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2011 Revenue Stories
Radio Story - Missouri's treasurer returns the state's largest single return in unclaimed property.
Radio Story - A House bill would require gas stations to post price changes a full day in advance.
Radio Story - Failed Mamtek project in Moberly posed no risk to taxpayers, except those buying bonds in Moberly.
Radio Story - The Department of Economic Development knew Mamtek could fail in Moberly before the plant was built.
Radio Story - A state lawmaker says the governor does not have ability to offer state help to keep St. Louis County parks open.
Radio Story - The Transportation Department's plan for an I-70 toll road comes under legislative opposition.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Legislators disagree on whether I-70 should become a toll road.
11/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - For the third time, committee intends to increase 911 center funding through cellphone tax
11/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Mizzou's SEC switch prompts a legislator's inquiry.
11/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - The state paid $15 million so far this year on natural disasters, but that tab is expected to be much higher.
11/ 1/2011:
Radio Story - A newly formed group looks to stop one Missouri billionaire from eliminating the state's income tax
11/ 1/2011:
Newspaper Story - A Missouri group was created to combat a petition eliminating the state's income tax.
Newspaper Story - A breakdown of tax credits in Missouri, how they work and where the money goes
Newspaper Story - Deal intends to raise Missouri agricultural exports to $4.4 billion without China hub legislation.
Radio Story - Senate Leader says China Hub without sunsets will move to a conference committee.
10/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate committee digs in to determine consequences of failed Chinese development project
10/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri House committee OKs bill without considering Senate-friendly amendments
10/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Senate committee looks into what Mamtek failure means for future Missouri investments.
10/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - House leaders give the legislature's China hub, Aerotropolis bill a new name.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - A Missouri legislative panel looks to easing probation requirements to cut costs and reduce repeat criminals.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate committee and prosecuting attorney investigate Chinese company after defaulted payment
Radio Story - With Governor Nixon's China hub bill stalled, the Senate launches an investigation of another China deal.
Radio Story - A state audit faults Lt. Gov. Kinder for a possible conflict of interest.
Newspaper Story - Legislative leaders make Friday the deadline for the special session.
Newspaper Story - The House meeting for the proposed China hub trade bill got canceled, leaving no deal on the issue.
Newspaper Story - After hearing six hours of testimony, the Missouri House Economic Development Committee delayed a vote.
Radio Story - Missouri state House Representatives have delayed indefinitely any decision regarding the China trading hub.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers propose tax breaks for data centers.
Radio Story - Senate passes modified version of bill regarding China trading hub.
Newspaper Story - Disaster relief bill to aid destroyed businesses now includes tax breaks for new businesses.
Radio Story - A bill providing tax relief to destroyed businesses now extends to new business creation.
Newspaper Story - Missouri senators question the administration's China hub figures.
Radio Story - The administration's China hub project meets skepticism at a Senate briefing.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The House Ways and Means Committee passed a property tax break for Joplin commercial businesses.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - Bi-Partisan Committee blocks Nixon's efforts to leave disaster relief funding out of special session.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The committee believes the money from appropriation is the better approach for natural disaster recovery.
9/ 8/2011:
Radio Story - The House Budget Committee held a public hearing discussing and voting on the natural disaster funding bill.
9/ 8/2011:
Newspaper Story - House committee passes bill to aid businesses in disaster areas
Newspaper Story - Legislators call on Missouri's main welfare agency to terminate an unfulfilled private contract.
Radio Story - The legislature's senior Democrat says Gov. Nixon has had too much flexibility in spending.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senators meet to prepare for special session
Newspaper Story - Missouri's auditor attacks a newspaper editorial over his lawsuit against the governor.
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Committee chair blisters the state's budget director.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers blistered the budget director over the governor's budget cuts.
Radio Story - Senate Committee members say Nixon's spending for natural disaster recovery is unconstitutional
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon puts a jobs package and tax credit reform on the legislature's special session schedule.
5/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - A proposed MoDOT plan will cut 19% of jobs and shut down more than 100 offices
5/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri legislators send a $23 billion budget to the governor.
