Smoke-free in St. Louis
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Smoke-free in St. Louis

Date: October 11, 2006
By: Fanna Haile-Selassie
State Capitol Bureau


Intro: St. Louis County's council chairman says smoke-free spaces will help businesses, not hurt them. RunTime:
OutCue: SOC

Columbia is the latest Missouri city to become smoke-free, and some restaurant and bar owners are worried smokers will take their business elsewhere. 

This is the main concern according to the Missouri Restaurant Association.

However, St. Louis County's coucil chairman, Kurt Odenwald, says his research shows that is not the case.

Actuality:  ODENWAL2.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: These places aren't hurting businesses, in fact more people are going to these places because there is no smoking.

Odenwald said the main reason behind the smoking ban is public health.

From the state Capitol, I'm Fanna Haile-Selassie.

Intro: St. Louis's chairman of the county council is pushing for a smoke-free city. RunTime:
OutCue: SOC

St. Louis County's council chairman, Kurt Odenwald applauds Columbia, the latest Missouri city to ban smoking. 

Twice he has proposed a smoking ban in St. Louis City.  Each time the ban was rejected by one vote.

Odenwald says a smoking ban transcends arguments of personal preferences.


Actuality:  ODENWALD.WAV
Run Time: 00:11
Description: This is  public health issue, and once people realize this there will be more smoking bans.

The Missouri Restaurant Association opposes the ban, saying people will take their business outside the city just to be able to smoke. 

From the Capitol, I'm Fanna Haile-Selassie