Missouri's House
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Highway Patrol urges lawmakers to let police penalize adult drivers for texting.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - A Missouri legislative committee is urged to force Planned Parenthood to disclose how it's using federal funds.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - House committee considers a bill which would eliminate having a disability as a reason to remove a child from a home
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri government's labor relations remain subdued as other states battle with unions.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - A head injury educational requirement for coaches is being considered by a House committee.
3/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - The House Health Care Policy committee heard three bills which aim to protect children after a concussion.
3/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - People with disabilities will not have to worry about loosing right to care for their children under this legislation.
3/ 2/2011:
Radio Story - Despite a fillibuster and debate on the Senate floor, the Senate gives a pro-business bill first round approval.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - Control of the state lottery might move to the private sector.
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Crisis in Libya raises gas prices in Missouri
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - A House Elections Bill could make Missouri the first state to knock President Obama from the ballot if he cannot prove his citizenship
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Blood boiled while representatives debated capping the minimum wage.
3/ 1/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House approved a bill that prohibits the state minimum wage from exceeding the federal minimum wage.
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Bill calls for ban on synthetic "bath salt" drugs
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Senate Republican leaders delay a vote on extending unemployment benefits after some in their own ranks filibuster over the plan
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate Commerce Committee was urged cap the amount of damages awarded in lawsuits brought against employers.
3/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - Ameren UE tries again to get funding for a second nuclear power plant.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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