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May 2007 Stories
5/ 20/2007:
News summary for the week of May 14, 2007
Newspaper Story - Legislative term limits had its biggest impact yet on Missouri's legislature
Newspaper Story - One word marked Democrat's feeling of the legislative session -- Punks
Newspaper Story - The passage of the governor's medicaid proposal was overshadowed Thursday when the Senate Minority Leader called the Republican senators
Newspaper Story - The uproar caused by Sen. John Loudon came to a head Tuesday with the approval of an amendment that will outline how midwifery will work and requiring licensing and oversight of all state midwives
5/ 13/2007:
News summary for the week of May 7, 2007
Newspaper Story - Defensive use of force bill faces uncertain prospects
5/ 9/2007:
Radio Story - An amendment to a Missouri economic development bill would legalize ticket scapling for sporting events.
5/ 9/2007:
Newspaper Story - Students have three weeks left to sign up for virtual schools
5/ 9/2007:
Radio Story - Missouri students have started applying to the new Virtual School program. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-sah-LAH-say) has the story.
5/ 8/2007:
Newspaper Story - Coming flood could be second worst in Missouri history
5/ 8/2007:
Radio Story - As the Missouri River's waters rose Tuesday, customers at a nearby lumberyard took advantage of a clearance sale
5/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - If the Missouri General Assembly approves Gov. Blunt's proposed sale of MOHELA assets, Rep. Zweifel vows to petition moving decision to ballot in November of 2008.
5/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives finally passed the sale of MOHELA bill after a fight by many Democratic members to force the bill back to the Senate.
5/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - Repulicans call it the
5/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - Bullying debate leads to the discussion of teaching sexual orientation in schools
5/ 6/2007:
News summary for the week of April 30, 2007
5/ 3/2007:
Newspaper Story - Bill would cap tax levied by cities on telecom companies
5/ 3/2007:
Newspaper Story - The governor's Campus Security Task Force met for the first time to begin plans for a report on Higher Education.
5/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - While public attention has focused on illegal immigrants, Missouri is home to thousands of legal hispanic immigrants.
5/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - Hundreds rallied at the state Capitol, calling upon Governor Blunt and legislators to take measurable action against poverty.
5/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - Gunman Cho Seung-Hui of Virginia Tech could have been stopped under an amendment that was just passed in the Missouri House. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-sah-LAH-say) spoke to the sponsor of the amendment.
5/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - Gov. Blunt nominated Katie Smith to replace Fred Ferrell as director of the Agriculture Department Wednesday
5/ 2/2007:
Newspaper Story - Governor Blunt has picked a new Director of the Department of Agriculture
5/ 2/2007:
Newspaper Story - House committee holds second hearing on HealthNet
5/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - AT&T announces expansion of video and Internet services on the heels of Missouri's passage of statewide video franchising bill
5/ 1/2007:
Radio Story - Missouri's House Higher Education Committee voted Tuesday to keep an amendment which allows legislators without a graduate degree to teach political science at state universities.
5/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - House committee passes MOHELA bill
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