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The Missouri Department of Health says Missourians are at low-risk for bird flu

October 14, 2005
By: Jade Mingus
State Capital Bureau

Planning for the bird flu is quickly becoming a national priority.

Jade Mingus has more from the state capitol on how Missouri's department of health is preparing for an outbreak.

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The Missouri Deptartment of Health says it's taking a middle of the line approach to a possible bird flu outbreak.

Spokesperson for the Office of Emergency Aaron Winslow says the risk of contacting the disease is low.


"For Missourians...unless we are traveling in that region not at risk."

Winslow also says the federal government is working to secure vaccines...but he says the difficult because it is mutating so quickly.

From the state Capitol, I'm Jade Mingus.


The Avain flu is a national concern...the state of Missouri is prepared to issue quarantines in case of a possible outbreak.

Jade Mingus has more from the state capitol.

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The Missouri health department says it will issue quarantines if the bird flu were to show up in humans..

Department Health Emergency coordinator Aaron Winslow says his office will encourage quarantines if the bird flu shows up in Missouri.

"Ask members of a community for a snow day and stay home for a few days to avoid crowded group settings."

Winslow says Missourians shouldn't be worried about avian flu ...he says Missourians who haven't travled to Asia are not at risk.

From the state Capitol, I'm Jade Mingus.