Harris urges governor to re-examine MOHELA sale
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Harris urges governor to re-examine MOHELA sale

Date: February 19, 2007
By: Rachel Higginbotham
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: The governor's plan for the sale of state loan authority assets has hit another road block after one of the plan's strongest advocates has removed his support. Rachel Higginbotham (HIG-en-bah-thum) has more from the state Capitol.   RunTime:
OutCue: SOC

House Democratic Leader Jeff Harris sent a letter to the governor Monday, retracting his support for the partial sale of the state loan authority's assets.

The letter came after the loan agency's consulting group warned last week that the sale of assets might affect MOHELA's ability to issue affordable student loans.

Harris said this is what opponents to the sale have argued since the plan's inception.

Actuality:  HARRIS.WAV
Run Time: 00:08
Description: "When his expert witness is now basically agreeing with the other side, I think it's time to shift gears and go back to the drawing board and get a new plan."

In his letter, Harris recommended that the state surplus, rather than the money acquired from the sold assets, be used to fund college building projects.

From Jefferson City, I'm Rachel Higginbotham.

Intro: The governor's plan for the sale of state loan authority assets has hit another road block, but the sale's prime supporter says that's just part of the process. Rachel Higginbotham (HIG-en-bah-thum) has more from the state Capitol. RunTime:
OutCue: SOC

House Democratic leader Jeff Harris had been a strong supporter of the plan to sell state loan authority assets. But after the loan agency's consulting group warned against the sale last week, he's changed his mind.

Harris sent a letter to the governor Monday, retracting his support of the sale.

But Senator Gary Nodler, the sponsor of the bill that would make the sale reality, said he won't change the conditions of the sale based on Harris' letter alone.

Actuality:  NODLER1.WAV
Run Time: 00:17
Description: "I don't think we'll make changes based on that, no. But will there be changes made? Probably. The legislative process will work and the legislation will evolve, and I'm hopeful that we'll put together a package that will pass." 

Representatives from the governor's office could not be reached for comment.

From Jefferson City, I'm Rachel Higginbotham.