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Health Stories
12/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - Governor calls for $31.2 million for Ellis Fischel Cancer Center
12/ 4/2007:
Radio Story - The MoHealthNet committee set up to oversee the state's new healthcare system met for the first time Tuesday and
12/ 3/2007:
Newspaper Story - Abortion rights activists challenges the governor's right wing abortion advising board.
Newspaper Story - A Republican lawmaker prepares a health care plan to counter the Republican governor's plan.
Radio Story - Missouri veterans' officials react to reports of high suicide rates among veterans.
Radio Story - Missouri veterans tried to persuade a house committee to bring up a piece of legislation which would allow more money to veterans organizations. Fanna (Fawna) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-sel-LAH-say) has more from the Capitol.
Radio Story - A CBS report that shows in 2005 there were 120 suicides each week. The report came just before a House Committee meeting on Veteran Affairs in which witnesses called for funding to create post-deployment housing. Carly Robertson spoke with one woman who testified and has more.
Radio Story - State Auditor finds criminal checks necessary for three state departments
Radio Story - Two statewide agencies have made it easier for Missourians to access health and social services throughout the state. Carly Robertson has more from Jefferson City.
11/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - A Kansas County elections commission accepted signatures on a petition to conduct a grand jury investigation against a allegations against Kansas Planned Parenthood facility.
Radio Story - Despite a Jefferson City High School cross country athlete getting a staph infection, the school continues its current policy of educating students about prevention.
Newspaper Story - One of the new programs for the state's newest healthcare system includes the Chronic Care Improvement Program, which provides health care coaches to work with patients to create a plan of attack for dealing with illnesses, the program includes 53,000 Missourians with various chronic illnesses.
Radio Story - A new strain of staph infection is causing a growing number of deaths in the U.S, and doctors are having trouble recognizing it.
Radio Story - Staph infections kill more people every year than AIDS in the United States, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, raising concerns in the medical community.
Newspaper Story - Increasingly deadly infection reaches schools and communities everywhere.
Radio Story - State health officials and abortion providers are renegotiating provisions of pro-life legislation after a U.S. District judge called for the two sides to compromise. Planned Parenthood says the new law will not stop the educational services they provide to schools.
Radio Story - A Missouri woman died last week due to infection caused by the West Nile virus. While summer is coming to an end, the threat of mosquito bites, and West Nile Virus is prominent until the end of October. Courtney Cox has more from Jefferson City.
Newspaper Story - There are still unanswered questions surrounding Gov. Matt Blunt's new health insurance proposal to help low-income people, according to Missouri Budget Project
Radio Story - The possible release of hazardous materials has one St. Louis City plant teaming up with the state.
Newspaper Story - Missouri prepares dope testing for the Tour of Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Cures Without Cloning submitted a ballot measure to ban human cloning to the secretary of state's office Wednesday
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Health Department dumps the Attorney General as its lawyer in an abortion-rights lawsuit.
Newspaper Story - The passage of the governor's medicaid proposal was overshadowed Thursday when the Senate Minority Leader called the Republican senators
Newspaper Story - The uproar caused by Sen. John Loudon came to a head Tuesday with the approval of an amendment that will outline how midwifery will work and requiring licensing and oversight of all state midwives
5/ 2/2007:
Newspaper Story - House committee holds second hearing on HealthNet
Newspaper Story - A House Republican has proposed an alternate plan for Missouri HealthNet
Radio Story - State Auditor Susan Montee held a press conference Wednesday to discuss the future of the Second Injury Fund.
Newspaper Story - The House Health Facilities Committee chairman delays action on the Medicaid bill until next week.
Radio Story - Schools across the state could see an opportunity to implent a federally structured abstinence only plan. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-sah-LAH-say) was in the House when the vote was taken.
Radio Story - Mental Health Awareness Day draws hundreds to Capitol
Newspaper Story - With just five weeks left in the session, Missouri's House has yet to take up the Medicaid bill.
Radio Story - Bill hands most vaccination charges to insurance companies
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate paved the way for Medicaid reform by approving Missouri Healthnet.
Newspaper Story - Legislation is in response to November's Anderson fire
4/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - Legislators pushing tax breaks for purchasing health care
4/ 4/2007:
Radio Story - The Senate defeated an ammendment to return medicaid coverage to thousands of Missourians Tuesday
4/ 4/2007:
Newspaper Story - FQHC's spirit of prevention is focus of MO HealthNet
4/ 4/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate voted for initial passage of the Medicaid bill. The reform bill had a bumpy journey through the senate but passed Wednesday. Amy Becker has more from the state Capitol.
4/ 4/2007:
Newspaper Story - HealthNet would encourage healthy lifestyle and emphasize primary care.
4/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - After working on the Do-Not-Resuscitate Bill for close to three years, the Missouri House moved up the bill closer to reality. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (high-LAY-suh-LA-say) was in the House chamber for the vote.
4/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - Debate ensued in the Missouri Senate over Republican Senator Charlie Sheild's Medicaid bill.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Matt Blunt was named to a national panel of Governors to improve national health care systems
3/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - Representative Jim Lembke headlines rally at state Capitol to ban cloning in Missouri
3/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - FQHC appropriation passes House
3/ 6/2007:
Newspaper Story - Health and Mental Health Committee reviews bill to reshape Medicaid
3/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - Medicaid debate tied up the Senate Health Committee for three hours Tuesday with the accountibility issue coming up repeatedly.
3/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - All Missourians will be required to have health insurance under Republican bill
3/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - The First Things First Campaign gathered in the Rotonda Thursday in support of reversing 2005's health care cuts
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate votes to let pharmacists give flu vaccinations.
Radio Story - Top ranking State Republicans proposed a new healthcare bill Thursday that would replace Medicaid.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Charlie Shields proposed a bill today to replace Missouri's Medicaid program
Newspaper Story - Law would require physicians offer anesthesia
Newspaper Story - Testimony heard on bill to legalize midwifery
Radio Story - House debates new bill for Ticket to Work program
2/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - Tax incentive would encourage Missourians to buy long-term care insurance.
2/ 6/2007:
Newspaper Story - A resolution that would ban somatic cell nuclear transfer was debated in a House committee today
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - The House Health Committee heard testimony on a bill to undo provisions of the stem cell research amendment approved by voters in November.
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill today which toughens the penalties for those convicted of medicaid fraud and abuse
Newspaper Story - A House committee votes to restore the Medicaid program for lower income disabled.
Radio Story - Long-term health care changes in Missouri could result in tax credit for some state residents.
Newspaper Story - Credit to be used to increase home accessibility
Newspaper Story - Blunt introduces new Medicaid plan
Newspaper Story - Emergency medical workers would be allowed to let people die under a measure before Missouri's legislature.
Newspaper Story - An audit released found the First Steps program for children to be underfunded and understaffed.
Newspaper Story - A day-long filibuster stalled Senate action Thursday.
Newspaper Story - The stem-cell research debate comes before a Senate committee Wednesday in the form of a higher education nomination.
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