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2007 Crime Stories
Newspaper Story - House bill 1352 removes registered sex offenders from university housing
12/ 3/2007:
Radio Story - In response to the suicide of an O'Fallon girl who was reportedly bullied online, Republican State Senator Scott Rupp is proposing a bill to make cyber-bullying a crime.
Radio Story - As the governor continues to put pressure on illegal immigrants, one state department says Blunt's newest issue is actually a non-issue.
Newspaper Story - A reporter for the Kansas City Star was shoved by a officer of the Missouri State Highway Patrol Monday while asking the Gov. Matt Blunt questions about the Scott Eckersley firing.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Jane Cunningham prepares prepares a sexual misconduct bill after AP investigation
Radio Story - The American Bar Association released a statement today calling for a nationwide moratorium on executions until inadequencies are addressed
Newspaper Story - Missouri Bar Association will not take a stance on capital punishment despite the American Bar Association's move to put a stop tp all executions.
Radio Story - Former DUI convicted state representative expects bipartisan support for Chuck Graham.
Radio Story - Maida Coleman will not look to remove Chuck Graham from any committees at this point.
Radio Story - Missouri is leading the way in the decrease of prison population thanks to a recommended sentencing system. Carly Robertson has more from the state Capitol.
Radio Story - It could be months before child-kidnapper Michael Devlin finds his permanent cell in Missouri's prison system.
10/ 1/2007:
Radio Story - Montgomery City features a correctional center where teens in the dual jurisdiction program can finish part of their court sentence.
Radio Story - Currently in the event of an emergency, Missouri does not have a communication system in place for statewide correspondence.
Radio Story - A Missouri Republican Party press release accused Attorney General and Democratic candidate for governor Jay Nixon of illegally using a state vehicle to attend political fundraising events.
Radio Story - After an illegal immigrant drove his SUV into a restaurant patio in Clayton, a member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce does not foresee any serious response from lawmakers.
Radio Story - Blunt unveils tough new policies against illegal immigration.
Radio Story - Blunt outlines policies for enforcing federal immigration laws
Radio Story - Blunt Unveils tough new policies against illegal immigration
Newspaper Story - Defensive use of force bill faces uncertain prospects
5/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - Gunman Cho Seung-Hui of Virginia Tech could have been stopped under an amendment that was just passed in the Missouri House. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-sah-LAH-say) spoke to the sponsor of the amendment.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers have taken another look at campus safety regulations in the wake of Monday's Virginia Tech shootings. Matt Tilden (Till-den) has more from the state Capitol.
Newspaper Story - Virginia's shootings prompt Missouri's governor to appoint a task force on college safety.
Radio Story - Following the shooting of students at the Virginia Tech campus, the Missouri Senate held a moment of silence and prayer for the families and victims of the Tragedy. Amy Becker has more from the state
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate reacts to the Virginia Tech shooting with a moment of prayer
4/ 4/2007:
Newspaper Story - House passes death penalty procedural bill; status of death penalty still up in the air
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House passed legislation today protecting journalist and their sources during legal proceedings
Newspaper Story - Missouri's grassroots gun-lobby optimistic about efforts in Jefferson City
Radio Story - A House bill calls for a four-year stoppage of Missouri's death penalty
3/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kevin Engler wants to create an execution team in Missouri to administer the lethal gas or chemicals
Radio Story - Heated debate rose in the Senate during the discussion of a bill that would modify laws on the use of force. Some senators say the bill focuses on the power of aggression in society.
Newspaper Story - Under a house bill, alcohol vaporizers, which turn alcohol into mist so it can be inhaled, would be outlawed
Radio Story - Republican representative Jane Cunningham said she disagrees with what some women call sexual harassment. She said she supports the governor in his decision regarding the employment of the director of the Department of Agriculture after being investigated for sexual harassment. Fanna (Fauna) Haile-Selassie (High-lay-suh-lah-say) got Cunningham's response.
Newspaper Story - Fred Ferrell resigned Monday, apparently at the request of the governor.
Newspaper Story - Missouri state senators seek to make sex offender registry retroactive
Newspaper Story - Group calls for legislators to hault death penalty
Radio Story - Supporters of a moritorium on the Death Penalty gathered at the Capitol Tuesday to show their support of a new bill which would ban all executions until 2011.
Radio Story - The House of Representatives overwhelming approved two bills to the Senate that would prevent criminal charges for anyone who killed an unwanted intruder in the home. Fanna (Fauna) Haile-Selassie (high-lay-suh-lah-say) was in the House Chamber for the vote.
Newspaper Story - By a 143-4 margin, the House has voted to broaden and clarify the use of defensive force in Missouri
Newspaper Story - Democrats seek to establish a grant to provide funding for urban police departments for use in high speed chases.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Judiciary Committee heard two lethal force bills on Monday night
Radio Story - The bills would allow Missourians to kill anyone breaking into their home or car.
2/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - Senator proposes statewide licensing for private investigators
Newspaper Story - Rep. Deeken seeks a moratorium on death penalty until 2011
Radio Story - Missouri democrats are emphasing a new DNA proposal that will give police a new tool to catch criminals
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House Democratic Caucus will introduce legislation to expand the DNA database.
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