Intro: Questions about the latest plan to sell part of the state's college loan authority are being raised by Missouri's top Democrat.
Hillari Duthoo (DOO-thoh) has the story from the state Capitol.
Under the new plan, the Higher Education Loan Authority's assets would be transferred through another state agency, the Development Finance Board, and on to universities.
But state Democratic Party Chairman Roger Wilson, the former chair of the Senate's Appropriations Committee, has questions:
Actuality: WILSON1.WAV Run Time: 00:12 Description: "It's a new wrinkle: if they send it to the finance board, are they still going to spend it on education projects, or is this going on other projects? I mean, no body's answered that and that was something that kind of jumped off the page at me."
Republican House Speaker Rod Jetton says that by adding this extra step, Blunt is avoiding questions of legality, passing money from one non-for-profit entity to another, and then on to the schools.
In the state Capitol, I'm Hillari Duthoo.