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February 2010 Stories
News summary for the week of February 22, 2010
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kurt Schaefer, R-Columbia, said Gov. Nixon needs to clarify his budget proposal
Newspaper Story - Missouri Republicans called for inclusion while offering support for U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt during Lincoln Days
Newspaper Story - U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt, Tea Party activists were the focus of the first night of Missouri Lincoln Days
Radio Story - Officials from the Federal Bureau of Prisons disagree over the legality of Jeff Smith's prison Tweets.
Radio Story - The Senate passed a slew of bills, including one which fines pedophiles for downloading child pornography.
Radio Story - On the same day health care was on the national agenda, the Missouri legislature passed a measure to change the way insurance claims are handled.
Newspaper Story - Bill rids 'suspension rule' that allows insurance companies to indefinitely hold claim
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Sunshine Law is being reviewed by the Missouri House and may see stricter provisions from Rep. Timothy Jones, R-St. Louis County.
Radio Story - Debate on a secret-ballot resolution stalled in the Senate on Wednesday as two legislators filibustered the issue.
Newspaper Story - As home inspector bill moves through the House, some opponents claim deals have helped advance it
Radio Story - Missouri has similar laws when it comes to pensions...
Newspaper Story - A bill to give children of illegal immigrants in-state college tuition faced no opposition in a Senate committee Wednesday, but the bill's sponsor still called introducing the bill "an education process."
Newspaper Story - A House committee discussed whether allowing state-funded cell phones makes private phone records public
Newspaper Story - The Mo. Senate rejected ethics reform amendments that they are likely to see again in the House's bill
Radio Story - Senate Republican leaders blocked a vote Wednesday night to halt the revolving door between lawmaking and lobbying.
Radio Story - After discussion concerning per diem cuts in the House Administration and Accounts meeting Wednesday, many legislators wondered if the conversations on their reimbursed private cell phones would be public information.
Radio Story - Public universities could be prohibited from charging out of state tuition for children of illegal aliens.
Radio Story - In the process of cutting five percent from the state budget, the Department of Corrections would be forced to close 2 prisons.
Newspaper Story - Members of the House Budget Committee explored an unconventional method of boosting revenue within the state's Correction Department.
Newspaper Story - Representatives discussed what programs to include or cut in their final draft of the education budget
Radio Story - More than 130 St. Louis City Police arrived in the Capitol to speak out against local control of their police department.
Radio Story - Missourians flooded the capital city today to file for this years elections.
Newspaper Story - Some errors have slowed the progress to ban K2 in Missouri, but bill's sponsor still expects it to pass
Radio Story - A St. Louis police commissioner has resigned to Gov. Jay Nixon, and a spokesman for the governor called it an appropriate step.
Newspaper Story - A proposed bill would deduct $2 twice a month from the governor's paycheck to play the lottery, with potential winnings helping to shore up the budget.
Radio Story - The bill that will change laws regarding controlled substances took a step backward.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Judiciary Committee heard no opposition to a proposed statewide smoking ban.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Elections committee passed a bill that would make changes to the signature-based petition process.
Newspaper Story - An anticipated extension of federal stabilization funds budgeted by Gov. Jay Nixon for next year wasn't included in a U.S. Senate bill passed Monday.
Radio Story - There was no opposition in a state Senate hearing Monday to a bill that would ban smoking in public places.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee passed a bill requiring abortion providers offer an ultrasound to woman at least a day before an abortion.
News summary for the week of February 15, 2010
Newspaper Story - A House appropriations committee rejects a call to trim five percent from the state's prison budget.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon said he will make a quick decision about a controversial Police Commissioner.
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted Thursday to pass a bill that would require insurance companies to cover autism.
Newspaper Story - As debate on ethics continued Wednesday in the Missouri Senate, some lawmakers worried the legislation might be going too far.
Radio Story - Penalties for repeat offenders will increase under proposed DWI bill.
