2 million Americans and 43,000 Missourians will be jobless by the end of the month
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2 million Americans and 43,000 Missourians will be jobless by the end of the month

Date: December 2, 2010
By: Jamal Andress
State Capitol Bureau

40,000 Missourians will be jobless with no benefits by the end of the month unless Congress makes an extension. Jamal Andress has more from Jefferson City.
RunTime:  0:51
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Missouri's Unemployment Rate is at 9 percent.

Communications Director for the Missouri Department of Labor Amy Susan says 130,000 of those Missourians have been receiving unemployment benefits.

The benefits given to the unemployed range from $250 to $320 a week.

But Susan says about a third of those people will lose their benefits this year.  

Actuality:  SUSAN1.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "From now until the end of the year, approximately 43,000 Missourians will exhaust some form of benefits, whether it be state benefits or other federally funded benefits."

  John Fougere from the Department of Economic Development suggests that the unemployed take advantage of other government resources.

Actuality:  FOU1.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "Career Centers have a way for people to use these resources free and it's a great way for folks to utilize these services to help them find a job."

The Director for the Department of Labor was unavailable for comment.

From Jefferson City, I'm Jamal Andress.