Senate discussion blocks vote on bill that would end local health ordinances pertaining to agriculture
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Senate discussion blocks vote on bill that would end local health ordinances pertaining to agriculture

Date: April 3, 2007
By: Micah Wiener
State Capitol Bureau
Links: SB 364

Intro: Discussion in the Senate prevented a vote on a bill that would eliminate local health ordinances relating to large scale livestock production.

Currently, over 20 Missouri counties have local health ordinances regulating Concentrated animal feeding operations.

The bill would create statewide standards that supporters say will protect the environment. 

The bill's sponsor, Republican Chris Koster says different local rules make regulating these large animal feeding operations much more difficult.

Actuality:  KOSTER1.WAV
Run Time: 00:14
Description: "We can lift up the environmental protections of this state.  Bring the entire state under one regulatory structure, and do better, way better for 120 counties than the 20 health ordinances are proposing now."

St. Louis County Democrat Joan Bray strongly opposed the plan, and she wrote an amendment that would outlaw the operations within 10 miles of state parks and historic sites.

From Jefferson City, I'm Micah Wiener