5/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - The House just sent budget bills to governor that do not allow him to bill his travel expenses.
5/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate passes the budget with cuts to higher education and the governor's travel
5/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - The House and Senate can't reach a deal for the state's operating budget.
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's Auditor releases a partial audit of the Division of Finance and requests bank examination documents.
5/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri House passes legislation to reduce taxes for sawmills.
Newspaper Story - Legislators worked into the late hours of the night Wednesday debting legislation modifying numerous tax credit provisions.
Radio Story - Senate Committee hears testimony over bill that would closely regulate payday loans
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate passes the 2012 budget as some senators warn about a potential budget hole next year.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate passed the 2012 budget Wednesday, despite some senators questioning the state's fiscal future.
Radio Story - Missouri travelers are changing their plans as gas prices continue to rise.
Newspaper Story - Senate appropriations committee adds $20 million to higher education budget reducing for 2012.
4/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate approves the Corporate Franchise Tax and it will be eliminated with the Governor's approval.
4/ 7/2011:
Radio Story - Several Republican Senators end their filibuster over extending unemployment benefits for Missourians after accepting a deal from the Senate's leaders.
4/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - The Lieutenant Governor spent over 35,000 while visiting the St. Louis area
Radio Story - A Missouri House committee approves state tax credits for a Chinese cargo venture,
Radio Story - Obama declared Missouri's February snowstorm a major disaster.
Radio Story - Missouri's State Small Business Credit Initiative application approved.
Radio Story - Missouri still hasn't gotten word from the White house on snowstorm relief dollars
Newspaper Story - House Budget Committee finalizes 2012 budget after brief mark-up session
Radio Story - The Missouri House Budget Committee concluded within one hour, the shortest it has ever been.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - A Missouri legislative committee is urged to force Planned Parenthood to disclose how it's using federal funds.
3/ 2/2011:
Newspaper Story - Control of the state lottery might move to the private sector.
Radio Story - House gives first round approval to the elimination of the corporate franchise tax
Newspaper Story - House gives first-round approval to eliminate corporate franchise tax
Newspaper Story - Missouri's state auditor revealed legislation Wednesday that allows him to audit state departments to standardize operating procedures
Radio Story - The Missouri state auditor has proposed a plan that he estimates will save the state millions of dollars.
Radio Story - The House Committee for education appropiations approved a budget for next year.
Newspaper Story - A bill heard in the House will begin the phasing out of Missouri's habilitation centers for people with disabilities, in favor of community living situations.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers target tax-free Internet sales to help Missouri's budget.
Newspaper Story - Presidents of Missouri's universities testified Wednesday on how they would cope with the proposed higher education budget reduction
Newspaper Story - House Appropriations Committee approved a bill to cut budgets 5% for statewide elected officials.
Radio Story - The House Appropriations Committee moved a bill forward that would cut the budgets of state-wide elected officials.
Radio Story - State auditor Tom Schweich unveiled what he calls a more aggressive approach to auditing.
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon says he's opposed to eliminating the income tax and raising the sales tax, saying that would make Missouri uncompetitive.
2/ 9/2011:
Newspaper Story - A former budget director warns repealing the state income tax would "bankrupt" Missouri.
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon has proposed an $8 million increase to the A+ Scholarship Program while calling for a $41 million decrease in overall scholarships
2/ 7/2011:
Newspaper Story - Senators debated two bills that would effectively end the corporate franchise tax in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Missouri business owners and representatives urged Senators today to consider giving state corporations a tax break by eliminating the corporate franchise tax.
Radio Story - The House passes welfare drug testing by an overwhelming majority
Newspaper Story - Rep. Chris Kelly sponsored a bill that proposes using more sales tax to collect state revenue.
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has proposed a 7 percent cut in higher education funding and eliminating hundreds of state positions.
Radio Story - Ford says it's bringing a new vehicle to its plant near Kansas City, after state lawmakers worked overtime last year to give the company tax breaks.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kurt Schaeffer, R-Columbia, named chairman of Appropriations Committee.
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Transportation has added restrictions to all Red Light Cameras around the state
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