Newspaper Story - The House committee on Administration and Accounting passed a bill that would freeze per diem increases
Newspaper Story - The House Education Appropriations Committee Chair said Wednesday that he is unlikely to recommend cuts to higher education beyond those suggested in the tuition plan reached by Gov. Jay Nixon and higher education officials in November.
Newspaper Story - A bill that would increase Access Missouri awards for students of public universities has been considered again this year in the Missouri Senate.
Radio Story - Universities cut-back in order to deal with tough economic times.
Newspaper Story - House passes bill to extend insurance coverage to children with autism
Radio Story - Missouri House passes autism insurance legislation in a late Tuesday evening session
Radio Story - Legislators shot down a bill that defines nuclear energy as renewable on Proposition C
Radio Story - A House Jobs committee bill would give small businesses a tax credit for hiring teens during the summer.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate heard a bill which would expand DNA testing to those arrested of robbery.
Radio Story - Proposed lowering of the minimum wage brings heated debate to a senate hearing.
Radio Story - Autism treatments may soon be covered by health care but lawmakers debate who will benefit.
Newspaper Story - 'Synthetic marijuana' could be banned if Senate has its way
Newspaper Story - A Senate bill would require physicians to give abortion patients a chance to view an ultrasound of the unborn child 24 hours before an abortion.
Radio Story - The St. Louis Mayor and police go head to head over a bill that would put the St. Louis Police Department under control of the city.
Radio Story - Debate over the impact of seeing an ultrasound dominates the abortion debate.
Radio Story - The St. Louis Mayor and police go head to head over a bill that would put the St. Louis Police Department under control of the city.
News summary for the week of February 8, 2010
Radio Story - The House passes welfare recipient drug testing bill while the Senate holds one back.
Radio Story - The Senate Fiscal Oversight committee placed a hold on an autism coverage bill
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tom Loehner, R-Koeltztown, responded to the animal rights movement with a constitutional amendment this week.
Newspaper Story - Immigration rights groups speak out against legislation to mandate English only driver's license tests.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kurt Schaefer said money allocated to buy an historic Boonville bridge would be better spent on other rail projects across the state.
Newspaper Story - The House gave first approval to a bill that would require a special election to fill Secretary of State position
Radio Story - The House gave first-round approval Wednesday to a bill that would ban Gov. Jay Nixon from appointing a possible successor to Secretary of State Robin Carnahan.
Radio Story - A two for one plan in treating sex diseases was presented to a committee of Missouri legislators Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - After hours of debate and multiple amendments, state senators decided put a a high-profile ethics bill on hold.
Newspaper Story - A proposed Senate bill would allow K-12 students to enroll across public school district lines
Newspaper Story - Icet sent a strongly worded response to U.S. Sen Claire McCaskill urging her to stay out of the Missouri budget process.
Radio Story - After hours of debate, the Missouri Senate decided Wednesday to put a high-profile ethics bill on hold.
Newspaper Story - A bill would lift a ban that prohibits former drug users from using food stamps.
Newspaper Story - A House bill would consider use of force by mental health workers as acts of self-defense.
Radio Story - Representative Icet defends his stance on Missouri receiving federal stimulus money after U.S. Senator McCaskill writes him a letter.
Radio Story - Nearly everyone at a Senate education committee hearing agreed that Missouri's public schools are in bad shape, but, how to fix the problem was up for debate.
Radio Story - The use of force could be justified for caregivers in the case of self-defense.
2/ 9/2010:
Newspaper Story - Committee members skeptic about increased ban on texting while driving .
2/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - Military rights for gays is debated by a Senate Committee.
2/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - The Senate Commerce committee listened to a Republican senator sell legislation helping identity theft victims.
2/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - An amendment which would require photographic evidence of drivers who run red lights and are caught by red light cameras is withdrawn after heavy debate.
2/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed an amendment clarifying motives of the Balanced Budget Resolution
2/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - A House committee heard why student athletes who suffer concussions should be kept off the field at least briefly
2/ 8/2010:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Joan Bray has filed a bill to allow local governments to post finances online
2/ 8/2010:
Radio Story - With its most recent multi-million dollar investment at One City Center, the state Development Financing Board now owns three downtown St. Louis parking garages.
