Plaintiff's argue Proposition A will not benefit education in lawsuit hearing
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Plaintiff's argue Proposition A will not benefit education in lawsuit hearing

Date: October 16, 2008
By: Laura Nichols
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: Plaintiffs in lawsuit hearing argue that Proposition A benefits casinos and not education

Laura Nichols has more from the Capitol

OutCue: SOC  

Representative Ray Salva of Jackson County and plaintiff David Knight sued the Secretary of State's Office and the State Auditor's Office on grounds that Proposition A is ambiguous and about helping casinos and not education. 

One component of Proposition A proposes raising casino state taxes one percent and using those revenues to help fund primary and secondary education.

Representative Salva says this is deceitful because there will not be nearly enough revenue to benefit Missouri schools.


Actuality:  SALVA1.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: "I believe that the fiscal note is flawed. The fiscal note was done due to a study from the University of Missouri Saint Louis.  And I think the study plainly shows that there will be a negative impact on the state of Missouri in education rather than a positive."
Attorney for the Yes on Prop A Campaign Chuk Hatfield said the State Auditor determinded Proposition A is going to generate an excess of 100 million in revenue and the plaintiffs cannot show she made an error.
Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Laura Nichols

Intro: Plaintiffs in a Proposition A lawsuit accuse defendants of promoting an unconstitutional log rolling issue.

Laura Nichols has more from the Capitol 

OutCue: SOC

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Missouri Secretary of State and Missouri State Auditor accused Proposition A of being unconstitutional because it contains many components.

Proposition A states that it will repeal the current individual maximum loss limit and create an education fund from tax proceeds, and require annual audits of the new fund.

Attorney for the Yes on Prop A Campaign Chuk Hatfield said Proposition A is not too complicated.

Hatfield says it is common for a proposition to contain several components.


Actuality:  HATFIEL1.WAV
Run Time: 00:16
Description: "The legislature passes the bill; they frequently include several different provisions and the issue is are they are related to the same general subject.  The law is very clear on that. In this case there is one general subject which has to do with raising revenue from gaming in order to fund the schools."

Plaintiff David Knight said that Proposition A contains seven conflicting proponents which force people to vote against things they might normally vote for.

Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Laura Nichols



Intro: Plaintiffs in the lawsuit involving Proposition A called it unconstitutional during hearing

Laura Nichols has more from the Capitol

OutCue: SOC
Plaintiffs Representative Ray Salva from Jackson County and David Knight claim that Proposition A is illegal because of its content. Proposition A states that it will repeal the current individual maximum loss limits and will create an educational fund from tax proceeds. Knight said the seven components of the Proposition are conflicting and may be confusing to voters.
Actuality:  KNIGHT2.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: "The petitioner would bundle together several different issues in the hopes that by bundling those together they can either sneak one through of have people vote the lesser of the evils."
Chuk Hatfield who is the Attorney for the Vote Yes for Prop A Campaign said the components of Proposition A all serve the general subject of raising revenue from gaming in order to fund the schools.
Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Laura Nichols