2/ 8/2010:
Newspaper Story - Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee are mixed about whether they should review tax credits as part of the appropriations process.
2/ 8/2010:
Newspaper Story - The Senate heard a bill that would ban felons from obtaining fireworks permits
2/ 8/2010:
Newspaper Story - The state Senate heard bills Monday that would make it easier for state to sue feds
2/ 8/2010:
Newspaper Story - Missouri agriculture leadership is asking voters across the state to not sign 'puppy mill' initiative because of a slippery animal rights slope.
2/ 7/2010:
News summary for the week of February 1, 2010
2/ 4/2010:
Radio Story - Missouri's House voted to require drug screening of some welfare applicants.
2/ 4/2010:
Newspaper Story - A new bill in the House would give students the choice to take a ballroom dance class instead of P.E.
2/ 4/2010:
Newspaper Story - Anti-porn bill before Senate comes at the heels of an FBI investigation
2/ 4/2010:
Radio Story - Senate approves Bartle sex shop bill days after he testifies in front of a federal grand jury.
2/ 4/2010:
Radio Story - A new bill asks Missouri make six substances illegal, including designer drug K2.
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - The House delayed debate of a bill Wednesday that would require drug testing for welfare recipients, but an amendment to the bill created controversy on the floor.
2/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - The Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court offered pointed criticisms during his State of the Judiciary address Wednesday.
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - A bill that would require insurance companies to cover autism has passed the Senate.
2/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - A statewide DWI tracking system would crack down on repeat offenders.
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - House Speaker Pro Tem Bryan Pratt disagrees with Price; says criminals should stay in prison
2/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate passed a bill that would require insurance companies to cover autism.
2/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Progress and Development Committee heard testimony on a bill prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - One week after the state Gaming Commission voted to strip the President riverboat casino of its gaming license, a Senate committee heard a bill Wednesday that its sponsor says would overturn the ruling.
2/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - The largest of Gov. Jay Nixon's latest withholdings won't hold back a public safety radio communication plan.
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - Legislators consider changes to laws about driving while intoxicated.
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - The Dropout Prevention Task Force discussed the content of its report.
2/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - A bill that would help prevent sexual orientation discrimination left Senators at a committee hearing silent.
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - State representatives urged the Senate Rules Committee to support resolutions to increase state rights
2/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - More budget cuts made by the state administration as tax revenues drop below expectations.
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - An proposed amendment that would include welfare recipients in autism care stalled a Senate vote.
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - A Missouri Congressional candidate urges keeping the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for gays
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - The House is undergoing discussions on an amendment that would require drug tests for elected officials
2/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - An effort to include welfare recipients in the autism insurance requirement stalled Senate action.
2/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate Judiciary Committee chair testifies before federal grand jury investigating the defeat of his 2005 anti-porn bill
2/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House gave overwhelming approval Tuesday to a bill that would allow Missouri cities to maintain voter-approved tax increases.
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Republican Senator Matt Bartle testifies before Kansas City Federal Grand Jury
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - The state commissioner on higher education, Robert Stein, testifies about state of higher education system.
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Auto dealers push for tougher legislation on franchise laws but Senate suggests they take a different approach.
2/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - With general revenue way down, Missouri will have to continue to tighten its belt says Budget Chair Icet
2/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - Proposed bill would ban smoking in all enclosed public spaces in Missouri
2/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - A bill has been introduced which would bar felons from holding elected office in Missouri.
2/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - A bill to ban felons from holding state office faced no opposition in a Senate committee, although the bill's sponsor says it's not a reaction to the Jeff Smith conviction.
2/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - A letter sent by Higher Education Commissioner Robert Stein to Missouri's public college officials introducing possible cuts is a step in the right direction, said Rep. Chris Kelly, D-Columbia, but would be difficult to implement.
2/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - In a visit to the Missouri Capitol on Monday, the Chinese ambassador to the United States talked trade and Taiwan.
2/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon met with the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. on Monday to discuss making Missouri the hub of air cargo transport in the Midwest.
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